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24 results

  1. INDUSTRY|electronics and electrical engineering
    bandaleithead rialaithe i bhfíor-am Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Rialaitheoirí digiteacha, agus iad le chéile le bogearraí tástála tonnchreathaí atá saindeartha, a bhfuil ‘bandaleithead rialaithe i bhfíor-am’ ar mó é ná 5 kHz acu atá deartha chun úsáide le córais tástála tonnchreathaí atá sonraithe in 2B116.a...' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 388/2012 lena leasaítear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 428/2009 ón gComhairle lena ndéantar córas Comhphobail a chur ar bun chun rialú a dhéanamh ar onnmhairiú, ar aistriú agus ar bhróicéireacht ítimí dé-úsáide agus ar iad a bheith ar idirthuras, CELEX:32012R0388/GA"
    Definition an t-uasráta ar féidir le rialaitheoir timthriallta iomlána samplála, próiseála sonraí agus tarchur comharthaí rialaithe a fheidhmiú Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 388/2012 lena leasaítear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 428/2009 ón gComhairle lena ndéantar córas Comhphobail a chur ar bun chun rialú a dhéanamh ar onnmhairiú, ar aistriú agus ar bhróicéireacht ítimí dé-úsáide agus ar iad a bheith ar idirthuras, CELEX:32012R0388/GA"
    Echtzeit-Bandbreite | Echtzeitbandbreite
    Definition maximale Rate, bei der eine Steuerung vollständige Zyklen der Abtastung, Verarbeitung der Daten und Übermittlung von Steuersignalen ausführen kann Reference "VO (EU) 2015/1861 zur Änderung der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 267/2012 über restriktive Maßnahmen gegen Iran, Anhang III, Kategorie II Position 15, 15.B.1.b; ABl. L_274/2015, S.1 CELEX:32015R1861/DE"
    real-time control bandwidth
    Definition maximum rate at which a controller can execute complete cycles of sampling, processing data and transmitting control signals Reference "Council Regulation (EU) 2015/1861 of 18 October 2015 amending Regulation (EU) No 267/2012 concerning restrictive measures against Iran CELEX:32015R1861/EN"
    bande passante en temps réel
    Definition Taux maximal auquel l'organe de commande peut exécuter des cycles complets d'échantillonnage, de traitement de données et de transmission de signaux de commande. Reference "Règlement (UE) 2015/1861 du Conseil modifiant le règlement (UE) n° 267/2012 concernant l'adoption de mesures restrictives à l'encontre de l'Iran, CELEX:32015R1861/FR"
  2. TRADE|distributive trades|distributive trades · ENERGY|electrical and nuclear industries|electrical industry · ENERGY|energy policy · PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH|technology and technical regulations|technical regulations
    gar d’fhíor-am Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'aon trealamh nó suiteáil, ar leibhéal tarchuir agus ar leibhéal dáilte mheánvoltais araon, atá dírithe ar chumarsáid dhigiteach in dhá threo, i bhfíor-am nó gar d’fhíor-am, faireachán agus bainistíocht idirghníomhach agus cliste ar ghiniúint, ar tharchur, ar dháileadh agus ar ídiú leictreachais laistigh de ghréasán leictreachais d’fhonn gréasán a fhorbairt a chomhtháthaíonn iompar agus gníomhaíochtaí na n-úsáideoirí uile atá nasctha leis go héifeachtúil — gineadóirí, tomhaltóirí agus iad siúd a dhéanann an dá rud — d’fhonn córas leictreachais a áirithiú atá éifeachtúil ó thaobh an gheilleagair de agus inbhuanaithe agus a bhfuil caillteanais ísle agus ardleibhéal cáilíochta, cinnteachta soláthair agus sábháilteachta ag baint leis;' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 347/2013 maidir le treoirlínte le haghaidh bonneagair thras-Eorpaigh fuinnimh agus lena n-aisghairtear Cinneadh Uimh. 1364/2006/CE agus lena leasaítear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 713/2009, Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 714/2009 agus Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 715/2009, CELEX:32013R0347/GA"
    Definition Zeitdauer zwischen der letzten Intraday-Auktionsschließung und der Echtzeit beträgt nicht mehr als 15 Minuten Reference "Verordnung (EU) 2017/1485 vom 2. August 2017 zur Festlegung einer Leitlinie für den Übertragungsnetzbetrieb CELEX:32017R1485/DE"
    close to real-time
    Definition time delay between last intraday gate closure and real time, no later than fifteen minutes before real time Reference "European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), Glossary > close to real-time. [14.1.2016]"
    proche du temps réel
    Definition laps de temps, inférieur à quinze minutes, entre la fermeture du dernier guichet infrajournalier et le temps réel Reference "Règlement (UE) 2017/1485 de la Commission du 2 août 2017 établissant une ligne directrice sur la gestion du réseau de transport de l'électricité"
    Comment "Voir aussi: heure de fermeture du guichet infrajournalier entre zones [ IATE:3552608 ]"
  3. córas comharthaíochta dinimiciúla fíor-ama Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    dynamic real-time signing system
    Definition an intelligent transport system (ITS) approach to avoid animal-vehicle crashes using an appropriate sensor technology to detect the presence of animals crossing into the rights-of-way, then activating an upstream flashing signal that warns travellers of the animal danger Reference ITS Toolbox for Rural and Small Urban Areas, 1998, NYSDOT, p.59
    système de signalisation dynamique en temps réel
  4. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|space science
    anailís neas-fhíorama Reference "Faofa ag an gCoiste Téarmaíochta, ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    echtzeitnahe Analyse
    near real-time analysis | near real-time analyses | near-real-time analysis | near-real time analysis | near-real-time analyses | near-real time analyses
    Definition analysis carried out within a maximum of several hours after data sensing Reference "COM-EN, based on:ESA Sentinel Online › User Guides › Sentinel-2 MSI › Definitions, [16.3.2018]"
    analyse en temps quasi réel
    Definition analyse effectuée quelques heures après l'obtention des données Reference "COM-FR, d'après ESA Sentinel Online › User Guides › Sentinel-2 MSI › Definitions, [20.3.2018]"
  5. ENERGY|energy policy|energy policy|energy audit|energy supply · ENERGY|energy policy|energy policy|energy grid · ENERGY|energy policy|energy policy|energy audit|energy consumption
    córas sonraí tomhaltais neas-fhíorama Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comment <<<_not_supplied_>>>
    System für Fast-Echtzeit-Verbrauchsdaten
    Definition System oder Gerät, das von einem intelligenten Messsystem gemäß Artikel 20 Absatz 1 Buchstabe a der Richtlinie (EU) 2019/944 kontinuierlich nicht validierte Fast-Echtzeit-Daten erhält Reference "Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2023/1162 der Kommission vom 6. Juni 2023 über Interoperabilitätsanforderungen und diskriminierungsfreie und transparente Verfahren für den Zugang zu Mess- und Verbrauchsdaten (Text von Bedeutung für den EWR)"
    near real-time data consumption system
    Definition "system or device that obtains the flow of non-validated near real-time data from a smart metering system" Reference "European Commission > Have your say > Published initiatives > Access to electricity metering and consumption data – requirements (2.6.2023) / ENER-2023-80058."
    Comment ‘Near real-time’ refers to the data, while ‘consumption’ is short for electricity consumption and refers to the ‘system’ or ‘device’. For example, this system or device can be a sophisticated ‘consumer energy management system’, or a simple ‘in-home display’ that is connected to the smart meter via a standardised interface, through which it receives the flow of smart meter data at near real-time (‘near real-time data’). Typically, a smart meter will be configured to send specific information (e.g. current meter reads, power quality, power limits and/or device status) to this device, which is accessible to the consumer.
    système de données de consommation en temps quasi réel
    Definition "système ou dispositif qui capte le flux des données non validées en temps quasi réel à partir d’un système intelligent de comptage" Reference "COM-FR, d'après le règlement d’exécution (UE) 2023/1162 relatif aux exigences d’interopérabilité et aux procédures non discriminatoires et transparentes pour l’accès aux données de comptage et de consommation"
  6. ENERGY|energy policy|energy policy|energy audit|energy supply · ENERGY|energy policy|energy policy|energy grid · ENERGY|energy policy|energy policy|energy audit|energy consumption
    sonraí neas-fhíorama um meadrú agus um thomhaltas Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comment <<<_not_supplied_>>>
    Fast-Echtzeit-Mess- und -Verbrauchsdaten
    Definition Mess- und Verbrauchsdaten, die von einem intelligenten Zähler oder einem intelligenten Messsystem in einem kurzen Zeitraum, der in der Regel von Sekunden bis hin zum Bilanzkreisabrechnungszeitintervall des nationalen Markts reicht, kontinuierlich bereitgestellt werden, nicht validiert sind und über eine standardisierte Schnittstelle oder per Fernzugriff gemäß Artikel 20 Buchstabe a der Elektrizitätsrichtlinie (EU) 2019/944 verfügbar gemacht werden Reference "Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2023/1162 der Kommission vom 6. Juni 2023 über Interoperabilitätsanforderungen und diskriminierungsfreie und transparente Verfahren für den Zugang zu Mess- und Verbrauchsdaten (Text von Bedeutung für den EWR)"
    near real-time metering and consumption data
    Definition "non-validated metering and consumption data provided continuously by a smart meter or smart metering system in a short time period, usually down to seconds but up to as long as the imbalance settlement period in the national market, which are made easily and securely available to final customers at no additional cost through a standardised interface or through remote access in order to support automated energy efficiency programmes, demand response and other services" Reference "COM-EN, based on:- European Commission > Have your say > Published initiatives > Access to electricity metering and consumption data – requirements (2.6.2023) / ENER-2023-80058. - Directive (EU) 2019/944 on common rules for the internal market for electricity (recast), Article 20(a)."
  7. EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|information technology and data processing · SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|earth sciences · PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH|technology and technical regulations · INDUSTRY|electronics and electrical engineering
    fíor-am Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Realzeit | Echtzeit
    Definition ein Computer, der im Echtzeit-Betrieb arbeitet, nimmt direkt Einfluß auf den Prozeß, in den er einbezogen ist Reference Microcomputer-Grundwissen,Osborne A,78,SC 9
    real time
    Definition pertaining to the processing of data by a computer in connection with another process outside the computer according to time requirements imposed by the outside process Reference ISO 2382-10:1979,Data processing:Operating techniques and facilities
    Comment The term real time is also used to describe systems operating in conversational mode and processes that can be influenced by human intervention while they are in progress
    en temps réel | temps réel
    Definition se dit du traitement de données effectué par un ordinateur en relation avec un processus extérieur, ce traitement devant respecter des contraintes de temps imposées par le processus extérieur Reference ISO 2382-10:1979,Traitement des données:Techniques et moyens d'exploitation
  8. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences
    RT-PCR aonchéime fíor-ama Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    real time single-step RT-PCR | one-step real-time RT-PCR
    Definition "qPCR1 technique, in which reverse transcription (RT)2 and qPCR steps are both conducted in the same reaction well, reducing the number of sample manipulations required and time to result1qPCR [ IATE:3541735 ]2reverse transcription [ IATE:1464555 ]" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:Life Technologies. One-Step Real-Time RT-PCR Master Mixes, [17.11.2015]"
    Comment "Unlike two-step strategies, all of the cDNA1 is used in the PCR, so a cDNA archive is not available. One-step RT-PCR is most commonly used to process many samples at a time, for one or a few targets per sample. Examples include virus detection and quantification, high-throughput gene expression screening, and simple RNA quantification experiments.1cDNA [ IATE:1073342 ]See also:- reverse transcription [ IATE:1464555 ]- polymerase chain reaction [ IATE:1431892 ]- real-time PCR, qPCR [ IATE:3541735 ]"
    RT-PCR en une étape «en temps réel»
    téacs fíor-ama Reference "Bunachar téarmaíochta [10.7.2019]"
    Context 'ba cheart do na soláthraithe, de bhreis ar ghlór, téacs fíor-ama agus seirbhísí comhrá iomlán a chur ar fáil i gcónaí i gcás ina soláthraíonn siad físeán' Reference "Treoir (AE) 2019/882 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle i ndáil leis na ceanglais inrochtaineachta le haghaidh táirgí agus seirbhísí CELEX:32019L0882/GA"
    Definition foirm téacs-chomhrá i ndálaí pointe go pointe nó cian-chomhdhála ilphointe nuair a sheoltar an téacs a chuirtear isteach ar bhealach ina measann an t-úsáideoir go bhfuil an teachtaireacht leanúnach ar bhonn carachtar ar charachtar Reference "‘Téacs fíor ama’ bunaithe ar: DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States as regards the accessibility requirements for products and services CELEX:52015PC0615 [10.7.2019]"
    real time text
    Definition form of text conversation in point to point situations or in multipoint conferencing where the text being entered is sent in such a way that the communication is perceived by the user as being continuous on a character-by-character basis Reference " European Parliament legislative resolution of 13 March 2019 on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States as regards the accessibility requirements for products and services (COM(2015)0615 – C8-0387/2015 – 2015/0278(COD)) (20.3.2019)"
  10. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences
    bandaleithead fíor-ama Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'I gcás anailíseoirí a bhfuil breis is cainéal amháin iontu, bainfear leas as an gcumraíocht do na cainéil lena saothrófar an “bandaleithead fíor-ama” is leithne, chun an ríomh a dhéanamh.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 388/2012 lena leasaítear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 428/2009 ón gComhairle lena ndéantar córas Comhphobail a chur ar bun chun rialú a dhéanamh ar onnmhairiú, ar aistriú agus ar bhróicéireacht ítimí dé-úsáide agus ar iad a bheith ar idirthuras, CELEX:32012R0388/GA"
    Definition größte Frequenzbandbreite, für die der Analysator Zeitbereichsdaten unter Verwendung der Fourier-Transformation oder anderer zeitdiskreter Transformationen, die jeden Eingangszeitpunkt ohne eine durch Lücken oder Windowing-Effekte bewirkte Verringerung der gemessenen Amplitude von mehr als 3 dB unterhalb der tatsächlichen Signalamplitude verarbeiten, kontinuierlich in Frequenzbereichsdaten transformieren und gleichzeitig die transformierten Daten ausgeben oder anzeigen kann Reference "Verordnung (EG) Nr. 428/2009 des Rates vom 5. Mai 2009 über eine Gemeinschaftsregelung für die Kontrolle der Ausfuhr, der Verbringung, der Vermittlung und der Durchfuhr von Gütern mit doppeltem Verwendungszweck CELEX:02009R0428-20171216"
    real-time bandwidth | real time bandwidth
    Definition widest frequency range for which the analyser1 can continuously transform time-domain data entirely into frequency-domain results using a Fourier or other discrete time transformation that processes every incoming time point, without a reduction of measured amplitude of more than 3 dB below the actual signal amplitude caused by gaps or windowing effects, while outputting or displaying the transformed data Reference "1 signal analyser [ IATE:155284 ] Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items (Recast), CELEX:02009R0428-20171216/EN"
    bande passante en temps réel
    Definition pour les analyseurs de signaux: gamme de fréquence la plus large pour laquelle l’analyseur peut transformer complètement et de façon continue les données temps-domaine en résultats fréquence-domaine à l’aide d’un Fourrier ou d’une autre transformation discrète de temps traitant chaque point de temps entrant sans réduction de l’amplitude mesurée de plus de 3 dB sous l’amplitude réelle du signal causée par un écart ou effet de fenêtrage, tout en produisant ou affichant les données transformées Reference "Règlement n° 428/2009 instituant un régime communautaire de contrôle des exportations, des transferts, du courtage et du transit de biens à double usage (refonte), CELEX:02009R0428-20171216/FR [12.11.2018]"
    Comment "Voir également analyseur de signaux [ IATE:155284]"
  11. ECONOMICS|economic structure|economy
    geilleagar fíor-ama Reference "Cruinniú den Chomhairle Eorpach (23 Márta 2023) – Conclúidí"
    Context 'scód a ligean le luach na sonraí san Eoraip agus an príobháideachas agus an tslándáil á n-áirithiú ag an am céanna, agus leas a bhaint as réitigh an gheilleagair fíor-ama;' Reference "Cruinniú den Chomhairle Eorpach (23 Márta 2023) – Conclúidí"
    Definition Umgebung, in der wirtschaftliche Transaktionen digital und in Echtzeit erfolgen Reference Council-DE in Anlehnung an Conseil-FR
    real-time economy
    Definition environment where all the transactions between business entities are in digital format, increasingly generated automatically, and completed in real-time (as they occur) without store and forward processing Reference "Wikipedia, real-time economy (20.3.2023)"
    économie en temps réel
    Definition environnement dans lequel les transactions économiques se font numériquement et au fur et à mesure, sans avoir besoin d'être stockées pour être traitées par la suite Reference Conseil-FR, notamment d'après Enée Bussac, Blockchain et monnaies numériques. L'avènement de l'économie en temps réel (Dunod, 2022)
  12. EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|communications|communications systems
    córas aimsithe fíor-ama Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    RTLS Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    real-time location system | RTL system | real-time locating system | RTLS
    Definition technology that detects the current geolocation of a target Reference "TechTarget > Application development > Telecom > real-time location system (RTLS), [20.12.2017]"
    Comment "See also:the RTLS Blog, [20.12.2017]"
  13. TRANSPORT|organisation of transport|organisation of transport
    faisnéis fíor-ama do phaisinéirí Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    real-time passenger information
    Definition traffic application which provides en-route transit users with information such as schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, and special events Reference "COM-EN, based on:US Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration. ‘Intelligent Vehicle Initiative Needs Assessment’, November 1999, p. 41, [10.4.2015]"
    Comment Passengers waiting to board are provided with information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, and special events. In addition to general service information, tailored information (e.g. itineraries) can also be provided to passengers.
    information des passagers en temps réel | information en temps réel aux passagers
  14. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science · SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences
    imoibriú slabhrúil polaiméaráise fíor-ama Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Ag an am céanna, chun riosca tarchurtha víreas SARS-CoV-2 a laghdú a thuilleadh, d’fhéadfadh na Ballstáit cruthúnas bailí ar thástáil imoibrithe shlabhrúil polaiméaráise fíor-ama dhiúltach (RT-PCR) a éileamh roimh imeacht: (i) nuair a fuair an taistealaí vacsaín COVID-19 tar éis an próiseas um liostú úsáide éigeandála EDS a dhéanamh ach nach bhfuil an vacsaín sin ar liosta na vacsaíní arna n-údarú san Aontas de bhun Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 726/2004 nó (ii) más amhlaidh gur théarnaigh an taistealaí ó COVID-19 laistigh de 180 lá roimh thaisteal go dtí an tAontas.' Reference "Moladh (AE) 2022/290 lena leasaítear Moladh (AE) 2020/912 ón gComhairle maidir leis an srian sealadach ar thaisteal neamhriachtanach isteach san Aontas agus maidir leis an bhféidearthacht deireadh a chur leis an srian sin,CELEX:32022H0290/GA"
    qPCR Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Dá bhrí sin, na staidéir agus sonraí eolaíocha dílseánaigh arna gcur isteach mar thaca leis an iarratas, is iad sin, mais-speictriméadracht (‘MS’), athshondas maighnéadach núicléach (‘NMR’) agus crómatagrafaíocht mhalartaithe anian ardfheidhmíochta le bailíochtú mhodh an bhraite aimpéarméadraigh bhíogaigh (‘HPAEC-PAD’) agus na torthaí chun aitheantas 6′-SL agus fotháirgí carbaihiodráite atá sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; an tuairisc ar na tréithchineálacha táirgthe salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL agus na tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL atá roghnach, agus na deimhnithe deascaidh a bhaineann leo; an córas um imoibriú slabhrúil polaiméaráise cainníochtúil fíor-ama< (‘qPCR’) agus tuarascálacha maidir le bailíochtú modha le haghaidh na dtréithchineálacha táirgthe salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL agus na dtréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL atá roghnach...' Reference "Rialachán Cur Chun Feidhme (AE) 2023/52 lena n-údaraítear 3-Fúcaishiollachtós arna tháirgeadh le tréithchineál díorthach Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) a chur ar an margadh mar bhia núíosach agus lena leasaítear Rialachán Cur Chun Feidhme (AE) 2017/2470,CELEX:32023R0052/GA"
    PCR fíor-ama Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Forbairt agus bailíochtú measúnachtaí PCR fíor-ama bunaithe ar mharcóirí móilíneacha nua chun Globodera pallida, G. rostochiensis agus Heterodera schachtii a bhrath agus a aithint go comhuaineach.' Reference "Rialachán Cur Chun Feidhme (AE) 2022/1192 lena mbunaítear bearta chun Globodera pallida (Stone) Behrens agus Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber) Behrens a dhíothú agus chun a leathadh a chosc,CELEX:32022R1192/GA"
    córas um imoibriú slabhrúil polaiméaráise cúl-trascrioptáise cainníochtúil fíor-ama Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Dá bhrí sin, na staidéir agus sonraí eolaíocha dílseánaigh arna gcur isteach mar thaca leis an iarratas, is iad sin, mais-speictriméadracht (‘MS’), athshondas maighnéadach núicléach (‘NMR’) agus crómatagrafaíocht mhalartaithe anian ardfheidhmíochta le bailíochtú mhodh an bhraite aimpéarméadraigh bhíogaigh (‘HPAEC-PAD’) agus na torthaí chun aitheantas 6′-SL agus fotháirgí carbaihiodráite atá sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; an tuairisc ar na tréithchineálacha táirgthe salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL agus na tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL atá roghnach, agus na deimhnithe deascaidh a bhaineann leo; an córas um imoibriú slabhrúil polaiméaráise cainníochtúil fíor-ama (‘qPCR’) agus tuarascálacha maidir le bailíochtú modha le haghaidh na dtréithchineálacha táirgthe salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL agus na dtréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL atá roghnach...' Reference "Rialachán Cur Chun Feidhme (AE) 2023/52 lena n-údaraítear 3-Fúcaishiollachtós arna tháirgeadh le tréithchineál díorthach Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) a chur ar an margadh mar bhia núíosach agus lena leasaítear Rialachán Cur Chun Feidhme (AE) 2017/2470,CELEX:32023R0052/GA"
    Echtzeit-PCR | qPCR | quantitative Echtzeit-Polymerase-Kettenreaktion
    real-time PCR | quantitative PCR | qPCR | real-time polymerase chain reaction | real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction
    Definition " PCR technique in which data is collected throughout the amplification process, rather than at the end " Reference "COM-EN, based on: Thermo Fisher Scientific > Life Sciences > Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) > Real-Time PCR > Real-Time PCR Learning Center > Real-Time PCR Basics > Essentials of Real-Time PCR (12.2.2024)"
  15. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|health policy|organisation of health care|public health · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness|epidemic · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science|epidemiology
    faireachas fíor‑ama Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Cinnteoidh ECDC go ndéanfar an t‑ardán digiteach a fhorbairt tuilleadh trína ndéantar sonraí a bhainistiú agus a mhalartú go huathoibríoch, chun córais faireachais comhtháite idir‑inoibritheacha a bhunú trínar féidir faireachas fíor‑ama a dhéanamh i gcás inarb iomchuí, chun críche tacú i dtaobh galair theagmhálacha a chosc agus a rialú.' Reference "Togra le haghaidh Rialachán maidir le bagairtí tromchúiseacha trasteorann ar shláinte, agus lena n-aisghairtear Cinneadh Uimh. 1082/2013/AE, CELEX:52020PC0727/GA"
    faireachas sláinte poiblí fíor‑ama Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    real-time public health surveillance | real-time surveillance
    Definition "surveillance system which captures real-time or nearly real-time health data and scans for anomalies suggesting an outbreak" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: Chretien JP, Tomich NE, Gaydos JC, Kelley PW. 'Real-time public health surveillance for emergency preparedness' (5.11.2020). American Journal of Public Health. 2009;99(8):1360-1363. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2008.133926"
  16. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences|biology|genetics
    imoibriú slabhrúil polaiméaráise cúl-trascrioptáise cainníochtúil fíor-ama Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    quantitative Echtzeit-RT-PCR | Echtzeit-Reverse-Transkriptase-Polymerase-Kettenreaktion
    real-time reverse transcription PCR | real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction | real-time RT-PCR | RT-qPCR | real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction | quantitative RT-PCR | quantitative real-time RT-PCR | real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction | qRT-PCR | RT-(q)PCR
    Definition "in vitro1method for enzymatically amplifying defined sequences of RNA2 1 RNA (related) [ IATE:1073359 ] 2 in vitro (related) [ IATE:1364825 ]" Reference "Jelena Brkic. Real-Time Quantitative Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR) Analysis. BIOL5081. York University, [18.12.2014]"
    réaction en chaîne par polymérase en temps réel après transcription inverse | RT-PCR quantitative | qRT-PCR
    Definition technique ayant pour but de quantifier un type d’ARN initialement présent dans un échantillon par la réalisation d'une PCR (réaction en chaîne par polymérase) à partir d’un échantillon d’ARN d'abord rétrotranscrit grâce à une enzyme appelée transcriptase inverse, qui permet la synthèse de l’ADN complémentaire (ADNc) utilisé pour la PCR Reference "COM-FR d'après le site de Futura-sciences > santé > dictionnaire > RT-PCR, [23.9.2015]"
  17. TRANSPORT|land transport|land transport
    meaitseáil aistear feithicle fíor-ama Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    real-time ride matching
    Definition a traveller information sub-service which enhances the interactive traveller information sub-service by adding functionality to provide dynamic ridesharing/ride matching capability Reference User Service Bundles, User Services, and User Sub-Services, 1.3. Ride Matching and Reservation, 2001, STI Canada
    covoiturage en temps réel
  18. EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|information and information processing · TRANSPORT|land transport
    faisnéis fíor-ama ar chomhroinnt síbe Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    real-time ridesharing information
    Definition a traveller information sub-service which enhances the interactive traveller information sub-service by adding an infrastructure to provide travellers with dynamic information regarding potential ridesharing opportunities Reference User Service Bundles, User Services, and User Sub-Services, 1.1. Traveller Information, 2001, STI Canada
    information de covoiturage en temps réel