ECONOMICS · FINANCE · FINANCE|financial institutions and credit · BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|business organisation
- cuideachta faoi theorainn scaireanna Tagairt "Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex ACHT NA gCUIDEACHTAÍ (LEASÚ), 1983,"
- ga
- Comhthéacs """ciallaíonn “cuideachta phoiblí theoranta” cuideachta phoiblí faoi theorainn scaireanna nó cuideachta phoiblí faoi theorainn ráthaíochta a bhfuil scairchaipiteal aici, agus ar cuideachta í...""" Tagairt "ACHT NA gCUIDEACHTAÍ (LEASÚ), 1983,"
- cuideachta comhstoic Tagairt Comhairle-GA
- ga
- Aktiengesellschaft | AG
- de
- Sainmhíniú Kapitalgesellschaft, bei der das Eigenkapital durch die Gesellschafter/ Aktionäre bereitgestellt wird, die nur mit ihren Einlagen (Nominalwert ihrer Aktienanteile) haften Tagairt "Council-DE vgl. Wikipedia (30.7.2013)"
- Nóta in DE bevorzugte Unternehmensform f. Wirtschaftsunternehmen mit hohem Kapitalbedarf
- company limited by shares | joint stock company | joint-stock company | JSC
- en
- Sainmhíniú company which has shareholders, whose liability vis-à-vis creditors of the company is limited to the capital originally invested, i.e. the nominal value of the shares and any premium paid in return for the issue of the shares by the company. Tagairt "Council-EN based on (22.9.2009)"
- Nóta "As opposed to ""limited by guarantee"". A company limited by shares may be either private IATE:797557 or public (PLC) IATE:792628 . See also ""incorporation"" IATE:72569 , ""limited company"" IATE:781166 and ""company limited by guarantee"" IATE:760779 ."
- société par actions | société à responsabilité limitée par actions
- fr
- Sainmhíniú société dont la responsabilité des actionnaires est limitée à leur mise de fonds Tagairt "Conseil-FR d'après le lexique de finance du site Trader-finance; [12.6.2018]"
- Nóta "Voir également: - société anonyme [ IATE:792628 ] - société en commandite par actions [ IATE:792633 ] - société par actions simplifiée [ IATE:882992 ] La société européenne [ IATE:791246 ] est une société par actions."