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3 results

  1. ENVIRONMENT|deterioration of the environment
    cúisíocht ilpháirtí Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Fall mit mehreren Verursachern
    multi-party causation | multiple party causation
    Definition liability apportioned among various operators on the basis of an equitable assessment of their contribution to the damage caused Reference "COM-EN, based on:United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP): Convention on Biological Diversity. Recent Developments in International Law Relating to Liability and Redress, Including the Status of International Environment-Related Third Party Liability Instruments. [22.9.2010]"
    causalité multiple
    caidreamh fostaíochta ilpháirtí Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    multi-party employment relationship
    Definition "employment relationship in which workers are not directly employed by the company to which they provide their services; instead their employment falls under contractual arrangements involving multiple parties" Reference "COM-ES and COM-EN, based on:ILO > Topics > Non-standard forms of employment > What is a multi-party employment relationship? (23.1.2023)"
    Comment "Temporary agency work (TAW) is a key type of contractual arrangement involving multiple parties. Another type of contractual arrangement involving multiple parties is subcontracting."
  3. TRADE|international trade · INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|international affairs|international agreement · INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS|world organisations|world organisation|World Trade Organisation
    comhshocrú maidir le headráin eatramhach achomhairc Reference Comhairle-GA
    comhshocrú eatramhach Reference Comhairle-GA
    Mehrparteien-Interimsvereinbarung nach Artikel 25 der Streitbeilegungsvereinbarung | Mehrparteien-Interimsvereinbarung | MPIA | Interimsvereinbarung
    Definition Vereinbarung zwischen teilnehmenden WTO-Mitgliedern, im Falle einer Auseinandersetzung als Mittel der Streitbeilegung ein Schiedsverfahren nach Anhang 2 Artikel 25 des WTO-Abkommens in Anspruch zu nehmen Reference "Council-DE, gestützt auf Council-EN und WTO-Abkommen: Die multilaterale Verhandlungen der Uruguay-Runde (1986- 1994) - Anhang 2 - Vereinbarung über Regeln und Verfahren zur Beilegung von Streitigkeiten (WTO), Art. 25 Abs. 1 + 2"
    Comment "vorläufige Vereinbarungen zwischen der EU und anderen Mitgliedern der WTO zur Wahrung der wesentlichen Grundsätze und Merkmale des WTO-Streitbeilegungsmechanismus', solange das WTO-Berufungsgremium funktionsunfähig bleibt"
    Multi-Party Interim Appeal Arbitration Arrangement pursuant to Article 25 of the DSU | multi-party interim appeal arbitration arrangement | MPIA | interim appeal arbitration arrangement | interim arrangement | interim appeal arrangement | interim appeal system
    Definition agreement among participating WTO members to resort to arbitration under Article 25 of Annex 2 ('DSU') of the WTO Agreement as an interim appeal arbitration procedure in the event of a dispute, rather than pursue an appeal Reference "Council-EN, based on Statement on a mechanism for developing, documenting and sharing practices and procedures in the conduct of WTO disputes, dated 30 April 2020 (4.9.2020)"
    Comment "provisional arrangements put in place between the EU and other WTO members to preserve the essential principles and features of WTO dispute settlement for as long as the WTO Appellate Body remains non-operational"
    arrangement multipartite concernant une procédure arbitrale d’appel provisoire conformément à l’article 25 du mémorandum d’accord | arrangement multipartite concernant une procédure arbitrale d'appel provisoire | arrangement d'arbitrage d'appel provisoire | arrangement provisoire | AMPA
    Definition "accord entre des membres participants de l'OMC de recourir, en cas de différend, à l'arbitrage au titre de l'article 25 du Mémorandum d'accord en tant que procédure arbitrale d'appel provisoire, plutôt que d'interjeter appel" Reference "Conseil-FR d'après le site de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), ""Déclaration sur un mécanisme pour l’élaboration, la documentation et la communication de pratiques et procédures pour le déroulement des différends à l’OMC"" (25.9.2020)"
    Comment "Il s'agit d'une solution provisoire convenue entre l'UE et d'autres membres de l'OMC pour préserver les principes et éléments essentiels du système de règlement des différends à l'OMC, tant que l'Organe d'appel de l'OMC ne peut plus fonctionner"