INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|international affairs|international agreement · TRADE|trade policy
- comhaontú trádála Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 19/2013; CELEX:32013R0019/GA"
- ga
- Context """An 19 Eanáir 2009 thug an Chomhairle údarás don Choimisiún comhaontú trádála ilpháirtí a chaibidliú thar ceann an Aontais Eorpaigh agus a Bhallstát le Balltíortha Chomhphobal na nAindéas a raibh sé d'aidhm choiteann acu comhaontú trádála uaillmhianach, cuimsitheach agus cothromaithe a bhaint amach.""" Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 19/2013; CELEX:32013R0019/GA"
- Handelsabkommen | Warenabkommen
- de
- Definition zwischenstaatliche (völkervertragsrechtliche) Vereinbarung zur Regelung des Güterverkehrs in einem bestimmten Zeitraum Reference "Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon (17.11.2017)"
- trade agreement | trade deal
- en
- Definition formal international agreement on trade Reference Council-EN
- Comment "See also: - arrangement [ IATE:759798 ]The EU has three main types of trade agreements:1. Customs Unions: - eliminate customs duties in bilateral trade - establish a joint customs tariff for foreign importers. 2. Association Agreements, Stabilisation Agreements, (Deep and Comprehensive) Free Trade Agreements and Economic Partnership Agreements: - remove or reduce customs tariffs in bilateral trade. 3. Partnership and Cooperation Agreements - provide a general framework for bilateral economic relations - leave customs tariffs as they are Note reference: European Commission > Trade > Policy > Countries and regions > Negotiations and agreements, [9.7.2018]"
- accord commercial
- fr
- Definition accord économique conclu entre deux ou plusieurs pays, qui fixe les règles qui vont prévaloir dans les échanges commerciaux intervenant entre les pays membres Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après Portail Québec > Thésaurus de l'activité gouvernementale > Fiche du terme - Accord commercial, [27.10.2017]"