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  1. ENVIRONMENT|environmental policy · INDUSTRY|chemistry|chemical compound
    défheinil pholaclóirínithe Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Language usage 'PCBanna' iolra an ghiorrúcháin
    PCB Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    polychloriertes Biphenyl | polychlorierte Biphenyle | Polychlorbiphenyl | PCB
    Definition "persistenter organischer Schadstoff IATE:889497 , der als Isoliermaterial und in der Kunststoffindustrie eingesetzt wurde; inzwischen verboten" Reference ---
    Comment "s.a. Umweltbundesamt (DE) ""Fact Sheet Polychlorierte Biphenyle"" (4.09.08) DIV: cba, 18.05.2005; UPD: aka, 4.09.08"
    polychlorinated biphenyls | polychlorinated biphenyl | PCB
    Definition any of a group of chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons which are synthesised by direct chlorinating of biphenyls Reference "European Commission, DG Health and Consumers. Fact Sheet on dioxin in feed and food, 20 July 2001, [27.9.2010]"
    Comment "Technical PCB mixtures are still widespread and present today, such as in transformers, building materials, lubricants, coatings, plasticizers and inks. Some of the PCB compounds have toxicological properties that are similar to dioxins and are therefore often termed “dioxin-like” PCBs.In EU legislation, the term PCB includes PCT [ IATE:1230977 ]. See Article 2 (a) of Directive 96/59/EC on the disposal of polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated terphenyls (PCB/PCT), CELEX:31996L0059/EN The different types of PCB chemicals are known as congeners, which are compounds that are distinguished by the number of chlorine atoms and their location on the biphenyl structure. PCB congeners can be divided into the coplanar, the mono-ortho-substituted PCBs, and other non-dioxin-like PCBs. The significance of this designation is that the coplanar and some of the mono-ortho-substituted PCBs have dioxin-like toxicologic effects. Structural nomenclature is available at: [14.10.2011]See also: congener [ IATE:3509884 ]"
    polychlorobiphényles | polychlorobiphényle | PCB
    Definition groupe d'hydrocarbures aromatiques chlorés synthétisés par chloration directe de biphényles. Reference "European Commission > DG Health and Consumers > Overview > Food and Feed Safety > Fiche sur les dioxines dans les denréesalimentaires et les aliments pour animaux, 20 juillet 2001 [15.5.2008]"
    Comment "Les mélanges techniques à base de PCB sont toujours utilisés couramment aujourd'hui, par exemple dans les transformateurs, les matériaux deconstruction, les lubrifiants, les revêtements, les plastifiants et les encres. Certains PCB présentent des propriétés toxicologiques analogues à celles des dioxines et sont donc fréquemment qualifiés de ""PCB de type dioxine"""
    PCBs | PCB | C12H10-xClx | C12H10-xClx