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1 result

  1. CJEU|LAW|Law on aliens
    víosa dul isteach iolrach Reference "Aithris 8 Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 810/2009 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 13 Iúil 2009 lena mbunaítear Cód Comhphobail maidir le Víosaí (Cód Víosaí) CELEX:32009R0810/GA"
    víosa il-iontrála Reference " [03.03.2014]"
    Sichtvermerk für mehrere Einreisen | Mehrfachvisum | Visum für die mehrfache Einreise
    Definition Visum (für lange oder kürzere Aufenthalte), das seinem Inhaber erlaubt, mehrere Male in das Staatsgebiet einzureisen. Reference Directorate-General for Multilingualism, Court of Justice of the European Union, 26.11.2013 [Translated definition from FR]
    multi-entry visa | multiple entry visa
    Comment A UK 'multiple entry visa' (or multi-entry visa, the terms are used indiscriminately) is not the same as a Schengen multiple-entry visa. . A UK multiple entry visa is one that can be used for any number of separate visits to the UK during the period of its duration.
    visa multi-entrées | visa à entrées multiples | visa multiple
    Definition Visa (de court ou de long séjour) permettant à son titulaire d'entrer plusieurs fois sur le même territoire. Reference Direction générale du Multilinguisme, Cour de justice de l'Union européenne, le 13.06.2013.