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  1. AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|agricultural activity|animal health
    bréagchonfadh Reference "Faofa ag an gCoiste Téarmaíochta, www.tearma.ieFaomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Infektion mit dem Virus der Aujeszkyschen Krankheit | Pseudowut | Juckpest | Tollkrätze | infektiöse Bulbärparalyse
    Definition weltweit verbreitete, virusbedingte und hochansteckende Allgemeinerkrankung vieler Säugetierarten, wobei das Schwein der Hauptwirt ist Reference "Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit > Aujeszkysche Krankheit, (20.2.2019)"
    infection with Aujeszky's disease virus | Aujeszky's disease | Aujeszky disease | pseudorabies | pseudo-rabies | mad itch | infectious bulbar paralysis | infection with ADV
    Definition "disease caused by Suid herpesvirus 1 (SHV-1) [ IATE:139709 ] which infects the central nervous system and other organs, such as the respiratory tract, of a variety of mammals (such as dogs, cats, cattle, sheep, rabbits, foxes, minks, etc.) except humans and the tailless apes" Reference "OIE. Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals 2018. Chapter 2.1.2. Aujeszky’s disease (infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus) (NB: Version adopted in May 2018), [12.9.2018]"
    Comment "It is associated primarily with pigs, the natural host, which remain latently infected following clinical recovery (except piglets under 2 weeks of age, which die from encephalitis). In consequence, the pig is the only species able to survive a productive infection and therefore, serves as the reservoir host. Reference: OIE. Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals 2018. Chapter 2.1.2. Aujeszky’s disease (infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus) (NB: Version adopted in May 2018), [12.9.2018]"
    infection par le virus de la maladie d’Aujeszky | maladie d'Aujeszky
    Definition infection fortement contagieuse due aux herpèsvirus, affectant le système nerveux central des porcs, des bovins, des chiens, des chats, des rats, ainsi que celui de d'autres animaux Reference "Catalogue et Index des Sites Médicaux de langue Française (CISMeF) > Maladie d'Aujeszky [28.11.2018]"
    paralysis bulbaris infectiosa