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2 results

    cúnamh leachtachta éigeandála Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 806/2014 lena mbunaítear rialacha aonfhoirmeacha agus nós imeachta aonfhoirmeach maidir le réiteach institiúidí creidmheasa agus gnólachtaí infheistíochta áirithe faoi chuimsiú Sásra Réitigh Aonair agus Ciste Réitigh Aonair, CELEX:32014R0806/GA"
    Context """Níor cheart, per se, gur coinníoll a léiríonn go leordhóthanach nach bhfuil eintiteas, nó gur dócha nach mbeidh sé go luath amach anseo, ábalta a dhliteanas a íoc nuair a bheidh siad dlite an t-éileamh ar chúnamh leachtachta éigeandála ó bhanc ceannais""" Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 806/2014 lena mbunaítear rialacha aonfhoirmeacha agus nós imeachta aonfhoirmeach maidir le réiteach institiúidí creidmheasa agus gnólachtaí infheistíochta áirithe faoi chuimsiú Sásra Réitigh Aonair agus Ciste Réitigh Aonair, CELEX:32014R0806/GA"
    ELA Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Notfallliquiditätshilfe | ELA | Liquiditätshilfe im Krisenfall | Liquiditätshilfe in Notfällen | Kreditgeber der letzten Instanz | Kreditvergabe in letzter Instanz
    Definition Bereitstellung von Zentralbankgeld und/oder jeder sonstigen Hilfe, die möglicherweise zu einem Anstieg von Zentralbankgeld führt, durch eine nationale Zentralbank des Eurosystems an ein solventes Finanzinstitut oder eine Gruppe solventer Finanzinstitute mit vorübergehenden Liquiditätsproblemen Reference "Council-DE vgl. Europäische Zentralbank, Verfahren für die Gewährung non Notfall-Liquiditätshilfe [30.4.2015]"
    Comment Die Verantwortung für die Gewährung von ELA liegt bei der betreffenden NZB, d.h. alle daraus resultierenden Kosten und Risiken sind von der betreffenden NZB zu tragen DIV: ajs 24.6.09; UPD: do, 30.4.2015
    emergency liquidity assistance | lender of last resort | lender-of-last-resort | ELA
    Definition provision by a central bank of central bank money and/or any other assistance that may lead to an increase in central bank money to a solvent financial institution, or group of solvent financial institutions, that is facing temporary liquidity problems Reference "Council-EN, based on: - ECB > Monetary Policy > Emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) and monetary policy, [7.4.2015] - ECB, Agreement on emergency liquidity assistance, 17.5.2017, point 1.2, [19.9.2018]"
    Comment Not all liquidity injections aimed at preventing the spread of a liquidity problem relate to a crisis, as central banks routinely offer liquidity against specified collateral requirements in order to support the orderly functioning of markets.
    aide d'urgence en cas de crise de liquidité | apport urgent de liquidités | fourniture de liquidités d'urgence
    Definition fourniture par une banque centrale nationale (BCN) de l'Eurosystème a) de monnaie de banque centrale et/ou b) de toute autre assistance pouvant entraîner une augmentation de la monnaie de banque centrale à une institution financière solvable, ou à un groupe d'institutions financières solvables, devant faire face à des problèmes de liquidité temporaires, sans que ces opérations n'entrent dans le cadre de la politique monétaire unique Reference "BCE, Procédures relatives à la fourniture de liquidité d'urgence, [20.7.2015]"
  2. FINANCE|financial institutions and credit
    soláthar leachtachta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Tugadh isteach na bearta seo chun feabhas a chur ar choinníollacha airgeadais agus chun go n-éascófaí rátaí níos ísle úis BCE a chur ar aghaidh chuig rátaí margaidh airgid agus iasachta bainc. Tríd is tríd, tugadh isteach cúig cinn de bhearta lárnacha: Soláthar leachtachta neamhshrianta do bhainc sa limistéar euro ag an ráta íosta tairisceana i ngach oibríocht athmhaoinithe (beartas cionroinnte ráta sheasta).' Reference "'Tuarascáil Bhliantúil', [15.7.2015]"
    liquidity provision | provision of liquidity RF:Decision on additional temporary measures relating to Eurosystem refinancing operations and eligibility of collateral (ECB/2012/11) CELEX:32012D0011(01)/EN
    Definition injection of cash into the financial system by a central bank Reference "COM-EN, based on: Fleming, M., ‘Federal Reserve Liquidity Provision during the Financial Crisis of 2007-2009’, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Staff Report No 563, 07/2012. [22.09.2014]"
    Comment During the financial crisis of 2008, when the interbank lending market dried up, the Federal Reserve expanded its liquidity facilities with the intention of enabling the central bank to fulfil its traditional lender-of-last-resort role during the crisis while mitigating stigma, broadening the set of institutions with access to liquidity, and increasing the flexibility with which institutions could tap such liquidity.
    fourniture de liquidités | apport de liquidités | alimentation en liquidités | alimentation en liquidité