
Téarmaí cosúla:

Bailiúchán de théarmaí ilghnéitheacha, ó Ionstraimí Reachtúla, ag eascairt as tionscadal LEX. Breis eolais »

8 dtoradh

    • Teileachumarsáid Telecommunications


    athdhírigh br
    abr athdhíriú, aidbhr athdhírithe
    atreoraigh br
    abr atreorú, aidbhr atreoraithe

    Féadfar ar iarratas ón seoltóir nó ón seolaí, teileagraim a athdhíriú agus a atarchur le teileagraf.

    Telegrams may at the request of the sender or addressee be re-directed and re-transmitted by telegraph.

    • Gnó › Fostaíocht Business › Employment


    athfhostaigh br
    abr athfhostú, aidbhr athfhostaithe

    I gcás inar scoir nó ina scoirfidh oibrí d'fhostaíocht lena fhostóir/fostóir agus gur athfhostaíodh nó go n-athfhostófar é/í dá éis sin ní áireofar fostaíocht an oibrí sin ach amháin ó dháta an athfhostaithe sin.

    Where a worker ceased or ceases employment with his/her employer and was or is subsequently re-employed the employment of such worker will count only from the date of subsequent of re-employment.

    • Gnó › Fostaíocht Business › Employment


    athfhostú fir
    gu athfhostaithe

    I gcás inar scoir nó ina scoirfidh oibrí d'fhostaíocht lena fhostóir/fostóir agus gur athfhostaíodh nó go n-athfhostófar é/í dá éis sin ní áireofar fostaíocht an oibrí sin ach amháin ó dháta an athfhostaithe sin.

    Where a worker ceased or ceases employment with his/her employer and was or is subsequently re-employed the employment of such worker will count only from the date of subsequent re-employment.

    • Rialtas Government


    ath-achtaigh br
    abr ath-achtú, aidbhr ath-achtaithe

    Cúlghairtear agus ath-achtaítear maille le modhnuithe leis an Ordú seo an tOrdú Aerloingseoireachta (Táillí), 1979. Is é is éifeacht don Ordú seo na táillí is iníoctha a mhéadú.

    This Order revokes and re-enacts with modification the Air Navigation (Fees) Order, 1979. The effect of this Order is to increase the fees payable.

    • Rialtas › Riarachán Poiblí Government › Public Administration
    • Polaitíocht Politics


    I gcás athscrúdú agus athchomhaireamh vótaí a dhéanamh faoi mhír (lB) (a cuireadh isteach le halt 39 den Acht Toghcháin, 1963) de Riail 10 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923, íocfar ina leith cibé suimeanna a údaróidh an tAire Airgeadais agus a bhunófar (a) ar an am a caitheadh air agus (b) ar an luach saothair ar an gcomhaireamh bunaidh.

    In the event of a re-examination and recount under paragraph (1B) (inserted by section 39 of the Electoral Act, 1963 ) of Rule 10 of the Third Schedule to the Electoral Act, 1923 , there shall be paid in respect thereof such sums as may be authorised by the Minister for Finance based on (a) the time spent thereon and (b) remuneration for the original count.

    • Gnó Business
    • Leigheas Medicine


    athchlárú fir
    gu athchláraithe

    Ar dheimhniú ar chlárú nó ar athchlárú aon bhreithiúnais nó athbheochana, foraithne, rialach, ordaithe, banna, cúirtbhanna nó lis pendens nó ar aon sásamh, fuascailt nó cúiteántas a cláraíodh tráth ar bith.

    On a certificate of the registration or re-registration of any judgement or revival, decree, rule, order, bond, recognizanances or lis pendens or of any satisfaction, vacate or quietus registered at any time.

    • Oideachas Education
    • Gnó Business


    I ngníomhaíochtaí aon chuideachta, comhlachais nó comhlacht arb é a aon chuspóir nó ceann dá phríomh-chuspóirí saoráidí a chur ar fáil chun daoine míthreoracha a fhostú nó a oiliúint nó a athoiliúint le haghaidh fostaíochta ar choinníoll go mbeidh sé riachtanach de réir bhunreacht na cuideachta.

    In activities of any company, association or body having as its sole or one of its principal objects the provision of facilities for the employment of or the training or re-training for employment of disabled persons provided the constitution of such company.

    • Teicneolaíocht, Tionsclaíocht, Ceirdeanna Technology, Industry, Trades
    • Gnó › Fostaíocht Business › Employment


    Dearbhaítear leis seo gur obair thionscail eisiata chun críche alt 46 den Acht um Choinníollacha Fostaíochta, 1936 (Uimh. 2 de 1936), an saghas obair thionscail seo a leanas, eadhon, ribíní a atochras mar a dhéantar in áitreabh Offray Ribbon Limited, Ros Cré, i gContae Thiobraid Árann.

    The following form of industrial work, namely, ribbon re-reeling as carried on at the premises of Offray Ribbon Limited, Roscrea, in the County of Tipperary, is hereby declared to be excluded industrial work for the purpose of section 46 of the Conditions of Employment Act, 1936 ( No. 2 of 1936 ).