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29 results

  1. ECONOMICS · TRADE|marketing|preparation for market
    athstruchtúrú Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Definition ensemble des opérations de grande ampleur menées au sein d'une entreprise dans le but de restaurer ou d'améliorer sa rentabilité Reference Le Journal Des Finances,Le lexique du Trader,1997
  2. BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|accounting|accounting · BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|business organisation|business activity · BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|management|financial management
    athstruchtúrú Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'D'fhonn comhordú ar imeachtaí dócmhainneachta comhalta de ghrúpa cuideachtaí a éascú, agus chun athstruchtúrú comhordaithe an ghrúpa a cheadú, ba cheart go dtabharfaí isteach leis an Rialachán seo a rialacha nós imeachta maidir le comhordú ar himeachtaí dócmhainneachta comhaltaí de ghrúpa cuideachtaí.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) 2015/848 maidir le himeachtaí dócmhainneachta, CELEX:32015R0848/GA"
    Sanierung | Restrukturierung | Umstrukturierung
    Definition organisatorische und finanztechnische Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Leistungsfähigkeit insolventer Unternehmen Reference "Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon [19.8.2014]"
    Comment "v.a. zur Abwendung einer Zahlungsunfähigkeit oder einer Überschuldung XREF: ""Sanierungsplan"" IATE:788999 DIV: do, 19.8.2014"
    Definition significant modification made to the debt, operations or structure of a firm as a means of eliminating financial harm and improving the business Reference "COM-EN, based on: 'Restructuring', Investopedia, [9.12.2016]"
    restructuration | restructurations
    Definition modification de la structure économique et financière d'une entreprise, sous l'effet de différents facteurs (crises, évolution de l'activité ou du secteur, spécialisation) et sous diverses formes (réduction d’effectifs, fusion-acquisition, cession, délocalisation, externalisation, ...) Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après - article Wikipédia, [10.1.2019] - Projet MIRE - Synthèses et recommandations, [10.1.2019] - rapport HIRES, La santé dans les restructurations: approches innovantes et recommandations de principe, [10.1.2019]"
  3. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|enlargement of the Union · EUROPEAN UNION|EU finance · ECONOMICS|economic policy|economic support
    Coiste Bainistíochta PHARE Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Coiste um chabhair eacnamaíoch do thíortha áirithe san Eoraip Láir agus Thoir agus um chabhair chomhordúcháin do na stáit iarrthacha faoi chuimsiú na straitéise réamhaontachais (PHARE) Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    PHARE-Verwaltungsausschuss | "Ausschuss für die Wirtschaftshilfe für bestimmte Länder in Mittel- und Osteuropa sowie zur Koordinierung der Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung der beitrittswilligen Länder im Rahmen der Heranführungsstrategie (""Phare"")"
    Phare Management Committee | committee on aid for economic restructuring in Poland and Hungary | Phare Committee | Committee on aid for economic restructuring in Poland and Hungary | Committee on economic assistance to certain central and eastern European countries and for coordination of aid to the applicant countries in the framework of the pre-accession strategy | Committee on economic assistance to certain central and eastern European countries and for coordinating aid to the applicant countries in the framework of the pre-accession strategy , Committee on aid for economic restructuring in certain central and eastern European countries and for coordinating aid to the applicant countries in the framework of the pre-accession strategy (Phare)
    Definition committee on aid for economic restructuring set up under the Phare Programme Reference "Regulation (EEC) No 3906/89 on economic aid to the Republic of Hungary and the Polish People's Republic, CELEX:31989R3906/EN"
    Comment "'A committee on aid for economic restructuring in Poland and Hungary' was set up under Article 9 of Regulation (EEC) No 3906/89. Its scope was extended to 'certain countries of Central and Eastern Europe' under Regulation (EEC) No 2698/90. Under Regulation (EC) No 1266/1999, it was also given the task of assisting the Commission in coordinating aid to applicant countries and appeared in a list in 2000 as the 'Committee on economic assistance to certain central and eastern European countries and for coordination [of] aid to the applicant countries in the framework of the pre-accession strategy (PHARE)'. It has been referred to in many Commission Decisions and reports as the 'Phare Management Committee' or 'Phare Committee'. The Phare programme [ IATE:1867474 ] was replaced, from 1 January 2007, by the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) [ IATE:2201999 , Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006]."
    Comité de gestion Phare | Comité de l'aide à la restructuration économique de certains pays de l'Europe centrale et orientale (PHARE)
  4. FINANCE · EUROPEAN UNION|European Union law|EU act|directive (EU)
    Treoir (AE) 2019/1023 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle maidir le creataí um athstruchtúrú coisctheach, maidir le hurscaoileadh fiachais, agus maidir le dícháílíochtaí agus maidir le bearta chun éifeachtúlacht nósanna imeachta a bhaineann le hathstruchtúrú, dócmhainneacht agus urscaoileadh fiachais a fheabhsú Reference "Treoir (AE) 2019/1023 maidir le creataí um athstruchtúrú coisctheach, maidir le hurscaoileadh fiachais, agus maidir le dícháílíochtaí agus maidir le bearta chun éifeachtúlacht nósanna imeachta a bhaineann le hathstruchtúrú, dócmhainneacht agus urscaoileadh fiachais a fheabhsú"
    an Treoir maidir le hathstruchtúrú agus dócmhainneacht Reference "Treoir (AE) 2019/1023 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 20 Meitheamh 2019 maidir le creataí um athstruchtúrú coisctheach, maidir le hurscaoileadh fiachais, agus maidir le dícháílíochtaí agus maidir le bearta chun éifeachtúlacht nósanna imeachta a bhaineann le hathstruchtúrú, dócmhainneacht agus urscaoileadh fiachais a fheabhsú, agus lena leasaítear Treoir (AE) 2017/1132 (an Treoir maidir le hathstruchtúrú agus dócmhainneacht)Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Treoir (AE) 2019/1023 maidir le creataí um athstruchtúrú coisctheach, maidir le hurscaoileadh fiachais, agus maidir le dícháilíochtaí agus maidir le bearta chun éifeachtúlacht nósanna imeachta a bhaineann le hathstruchtúrú, dócmhainneacht agus urscaoileadh fiachais a fheabhsú Reference "Treoir (AE) 2019/1023 maidir le creataí um athstruchtúrú coisctheach, maidir le hurscaoileadh fiachais, agus maidir le dícháílíochtaí agus maidir le bearta chun éifeachtúlacht nósanna imeachta a bhaineann le hathstruchtúrú, dócmhainneacht agus urscaoileadh fiachais a fheabhsú, agus lena leasaítear Treoir (AE) 2017/1132 (an Treoir maidir le hathstruchtúrú agus dócmhainneacht), CELEX:32019L1023/GA ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Richtlinie (EU) 2019/1023 über präventive Restrukturierungsrahmen, über Entschuldung und über Tätigkeitsverbote sowie über Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Effizienz von Restrukturierungs-, Insolvenz- und Entschuldungsverfahren | Richtlinie über Restrukturierung und Insolvenz | Richtlinie über präventive Restrukturierungsrahmen bzw. die zweite Chance
    Directive (EU) 2019/1023 on preventive restructuring frameworks, on discharge of debt and disqualifications, and on measures to increase the efficiency of procedures concerning restructuring, insolvency and discharge of debt | Directive on restructuring and insolvency | Directive on preventive restructuring frameworks and second chance
    Directive (UE) 2019/1023 relative aux cadres de restructuration préventive, à la remise de dettes et aux déchéances, et aux mesures à prendre pour augmenter l'efficacité des procédures en matière de restructuration, d'insolvabilité et de remise de dettes | directive sur la restructuration et l'insolvabilité
    tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le hathstruchtúrú na hearnála iascaigh Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    PESCA Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Gemeinschaftsinitiative zur Umstrukturierung des Fischereisektors
    Community initiative concerning the restructuring of the fisheries sector | PESCA
    Initiative communautaire concernant la restructuration du secteur de la pêche
  6. BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|business organisation · INDUSTRY|industrial structures and policy
    Treoirlínte maidir le státchabhair chun teacht i gcabhair ar ghnóthais neamhairgeadais atá i gcruachás agus athstruchtúrú a dhéanamh orthu Reference "Dréacht-tuairim ar an togra le haghaidh Rialachán lena mbunaítear an Ciste um Aistriú Cóir (16.11.2021)"
    Context 'gnóthais atá i gcruachás, faoi mar a shainmhínítear in Airteagal 2(18) de Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 651/2014 ón gCoimisiún16 , gan dochar do ghnóthais a d’fhéadfadh tairbhe a bhaint as cur i bhfeidhm féideartha na dTreoirlínte maidir le státchabhair chun teacht i gcabhair ar ghnóthais neamhairgeadais atá i gcruachás agus athstruchtúrú a dhéanamh orthu agus cur i bhfeidhm féideartha Chreat Sealadach an Choimisiúin maidir le bearta státchabhrach chun tacú leis an ngeilleagar le linn ráig COVID-19,..' Reference "Dréacht-tuairim ar an togra le haghaidh Rialachán lena mbunaítear an Ciste um Aistriú Cóir (16.11.2021)"
    Leitlinien der Gemeinschaft für staatliche Beihilfen zur Rettung und Umstrukturierung von Unternehmen in Schwierigkeiten | Gemeinschaftliche Beurteilung
    Comment DIV: RSZ 31/01/2003
    Guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring non-financial undertakings in difficulty | R&R Guidelines
    Lignes directrices concernant les aides d’État au sauvetage et à la restructuration d’entreprises en difficulté autres que les établissements financiers | lignes directrices S&R
    beart staonta Reference "Rialachán (AE) 2019/630 lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 575/2013 a mhéid a bhaineann le cumhdach caillteanais íosta le haghaidh risíochtaí neamhthuillmheacha"
    Context 'Ós rud é go bhféadfadh bearta staonta tionchar a imirt ar cé acu a aicmeofar nó nach n-aicmeofar risíocht mar risíocht neamhthuillmheach, is ag gabháil leis na critéir aicmiúcháin atá critéir shoiléire maidir le tionchar na mbeart staonta.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) 2019/630 lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 575/2013 a mhéid a bhaineann le cumhdach caillteanais íosta le haghaidh risíochtaí neamhthuillmheacha"
    Definition Konzession (Änderung der ursprünglichen Vertragsbedingungen oder völlige oder teilweise Umschuldung) an einen Schuldner, der Schwierigkeiten hat, seinen finanziellen Verpflichtungen nachzukommen oder kurz vor solchen Schwierigkeiten steht Reference "Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2015/227 der Kommission zur Änderung der Durchführungsverordnung (EU) Nr. 680/2014 zur Festlegung technischer Durchführungsstandards für die aufsichtlichen Meldungen der Institute gemäß der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 575/2013 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates, Anhang V Nrn. 163 und 164 CELEX:32015R0227/DE"
    forbearance measure
    Definition concession towards a debtor facing or about to face difficulties in meeting its financial commitments ('financial difficulties'); these concessions refer to either: (a) a modification of the previous terms and conditions of a contract the debtor is considered unable to comply with due to its financial difficulties to allow for sufficient debt service ability (including, inter alia, total or partial cancellation by write-offs of the debt); (b) a total or partial refinancing of a troubled debt contract Reference "COM-ET, based on paragraphs 163 and 164 of Annex V to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/227 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions, CELEX:32015R0227/EN (large file, advisable to open the pdf)"
    mesure de renégociation | mesure de restructuration
    Definition concession octroyée par un établissement en faveur d’un débiteur qui subit ou est susceptible de subir une détérioration de sa situation financière Reference "Règlement (UE) 2019/630 modifiant le règlement (UE) no 575/2013 en ce qui concerne la couverture minimale des pertes sur les expositions non performantes "
    Comment En particulier, la concession renvoie à l'une des actions suivantes:- la modification des conditions d’une dette- le refinancement total ou partiel d’une dette
  8. FINANCE|financial institutions and credit
    auf Umschuldungen spezialisiertes Institut | spezialisierter Schuldenumstrukturierer
    Definition Institut, dessen Haupttätigket im vorangegangenen Geschäftsjahr der Ankauf von Risikopositionen anderer Institute war, und dessen Leitungsorgan diesbezüglich einen klaren und wirksamen internen Entscheidungsprozess eingeführt hat Reference "Council-DE, gestützt auf Europäisches Parlament, BERICHT über den Vorschlag für eine Verordnung zur Änderung der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 575/2013 im Hinblick auf Vorschriften für das Kreditrisiko, das Risiko einer Anpassung der Kreditbewertung, das operationelle Risiko, das Marktrisiko und die Eigenmitteluntergrenze (Output-Floor) (15.2.2024)"
    specialised debt restructurer
    Definition institution that, during the preceding financial year, had as its main activity the purchase, management and restructuring of non-performing exposures in accordance with a clear and effective internal decision process implemented by its management body Reference "Council-DA based on Council document ST 8855/23, Basel III finalisation (CRR 3) - Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 as regards requirements for credit risk, credit valuation adjustment risk, operational risk, market risk and the output floor, and amending Regulation (EU) No 806/2014 - Initial positions of the three Institutions prior to commencement of trilogues"
    Comment The institution would further have to comply with specific conditions regarding the accounting value of its own originated loans, the total value of its assets, its net stable funding ratio and its sight deposits.EBA will have to establish, maintain, and publish a list of specialised debt restructurers.
    organisme spécialisé en restructuration de dette
    Definition établissement financier dont l’activité principale, pour laquelle son organe de direction a mis en place une procédure décisionnelle interne claire et efficace, est l’achat d’expositions d’autres établissements Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après Parlement européen, Rapport sur la proposition de règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil modifiant le règlement (UE) nº 575/2013 en ce qui concerne les exigences pour risque de crédit, risque d’ajustement de l’évaluation de crédit, risque opérationnel et risque de marché et le plancher de fonds propres, A9-0030/2023 (17.1.2024)"
  9. EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|EU relations · ECONOMICS
    Cúnamh réamhaontachais faoi choinne Thíortha na hEorpa Láir agus Thoir Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Clár PHARE Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Programm Phare | Hilfeprogramm der Gemeinschaft für die Wirtschaftsreform der Länder Mittel- und Osteuropas | Programm PHARE | PHARE
    Definition Initiative der Europäischen Union, die mit Hilfe von kostenlosen Zuschüssen die Entwicklung ihrer Partnerländer in Mitteleuropa unterstützt, bis sie die Anforderungen einer Mitgliedschaft in der Europäischen Union auf sich nehmen können Reference ""
    Comment "Damals stand Phare für, Pologne, Hongrie: Assistance à la Restructuration Economique"". Die jetzige vollständige Bezeichnung lautet: ,Phare-Hilfeprogramm der Gemeinschaft für die Wirtschaftsreform der Länder Mittel- und Osteuropas"", CELEX:52001DC0365/DE"
    Phare programme | Phare-Community programme for assistance for economic restructuring in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe | Programme of Community Aid for Central and Eastern European countries | Action plan for coordinated aid to Poland and Hungary | Poland, Hungary Aid for Restructuring the Economy , Poland and Hungary - Aid for economic restructuring , Poland and Hungary Aid to Economic Recovery | Pre-accession assistance for Central and Eastern European Countries
    Definition European Union initiative providing grant finance to support its partner countries in Central Europe to the stage where they are ready to assume the obligations of European Union membership Reference "European Parliament > Enlargement of the European Union > Briefing No 33 > The PHARE Programme and the enlargement of the European Union, (27.3.2009)"
    Comment "Phare stood for ""Pologne, Hongrie: Assistance à la Restructuration Economique"". It was later extended and became ""Phare-Community programme for assistance for economic restructuring in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe"", CELEX:52001DC0365/EN . It was replaced by the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) IATE:2201999 from January 2007 CELEX:32006R1085/EN ."
    programme Phare | Phare-Programme communautaire d'assistance à la restructuration économique des pays d'Europe centrale et orientale | Plan d'action pour une aide coordonnée à la Pologne et à la Hongrie | Programme d'aide de préadhésion pour les pays d'Europe centrale et orientale | Pologne, Hongrie: Assistance à la restructuration économique
    Definition Initiative de l'Union européenne apportant un soutien financier à ses pays partenaires d'Europe centrale afin de les aider à atteindre le niveau de développement des pays de l'Union européenne dans la perspective de leur future adhésion Reference ""
    Comment "Phare était l'acronyme de «Pologne, Hongrie: Assistance à la restructuration économique». Actuellement, son appellation complète est devenue: «Phare - Programme communautaire d'assistance à la restructuration économique des pays d'Europe centrale et orientale». CELEX:52001DC0365/FR"
  10. BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|business organisation · BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|management|financial management
    plean athstruchtúrúcháin Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Sanierungsplan | Restrukturierungsplan | Umstrukturierungsplan
    Definition Plan, der organisatorische und finanztechnische Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Leistungsfähigkeit insolventer Unternehmen enthält Reference "Council-DE vgl. Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon [19.8.2014]"
    Comment "v.a. zur Abwendung einer Zahlungsunfähigkeit oder einer Überschuldung XREF: ""Sanierung"" IATE:784939"
    restructuring plan | rescue plan
    Definition plan underpinning company restructuring and generally addressing 2 aspects: operational restructuring, which aims to increase business efficiency by optimising processes and procedures, and financial restructuring, which aims to reorganise a company's financial position Reference "COUNCIL-Terminology Coordination based on KPMG Luxemburg website, [12.08.2014]"
    Comment "See IATE:784939 for 'restructuring'."
    plan de restructuration
    Comment "Voir aussi IATE:784939 restructuration"
  11. LAW|rights and freedoms|human rights · INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|international affairs|international agreement · LAW|rights and freedoms|rights of the individual · INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|international affairs|international instrument|international convention|European convention · INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS|European organisations|European organisation|Council of Europe
    Prótacal Uimh. 11 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, ag athstruchtúrú an tsásra rialaithe arna bhunú leis Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Protokoll Nr. 11 zur Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten über die Umgestaltung des durch die Konvention eingeführten Kontrollmechanismus | Umstrukturierung
    Comment Strassburg, 11.05.1994
    Protocol No 11 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, restructuring the control machinery established thereby
    Definition The Eleventh Protocol aims to rationalise the machinery for enforcement of rights and liberties guaranteed by the Convention (ETS No. 005). Reference "Council of Europe Treaty Office summary (30.4.2012)"
    Comment Signed: Strasbourg, 11.5.1994 Entry into force: 1.11.1998 European Treaty Series (ETS) No. 155 Authentic versions: EN-FR Since its entry into force, this Protocol has formed an integral part of the Convention.
    Protocole nº 11 à la Convention de sauvegarde des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales, portant restructuration du mécanisme de contrôle établi par la Convention | Prot.n° 11 CEDH
    Definition "protocole N° 11 constituant une rationalisation du système de contrôle du respect des droits et libertés garantis par la Convention IATE:805084" Reference "site Council of Europe, résumé du traité, (2.4.2012)"
    Comment "Signature: 11.5.1994 à Strasbourg Entrée en vigueur: 1.11.1998 Conseil de l'Europe; STCE n° 155 Versions authentiques: EN-FR Ce Protocole fait partie intégrante de la Convention IATE:805084 depuis son entrée en vigueur le 1er novembre 1998"
  12. FINANCE · FINANCE|financial institutions and credit
    athchóiriú na bunoibleagáide Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    athchóiriú na hoibleagáide foluití Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 575/2013 maidir le ceanglais stuamachta i gcomhair institiúidí creidmheasa agus gnólachtaí infheistíochta, agus lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 648/2012, CELEX:32013R0575/GA"
    restructuring of the underlying obligation
    restructuration de la créance sous-jacente
    athstruchtúrú fiachais Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Is é an toradh a bhíonn ar an difríocht sa luach i gcás éilimh rialtais ar rialtas eile a dhíol le tríú páirtí ná iontráil aistrithe caipitil sna cuntais chaipitil a mbeadh tionchar aige ar easnamh an rialtais, toisc go dtugann nádúr an éilimh le tuiscint go raibh sé i gceist ón tús sochar a thabhairt, agus gur modh atá sa díol chun athstruchtúrú fiachais a dhéanamh.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 549/2013 maidir leis an gcóras Eorpach cuntas náisiúnta agus réigiúnach san Aontas Eorpach, CELEX:32013R0549/GA"
    Umschuldung | Schuldenrestrukturierung
    Definition bei Zahlungsunfähigkeit des Schuldners zwischen diesem und dem Gläubigr vereinbarte Neuordnung der Verbindlichkeiten (z.B. Stundung, also Verlagerung des Rückzahlungszeitpunktes nach hinten, Ablösung durch Neukredite oder niedrigere Zinsen) Reference "vgl. Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon [2.12.14]"
    debt restructuring
    Definition change in the agreed conditions of a credit or loan that favour the borrower, due to this party being unable to comply with its commitments or take advantage of market circumstances Reference "debt restructuring, TERMIUM Plus ®, [23.4.2014]"
    Comment "Includes debt rescheduling, refinancing, forgiveness, conversion, and prepayments Source: Debt Reorganization/Restructuring, IMF glossary, [10.7.2015]More extensive than debt reprofiling [ IATE:3534183 ], which involves adjustment of the repayment schedule but not debt forgiveness"
    restructuration de la dette | reconstruction de la dette
    Definition "toute opération (remise de dette IATE:788869 , rééchelonnement IATE:786156 , et refinancement IATE:786103 ) entreprise conjointement par un créancier et un débiteur entraînant une modification du profil du service de la dette en vue d'en atténuer la charge" Reference Sandrine Levasseur et Christine Rifflart, Crises de la dette souveraine, revue de l'OFCE, p.88-89
    Comment "Voir aussi : ""reprofilage"" IATE:3534183"
  14. ECONOMICS|economic analysis|statistics · INDUSTRY|electronics and electrical engineering
    athstruchtúrú Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Umstrukturierung | Neuorganisation
    Definition the reconfiguration of the vertically integrated electric utility.Restructuring usually refers to separation of the various utility functions into individually operated and owned entities Reference Public Forum Institute,Gloss.of Electricity Deregulation Terms,1998
    restructuration de l'industrie de l'électricité
    athstruchtúrú fiontar atá faoi úinéireacht stáit Reference "Rún ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa an 6 Iúil 2022 ar thuarascáil 2021 ón gCoimisiún maidir leis an mBoisnia agus an Heirseagaivéin (2021/2245(INI))"
    Language usage Leaganacha inghlactha féideartha eile de réir an chomhthéacs: 'fiontair (atá) faoi úinéireacht stáit a athstruchtúrú', 'athstruchtúrú (a dhéanamh) ar fhiontair atá faoi úinéireacht stáit', srl.
    athstruchtúrú cuideachtaí atá faoi úinéireacht stáit Reference Comhairle-GA
    Language usage Leaganacha féideartha inghlactha eile de réir an chomhthéacs: 'cuideachtaí (atá) faoi úinéireacht stáit a athstruchtúrú', 'athstruchtúrú (a dhéanamh) ar chuideachtaí atá faoi úinéireacht stáit', srl.
    Umstrukturierung staatlicher Unternehmen
    to restructure State-owned companies | restructuring of State enterprises
    restructuration d'entreprises publiques | restructuration des entreprises d'Etat
    athphróifíliú Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    mittelfristige Umschuldung | """sanfte"" Umschuldung" | weiche Umschuldung | Reprofilierung
    Definition von privaten Gläubigern freiwillig vereinbarte Verlängerung der Laufzeit von Schuldtiteln bei Rückzahlungsschwierigkeiten des Anleiheschuldners (Staates) Reference Council-DE
    Comment "IWF-Konzept i.Zshg. mit Staatsschulden: länger als ein Zahlungsaufschub, jedoch über einen kürzeren Zeitraum und weniger eingreifend als eine klassische Umschuldung; beinhaltet zuweilen eine Senkung der Anleihezinsen, aber keinen Forderungsabschlag IATE:3521568 oder Schuldenverzicht und stellt somit kein ""Kreditereignis"" IATE:2215705 dar"
    reprofiling | debt re-profiling | debt reprofiling | re-profiling
    Definition "relatively light form of (...) debt restructuring1 in which the tenor of (...) liabilities are extended in maturity, but coupons [i.e. interest rate] and principal are not cut 1. IATE:1119063<><><><><><>" Reference "Council-EN, based on Makoff, D. (CIGR paper 63, April 2015), Debt reprofiling, debt restructuring and the current situation in Ukraine,"
    aménagement de la dette | reprofilage | rééchelonnement volontaire | restructuration douce
    Definition allongement volontaire de la durée de remboursement des titres (essentiellement des obligations d'Etat) détenus par des investisseurs privés - parfois associé à une baisse des taux d'intérêt Reference "Conseil-FR, sur la base, e.a, de (23.5.2011)"
    Comment "La durée d'un reprofilage est intermédiaire entre celle d'un différé et celle d'un rééchelonnement de long terme.Source: Glossaire du Club de Paris (23.5.2011)"
  17. FINANCE|financial institutions and credit
    athchóiriú struis Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 575/2013 maidir le ceanglais stuamachta i gcomhair institiúidí creidmheasa agus gnólachtaí infheistíochta, agus lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 648/2012, CELEX:32013R0575/GA"
    Context '... toilíonn an institiúid le hathchóiriú struis na hoibleagáide creidmheasa i gcás inar dóigh go mbeadh mar thoradh air oibleagáid airgeadais níos lú mar gur maitheadh nó gur cuireadh siar an phríomhshuim, an t-ús nó, nuair is iomchuí, na táillí. Cuimsíonn sé sin, i gcás na risíochtaí ar chothromas a mheasúnaítear faoi Chur Chuige PD/LGD, athchóiriú struis ar an gcothromas féin...' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 575/2013 maidir le ceanglais stuamachta i gcomhair institiúidí creidmheasa agus gnólachtaí infheistíochta, agus lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 648/2012, CELEX:32013R0575/GA"
    athstruchtúrú anásta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    krisenbedingte Restrukturierung
    distressed restructuring
    Definition "adjustment in the terms of the reference asset in a CDS1 contract in a way that is unfavourable to the holders1 credit default swap (CDS) [ IATE:2215702 ]" Reference "Recent Developments in Markets for Credit-Risk Transfer. John Kiff. Financial System Review. Bank of Canada, p. 34: [20.1.2015]"
    Comment Such adjustments include reductions in the principal amount or interest payable, as well as postponement of payment.
    restructuration en urgence