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4 results

    Limistéar Eorpach Oideachais Reference "Togra le haghaidh Rialachán lena mbunaítear an clár don Eoraip Dhigiteach le haghaidh na tréimhse 2021-2027 (22.10.2019)"
    Context ' Mar fhreagairt air sin an 17 Eanáir 2018, chuir an Coimisiún i láthair pacáiste beart lena ndírítear ar phríomhinniúlachtaí, scileanna digiteacha 66 chomh maith le luachanna comhchoiteanna agus oideachas uileghabhálach. I mBealtaine 2018, seoladh an dara pacáiste beart lena gcuirtear chun cinn an obair chun Limistéar Eorpach Oideachais a thógáil faoi 2025, ina gcuirtear béim freisin ar lárnacht na scileanna digiteacha.' Reference "Togra le haghaidh Rialachán lena mbunaítear an clár don Eoraip Dhigiteach le haghaidh na tréimhse 2021-2027 (22.10.2019)"
    LEO Reference Term-GA
    Europäischer Bildungsraum
    Definition im Zusammenhang mit der Zusammenarbeit in Bildungsfragen definierter Raum, der auf Vertrauen, gegenseitiger Anerkennung, Zusammenarbeit und dem Austausch bewährter Verfahren sowie Mobilität und Wachstum basiert Reference "Mitteilung der Kommission: Stärkung der europäischen Identität durch Bildung und Kultur - Beitrag der Europäischen Kommission zum Gipfeltreffen in Göteborg am 17. November 2017 (COM(2017)0673)"
    European education area | EEA
    Definition "area based on trust, mutual recognition [ IATE:784978 ], cooperation and exchange of best practices, mobility and growth, to be established by 2025, including via: - making learning mobility a reality for all; - removing obstacles to the recognition of qualifications, both at the level of schools and higher education; - modernising the development of curricula; - boosting language learning; - creating world-class European universities that can work seamlessly together across borders; - improving education, training and lifelong learning [ IATE:925719 ]; - driving innovation in education in the digital era [ IATE:912757 ]; - giving more support to teachers; - and preserving cultural heritage [ IATE:1084705 ] and fostering a sense of a European identity and culture" Reference "Commission Communication: Strengthening European Identity through Education and Culture, The European Commission's contribution to the Leaders' meeting in Gothenburg, 17 November 2017, COM/2017/0673 final CELEX:52017DC0673"
    espace européen de l'éducation
    Definition espace reposant sur la confiance, la reconnaissance mutuelle, la coopération et l'échange de bonnes pratiques, la mobilité et la croissance, notamment: - en faisant de la mobilité à des fins d'apprentissage une réalité pour tous; - en supprimant les obstacles à la reconnaissance des qualifications, au niveau tant des écoles que de l'enseignement supérieur; - en modernisant le développement des programmes d'études; - en stimulant l'apprentissage des langues; - en créant des universités européennes d'envergure mondiale qui puissent collaborer sans difficulté par-delà les frontières; - en améliorant l'éducation, la formation et l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie; - en stimulant l'innovation dans l'éducation à l'ère du numérique; - en soutenant davantage les enseignants; - en préservant le patrimoine culturel et - en développant un sens de l'identité et de la culture européennes Reference "Communication de la Commission - Renforcer l’identité européenne par l’éducation et la culture Contribution de la Commission européenne à la réunion des dirigeants du 17 novembre 2017 à Göteborg (COM/2017/373 final), CELEX:52017DC0673/FR [17.7.2018]"
    Comment "Voir aussi: - reconnaissance mutuelle des diplômes, certificats et autres titres [IATE:784978 ] - apprentissage tout au long de la vie [IATE:925719 ] - ère numérique [IATE:912757 ] - patrimoine culturel [IATE:1084705 ]"
  2. EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|education|education policy|education statistics · EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|organisation of teaching|school life|student mobility
    EHEA Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Limistéar Eorpach an Ardoideachais Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Ba cheart go n-aithneofaí le cur chun feidhme Fís 2020 an ról uathúil atá ag na hollscoileanna i mbonn eolaíoch agus teicneolaíoch an Aontais mar institiúidí barr feabhais san ardoideachas, sa taighde agus sa nuálaíocht, agus ról ríthábhachtach á imirt acu i ndáil le Limistéar Eorpach an Ardoideachais agus an Limistéar Eorpach Taighde LETa nascadh.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 1291/2013 lena mbunaítear Fís 2020 – An Clár Réime um Thaighde agus Nuálaíocht (2014-2020), agus lena n-aisghairtear Cinneadh Uimh. 1982/2006/CE, CELEX:32013R1291/GA"
    Europäischer Hochschulraum | EHR
    Definition "der durch die Bologna-Erklärung IATE:929469 definierte Hochschulraum, nicht nur der EU, sondern in ganz Europa, durch dessen Schaffung eine vergleichbarere, wettbewerbsfähigere Hochschulausbildung sowie eine angepasstere Hochschulforschung in Europa ermöglicht werden soll" Reference "vgl. Wikipedia (27.1.10"
    Comment "XREF: Bologna-Prozess IATE:923146 ; s.a. Zus.fassg. d. EU-Gestzgebung (EU KOM) ; DIV: ajs 27.1.10"
    European Higher Education Area | European Area of Higher Education | EHEA
    Definition "outcome of the Bologna Process aimed at increasing academic mobility and the comparability of studies across national systems of higher education in Europe" Reference "COM-EN, based on: The European Higher Education Area, Study in Europe > Resources > The European Higher Education Area, [7.11.2016]"
    espace européen de l'enseignement supérieur | EEES
    Definition espace réunissant aujourd'hui 48 pays, résultat du Processus de Bologne lancé en 1999 qui a mis en place un système de diplômes universitaires facilement reconnaissables et comparables, fondé essentiellement sur trois cycles (Licence/Bachelor - Master - Doctorat), à travers la mise en place d'un système de crédits, la promotion de la mobilité des étudiants, des enseignants et des chercheurs, l'ouverture à l'international, la coopération européenne en matière d'évaluation de la qualité et de collecte de données comparables Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après Eur-Lex > Synthèses de la législation de l'UE > Le Processus de Bologne,"
    Comment "Voir aussi: - IATE:923146 Processus de Bologne - IATE:929469 Déclaration de Bologne"
  3. EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|education|education policy
    creat cáilíochtaí le haghaidh an Réimse Ardoideachais Eorpaigh Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    QF-EHEA Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Qualifikationsrahmen für den Europäischen Hochschulraum
    framework of qualifications for the European Higher Education Area | Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area | QF-EHEA | Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area | Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area | EHEA-QF | EHEA Framework | EQF-LL
    Definition framework providing common reference descriptors for three higher education learning cycles on the basis of the learning outcomes and competences gained, thereby enabling comparison of national qualification frameworks within the European Higher Education Area Reference "COM-EN, based on: - The framework of qualifications for the European Higher Education Area, European Higher Education and Bologna process > Topics > Qualification frameworks > The framework of qualifications for the European Higher Education Area – May 2005, [07.11.2016] - A Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, 2005, p. 57, [07.11.2016]"
    Comment "See also: - European Higher Education Area [ IATE:923144 ] - qualification framework [ IATE:3523207 ] - European Qualifications Framework (EQF) [ IATE:2202656 ]"
  4. EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|education|education policy
    Caighdeáin agus Treoirlínte um Dhearbhú Cáilíochta i Limistéar Eorpach an Ardoideachais Reference "'Caighdeáin agus Treoirlínte um Dhearbhú Cáilíochta i Limistéar Eorpach an Ardoideachais', ES 2015, [21.12.2016] ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Caighdeáin agus Treoirlínte Eorpacha um Dhearbhú Cáilíochta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    ESGQA Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Europäische Standards und Leitlinien für die Qualitätssicherung | ESGQA
    European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance | ESGQA | Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area | European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area | European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area | European Standards and Guidelines on Quality Assurance in Higher Education | ESG
    Definition "set of standards and guidelines for internal and external quality assurance in higher education across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) [ IATE:923144 ]" Reference "Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), 2015,. [07.11.2016]"