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A collection of legal terms extracted from the Rules of the Superior Courts. More information »

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    • Dlí » Gnás agus Nós Imeachta Law » Practice and Procedure


    iallach a chuireann an chúirt ar dhuine rud éigin sonrach a dhéanamh, go hiondúil rúd atá léirithe go sonrach cheana féin i gconradh

    Is é éileamh an ghearánaí éileamh ar shainchomhlíonadh comhaontaithe dar dáta an lá de , go ndíolfadh an gearánaí leis an gcosantóir oidhreachtáin [ruílse] áirithe i (Nuair is cuí, cuir leis an bhformhuiniú):

    The plaintiff's claim is for specific performance of an agreement dated the day of , for the sale by the plaintiff to the defendant of certain [freehold] hereditaments at (When appropriate add to indorsement):