
A collection of legal terms extracted from the Rules of the Superior Courts. More information »

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    Saineoidh gach coimisinéir mionnaí an t-am agus an áit a dtógfaidh sé aon mhionnscríbhinn

    Every commissioner to administer oaths shall express the time when and the place where he shall take any affidavit

    Mura n-ordóidh an Chúirt a mhalairt, déanfar an gealltanas sin a fhorghníomhú i láthair feidhmeannaigh shíochána, eaglaisigh, aturnae, coimisinéara mionnaí nó bainisteora bainc, agus deimhneoidh seisean aithne a bheith aige ar an urra beartaithe.

    Such undertaking shall unless the Court otherwise orders be executed in the presence of a peace commissioner, clergyman, solicitor, commissioner for oaths or bank manager, who shall certify to his knowledge of the proposed surety.