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10 results

    an Mol Domhanda Taighde agus Forbartha sa Fhrithsheasmhacht Fhrithmhiocróbach Reference Comhairle-GA
    Global AMR R&D Hub
    Definition internationale Initiative von Regierungs- und Nicht-Regierungsfördergeldgebern im Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E) zu antimikrobiellen Resistenzen (AMR) Reference "Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung > Internationale Kooperation > F&E zu Antimikrobiellen Resistenzen (AMR) (20.1.2020)"
    Comment Hauptziel des Hubs ist es, umfassende Informationen bereitzustellen, um die internationalen F&E-Fördergeldgeber bei einem effizienten Einsatz ihrer Mittel zu unterstützen.
    Global Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Development Hub | Global AMR R&D Hub
    Definition R&D hub aimed at further improving the coordination of international efforts and initiatives to tackle antimicrobial resistance while further increasing investments into R&D for antimicrobial resistance Reference "COUNCIL-EN based on Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR), (15.7.2019)"
    Centre mondial de recherche et développement dans le domaine de la RAM | Pôle mondial de recherche-développement sur la résistance aux antimicrobiens | Pôle mondial de recherche et de développement en matière de résistance aux antimicrobiens | Centre mondial de R et D sur la RA | plateforme mondiale de recherche et de développement sur la résistance aux antimicrobiens
    Definition centre de recherche et développement visant à améliorer la coordination des initiatives internationales pour lutter contre la résistance aux antimicrobiens tout en accroissant les investissements dans ce domaine Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après site de la JPIAMR (initiative de programmation conjointe sur la résistance aux antimicrobiens), Launch of Global AMR R&D Hub (18.7.2019)"
    Comment "Voir aussi: résistance aux antimicrobiens (12.7.2019)"
  2. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science|therapeutics|antimicrobial resistance · INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS|United Nations|UN programmes and funds|UN Environment Programme · INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS|United Nations|UN specialised agency|World Health Organisation · INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS|United Nations|UN specialised agency|FAO · INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS|world organisations|world organisation|World Organisation for Animal Health
    Ardán Comhpháirtíochta Ilpháirtithe Leasmhara maidir le Frithsheasmhacht Fhrithmhiocróbach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comment <<<_not_supplied_>>>
    Plattform der Multi-Stakeholder-Partnerschaft zu AM-Resistenz | Plattform der Multi-Stakeholder-Partnerschaft zu AM-Resistenz der Vierergruppe
    AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform | Quadripartite AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform
    Definition inclusive, international forum that brings stakeholders across sectors and disciplines for a collective dialogue and actions against AMR at all levels Reference "FAO. 'Programme Officer (Antimicrobial Resistance Partnership Platform) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)' (13.3.2023)"
    Comment The AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform aims to catalyse a global movement for action against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) by fostering cooperation between a diverse range of stakeholders at all levels across the One Health spectrum. It seeks to ensure a healthier, more sustainable and resilient present and future in which antimicrobials are preserved as critical lifesaving medicines accessible to everyone.
  3. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science|therapeutics|antimicrobial resistance
    Comhghníomhaíocht maidir le Frithsheasmhacht Fhrithmhiocróbach agus Ionfhabhtuithe a bhaineann leis an gCúram Slainte Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comment <<<_not_supplied_>>>
    gemeinsame Aktion der EU zum Thema antimikrobielle Resistenzen und therapieassoziierte Infektionen | EU-JAMRAI
    Definition gemeinsame Aktion der Europäischen Union, die 44 Partner und mehr als 40 Stakeholder zusammenbringt, mit der Mission, Synergien zwischen den EU-Mitgliedstaaten zu fördern, indem effektive Maßnahmen zum Konzept „Eine Gesundheit“ entwickelt und umgesetzt werden, um die steigende Bedrohung durch antimikrobielle Resistenzen (AMR) zu bekämpfen und therapieassoziierte Infektionen (HCAI) zu reduzieren Reference "COM-DE gestützt auf EU-JAMRAI & Global AMR R&D Hub: ""Anreize für den Zugang zu und Innovationen im Bereich Antibiotika"" (19.7.2023)"
    JAMRAI | Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections
    Definition European Union Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Healthcare-Associated Infections (HCAIs) that brought together 44 partners and 45 stakeholders with the mission of fostering synergies among EU Member States by developing and implementing One Health policies to fight the rising threat of AMR and reduce HCAIs Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: JAMRAI. Vision/Mission (8.3.2023)"
  4. INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS|United Nations · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science|therapeutics|antimicrobial resistance
    Dearbhú Polaitiúil Chruinniú Ardleibhéil an Chomhthionóil Ghinearálta maidir le Frithsheasmhacht Fhrithmhiocróbach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comment <<<_not_supplied_>>>
    Politische Erklärung der Tagung der Generalversammlung auf hoher Ebene über antimikrobielle Resistenz | Politische Erklärung der Tagung auf hoher Ebene der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen über antimikrobielle Resistenz
    Political Declaration of the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Antimicrobial Resistance | Political Declaration of the High-Level Meeting of the UNGA on Antimicrobial Resistance | Declaration of the United Nations high-level meeting of the General Assembly on AMR
    déclaration politique issue de la réunion de haut niveau de l’Assemblée générale sur la résistance aux agents antimicrobiens
  5. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science|therapeutics|antimicrobial resistance
    Forógra Aireachta Muscat maidir le Frithsheasmhacht Fhrithmhiocróbach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comment <<<_not_supplied_>>>
    Ministermanifest von Maskat zu AM-Resistenzen
    Muscat Ministerial Manifesto on AMR
    Definition manifesto adopted at the Third Global High-Level Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), gathered in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, on 24–25 November 2022 Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: Third Global High-Level Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance. The AMR Pandemic: From Policy to One Health Action 24 - 25 November / Muscat, Sultanate of Oman > 'Muscat Ministerial Manifesto' (9.3.2023)"
  6. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science
    frithsheasmhacht fhaighte fhrithmhiocróbach Reference " Faofa ag an gCoiste Téarmaíochta, Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    frithsheasmhacht fhrithmhiocróbach Reference " Faofa ag an gCoiste Téarmaíochta, Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    FSFM Reference Téarmeolaithe de chuid an Choimisiúin Eorpaigh a chinn an téarma seo
    erworbene antimikrobielle Resistenz | antimikrobielle Resistenz | AMR | Resistenz gegen antimikrobielle Wirkstoffe | Resistenz
    Definition "genetisch bedingte Resistenz von Mikroorganismen gegen antimikrobielle Wirkstoffe IATE:834434" Reference Council-DE
    Comment "siehe auch Im/all"" id=""ENTRY_TO_ENTRY_CONVERTER"" target=""_blank"">IATE:3573244Im/all"" id=""ENTRY_TO_ENTRY_CONVERTER"" target=""_blank"">Im Gegensatz zum Begriff Antibiotikaresistenz IATE:1073649, der sich auf Resistenzen bei Bakterien beschränkt, beschreibt AMR Resistenzen gegenüber Wirkstoffen sowohl bei Bakterien als auch bei Pilzen, Parasiten und Viren."
    acquired antimicrobial resistance | antimicrobial resistance | acquired resistance | AMR | resistance | anti-microbial resistance | resistance to antimicrobial agents
    Definition "resistance of a microorganism to an antimicrobial medicine to which it was previously sensitive" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: World Health Organization > Fact Sheets > 'Antimicrobial resistance' (3.2.2023)"
    Comment "Antimicrobial resistance can also be intrinsic and not acquired at a a later time or adaptive."
    résistance aux antimicrobiens | résistance aux substances anti-microbiennes | résistance aux substances antimicrobiennes | résistance aux agents antimicrobiens | résistance aux agents anti-microbiens | résistance acquise aux antimicrobiens
    Definition aptitude d'une ou plusieurs souches d'un microbe à survivre à l'administration d'un mé­dicament, entraînant ainsi la prolongation de l'état pathologique ou un échec thérapeutique total Reference "D'après: site de l'OMS, aide-mémoire n°194, révisé en janvier 2002, [14.4.2009] et Meertens R., Dictionnaire anglais-français/français-anglais de la santé et du médical, éd. Chiron, Paris, 2006."
    Comment "C'est le microbe (bactérie, virus, champignon ou protozoaire) qui est résistant, pas le médicament ni le patient. Des espèces de bactéries normalement résistantes à la pénicilline, par exemple, peuvent développer une résistance à ces médicaments soit par mutation (transmission verticale) soit par acquisition des gènes de résistance d’une autre bactérie (transmission horizontale). Ce double mode d’acquisition de la résistance explique pourquoi cette caractéristique peut se transmettre rapidement et remplacer une colonie de bactéries auparavant sensible aux médicaments. (cf. )"
    Frithsheasmhacht Fhrithmhiocróbach Dhomhanda agus Córas Faireacháin Úsáide Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    GLASS Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comment <<<_not_supplied_>>>
    Globales Surveillancesystem für antimikrobielle Resistenz und die Verwendung antimikrobieller Mittel | GLASS | Globales Surveillancesystem für Resistenzen gegen und die Verwendung antimikrobieller Mittel | Globales Surveillancesystem bezüglich AM-Resistenz und AM-Verwendung
    Global Antimicrobial Resistance and Use Surveillance System | GLASS | Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System
    Definition "system launched by the WHO in 2015 in the framework of the Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance in order to offer a standardised approach to the collection, analysis, interpretation and sharing of data by countries and which seeks to actively support capacity building and monitor the status of existing and new national surveillance systems" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: WHO. 'Global Antimicrobial Resistance and Use Surveillance System (GLASS)' (9.3.2023)"
  8. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences|biology
    heitri-fhrithsheasmhacht Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    frithsheasmhacht heitri-fhrithmhiocróbach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    antimicrobial heteroresistance | heteroresistance
    Definition simultaneous presence within a population of pathogens of both susceptible and resistant strains to an antimicrobial Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:Maria Teresa Mascellino, Barbara Porowska, Massimiliano De Angelis, Alessandra Oliva. 'Antibiotic susceptibility, heteroresistance, and updated treatment strategies in Helicobacter pylori infection' (23.9.2020). Drug Des Devel Ther . 2017 Jul 28;11:2209-2220. doi: 10.2147/DDDT.S136240. eCollection 2017"
    Comment In the literature, the term “heteroresistance” has been applied indiscriminately to describe not only population-wide variation in antibiotic resistance but also other observations, and methods to determine heteroresistance vary significantly among laboratories. Confusion regarding this phenomenon precludes establishing its clinical significance and implementing proper therapeutic interventions and guidelines.
  9. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science|therapeutics|antimicrobial resistance
    Plean Gníomhaíochta Domhanda maidir le Frithsheasmhacht Fhrithmhiocróbach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comment <<<_not_supplied_>>>
    globaler Aktionsplan zur Bekämpfung antimikrobieller Resistenzen | Globaler Aktionsplan zur Antibiotikaresistenz | Globaler Aktionsplan zu antimikrobiellen Resistenzen | Globaler Aktionsplan gegen antimikrobielle Resistenzen
    Comment im Mai 2015 auf 68. Weltgesundheitsversammlung gebilligt
    Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance | Global Action Plan on AMR
    Definition global action plan to tackle antimicrobial resistance, including antibiotic resistance, the most urgent drug resistance trend endorsed at the sixty-eighth World Health Assembly in May 2015 Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:WHO, Global action plan on antimicrobial resistance (27.1.2023)"
    Tascfhórsa ad hoc Idir-rialtasach CODEX um Fhrithsheasmhacht Fhrithmhiocróbach Reference Comhairle-GA
    zwischenstaatliche Ad-hoc-Codex-Arbeitsgruppe zur Antibiotikaresistenz | zwischenstaatliche Taskforce zwischenstaatliche Codex-Taskforce
    CODEX ad hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance | TFAMR
    Definition "task force established in 2007 to develop science-based guidance on the management of foodborne antimicrobial resistance, taking full account of the WHO Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance [ IATE:3573261 ], the work and standards of relevant international organisations, and the One-Health approach, to ensure that Members have the necessary guidance to enable coherent management of antimicrobial resistance along the food chain" Reference "Council-EN, based on FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius > Committees > Ad hoc Codex Intergovernmental Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance (TFAMR), [22.1.2018]"
    groupe sur la résistance aux antimicrobiens | TFAMR