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6 results

  1. FINANCE|financial institutions and credit · FINANCE|insurance|insurance · BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|accounting
    comhroinnt riosca Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Ba cheart don Choimisiún comhaontuithe ráthaíochta CEFI a thabhairt i gcrích leis na contrapháirtithe incháilithe, comhaontuithe ráthaíochta ina leagtar amach na forálacha sonracha faoina ndeonófar Ráthaíocht CEFI dóibh. Sna comhaontuithe ráthaíochta sin, ba cheart an bunús dlí a sholáthar do chomhroinnt leordhóthanach riosca, rud lena dtabharfar dreasachtaí, ar an gcaoi sin, do na contrapháirtithe incháilithe maoiniú a sholáthar, agus lena soláthrófar na sásraí agus na nósanna imeachta le haghaidh gairmeacha féideartha ar Ráthaíocht CEFI.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) 2017/1601 lena mbunaítear an Ciste Eorpach um Fhorbairt Inbhuanaithe (CEFI), Ráthaíocht CEFI agus Ciste Ráthaíocht CEFI, CELEX:32017R1601/GA"
    frithpháirtiú rioscaí Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Níl aon fhrithpháirtiú rioscaí agus caillteanas i measc na mBallstát i gceist le SBBSanna toisc nach ndéanfaidh na Ballstáit a ndliteanais faoi seach a ráthú ar bhonn frithpháirteach laistigh de phunann bannaí ceannasacha fholuiteach na SBBSanna. Ní gá an chóir rialála reatha a thugtar do neamhchosaintí ceannasacha a athrú ach oiread chun SBBSanna a chumasú.' Reference "Togra le haghaidh Rialachán maidir le hurrúis de bhun bannaí ceannasacha, CELEX:52018PC0339/GA"
    Definition Instrument des Risikomangements (v.a. im Großkreditgeschäft und Versicherungsgeschäft), bei dem ein unsicheres Ergebnis und damit das Ergebnisrisikos, auf zwei oder mehr Entscheider aufgeteilt wird Reference "Council-DE vgl. Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon (21.6.16)"
    Comment "Nicht zu verwechseln mit ""Risikostreuung"" IATE:824051"
    risk sharing | risk-sharing | mutualisation of risks | risk mutualisation | mutualisation of risk
    Definition risk management method in which the cost of the consequences of a risk is distributed among several participants in an enterprise Reference "Council-EN, based on: 'risk sharing'. Business Dictionary, [ 11.6.2018]"
    partage des risques | mutualisation des risques
  2. EUROPEAN UNION|EU finance|EU financing · FINANCE|financing and investment · PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH|research and intellectual property|research policy
    RSFF Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Agus na hionstraimí sin á ndearadh, ba cheart leas a bhaint as an taithí a fuarthas i gcur chun feidhme ionstraimí airgeadais i CAI (2007-2013), amhail an Ionstraim Ráthaíochta Iasachta do thionscadail TEN-T (LGTT), an tSaoráid Airgeadais Roinnte Riosca (RSFF), an Ciste Eorpach 2020 le haghaidh Fuinnimh, an Athraithe Aeráide agus Bonneagair ('Ciste Marguerite') agus Thionscnamh Bannaí Tionscadal Eoraip 2020.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 1316/2013 lena mbunaítear an tSaoráid um Chónascadh na hEorpa, lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 913/2010 agus lena n-aisghairtear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 680/2007 agus Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 67/2010, CELEX:32013R1316/GA"
    Saoráid Airgeadais Roinnte Riosca Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Agus na hionstraimí sin á ndearadh, ba cheart leas a bhaint as an taithí a fuarthas i gcur chun feidhme ionstraimí airgeadais i CAI (2007-2013), amhail an Ionstraim Ráthaíochta Iasachta do thionscadail TEN-T (LGTT), an tSaoráid Airgeadais Roinnte Riosca (RSFF), an Ciste Eorpach 2020 le haghaidh Fuinnimh, an Athraithe Aeráide agus Bonneagair ('Ciste Marguerite') agus Thionscnamh Bannaí Tionscadal Eoraip 2020.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 1316/2013 lena mbunaítear an tSaoráid um Chónascadh na hEorpa, lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 913/2010 agus lena n-aisghairtear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 680/2007 agus Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 67/2010, CELEX:32013R1316/GA"
    Fazilität für Finanzierungen auf Risikoteilungsbasis | RSFF | Finanzierungsfazilität auf Risikoteilungsbasis | Finanzierungsfazilität mit Risikoteilung
    Risk Sharing Finance Facility | RSFF
    Definition an innovative scheme launched in 2007 by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank under the seventh EU framework programme for research and technological development (FP7) in order to improve access to debt financing for private companies or public institutions promoting activities in the field of research, technological development demonstration and innovation Reference "EIB Linguistic Services, based on: 1) European Commission > Investing in European Research > Risk-sharing finance facility, [1.10.2014] 2) EIB website > Risk Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF), [1.10.2014] 3) EIB, Activity Report 2013, [12.2.2014]"
    Comment It is built on the principle of credit risk sharing between the European Union and the EIB and therefore extends the ability of the EIB to provide loans or guarantees with a low and sub-investment grade risk profile, involving financial risks above those normally accepted by investors.
    mécanisme de financement avec partage des risques | MFPR | Instrument de financement avec partage des risques
    Definition mécanisme créé par la BEI en collaboration avec la Commission européenne pour donner à la BEI plus de latitude pour financer des projets innovants présentant un degré de risque plus élevé dans le domaine des plateformes technologiques et de la recherche-développement Reference "EIB Linguistic Services, based on: Banque de France, Fiche No 418, Les prêts de la Banque Européenne d’Investissement (BEI), [13.9.2015]"
  3. BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|competition|competition law
    risk-reward sharing
    Definition practice whereby potential risks and benefits are divided between different parties Reference "EP-EN, based on: Halvorsen, K., ‘Risk and reward Sharing Partnerships: A Study of Cross-Industry Adaptation from the Aviation Industry to Oil & Offshore’, University of Agder, 2017, p. 5."
    partage des risques et de la rémunération | partage des risques et des rémunérations
    Definition pratique visant à réduire l’impact négatif des risques liés à un projet en les répartissant entre les différentes parties prenantes tout en partageant les profits selon des modalités prédéfinies Reference "PE-FR, d’après le site de la Chambre des députés du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (2 décembre 2005), «Projet de loi concernant le budget des recettes et des dépenses de l'État pour l'exercice 2006» - no 5500 (30.1.2024)"
  4. PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH|research and intellectual property|research policy
    Saoráid Airgeadais Roinnte Riosca Reference "AN CHOMHAIRLE EORPACH4 FEABHRA 2011CONCLÚIDÍ"
    Context """chun an tSaoráid Airgeadais Roinnte Riosca a mhéadú;""" Reference ""
    SARR Reference Comhairle-GA
    Fazilität für Finanzierungen auf Risikoteilungsbasis | Finanzierungsfazilität | RSFF | Finanzierungsfazilität mit Risikoteilung
    Definition gemeinsames Finanzierungsinstrument von Kommission und EIB zur Förderung privater Investitionen in Forschung, Technologieentwicklung und Innovation Reference "EIB"
    Comment DIV: RSZ, 7.12.06; UPD: st 26.1.11
    Risk-Sharing Finance Facility | Risk Sharing Financial Facility | RSFF
    Definition debt-financing facility co-developed by the EC and the EIB in order to foster private investment in research, technological development and innovation Reference "Communication from the Commission - Regional Policy contributing to smart growth in Europe 2020, CELEX:52010DC0553"
    mécanisme de financement avec partage des risques | mécanisme de financement du partage des risques | MFPR | mécanisme de financement à risques partagés
    Definition dispositif innovant mis en place par la Commission européenne et la Banque européenne d'investissement afin d'améliorer l'accès au financement par l'emprunt pour les entreprises du secteur privé ou les institutions publiques qui promeuvent des activités dans le domaine de la RDI Reference "D'après le site de la BEI ( ) (4.2.2011)"
  5. ECONOMICS · FINANCE · PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH|research and intellectual property|research
    RSI Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Ionstraim Roinnte Riosca Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    an Ionstraim um Chomhroinnt Riosca Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Risikoteilungsinstrument | RSI
    Definition vom Europäischen Investitionsfonds (EIF), der EIB und der Kommission finanzierte Darlehensfazilität für innovative kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU), die diesen den Zugang zu Geldern von Banken erleichtern soll Reference "Council-DE, vgl. Pressemittlg."
    Comment "XREF: Fazilität für Finanzierungen auf Risikoteilungsbasis IATE:2209356 ;Risikoteilungsinstrument (allg.): IATE:3557359"
    Risk-Sharing Instrument | financial | RSI
    Definition guarantee scheme managed by EIF in the 2007-2013 programming period in cooperation with the EIB and the European Commission, aimed at improving access to debt finance of innovative SMEs and Small Mid-Caps (enterprises with less than 500 employees) in support of their research, development and innovation (RDI) projects Reference "Council-EN, based on European Investment Fund > What we do > Debt products, [28.1.2016]"
    Comment "This scheme came under the 7th Framework Programme [ IATE:2209373 ]. Its successor under Horizon 2020 [ IATE:3538976 ] is the InnovFin SME Guarantee Facility [ IATE:3561498 ] By targeting research-based SMEs and Small Mid-Caps, RSI complemented the scope of the existing Risk Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF) [ IATE:2209356 ], mainly addressed to large Corporates and Mid-Caps.For the generic concept of risk-sharing instrument, see IATE:3557359 ."
    instrument de partage des risques | IPR
    Definition mécanisme pilote conjoint de garantie du FEI, de la BEI et de la Commission européenne (DG Recherche & Innovation) visant à améliorer l'accès au financement par l'emprunt des PME et des entreprises de taille intermédiaire (moins de 500 employés) innovantes à l'appui de leurs projets en matière de recherche, de développement et d'innovation Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après le site du Fonds européen d'investissement: > What we do > Risk sharing instrument, [30.1.2014]"
  6. EUROPEAN UNION|EU finance|Community budget
    ionstraim roinnte riosca Reference "Rialachán (AE, EURATOM) Uimh. 966/2012 maidir leis na rialacha airgeadais is infheidhme maidir le buiséad ginearálta an Aontais agus lena n-aisghairetar Rialachán (CE, Euratom) Uimh. 1605/2002, CELEX:32012R0966/GAFaomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Context 'Chun saintréith in-aisíoctha na tacaíochta a sholáthraítear trí ionstraimí airgeadais a chur san áireamh agus chun iad a ailíniú le cleachtais mhargaidh, ba cheart go bhféadfadh tacaíocht ó Chistí SIE a sholáthraítear d'fhaighteoirí deiridh i bhfoirm infheistíochtaí cothromais nó cuasachothromais, iasachtaí nó ráthaíochtaí, nó ionstraimí roinnte rioscaí eile, iomlán na n-infheistíochtaí arna ndéanamh ag faighteoirí deiridh a chumhdach, gan idirdhealú ó chostais atá gaolmhar le CBL.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 1303/2013 lena leagtar síos forálacha coiteanna maidir le Ciste Forbraíochta Réigiúnaí na hEorpa, le Ciste Sóisialta na hEorpa, leis an gCiste Comhtháthaithe, leis an gCiste Eorpach Talmhaíochta um Fhorbairt Tuaithe agus leis an gCiste Eorpach Muirí agus Iascaigh agus lena leagtar síos forálacha ginearálta maidir le Ciste Forbraíochta Réigiúnaí na hEorpa, le Ciste Sóisialta na hEorpa, leis an gCiste Comhtháthaithe agus leis an gCiste Eorpach Muirí agus Iascaigh agus lena n-aisghairtear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 1083/2006 ón gComhairle, CELEX:32013R1303/GA"
    ionstraim um chomhroinnt riosca Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Mura gcuirfear síneadh leis an ionstraim um chomhroinnt riosca i gcomhair bannaí tionscadail i dtreo is go leanfaidh sí ar aghaidh faoin gcéad chreat airgeadais eile, cuirfear ar ais ar thaobh an ioncaim de bhuiséad ginearálta an AE aon chistí a bheidh fágtha.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 670/2012 lena leasaítear Cinneadh Uimh. 1639/2006/CE lena mbunaítear Clár Réime Iomaíochais agus Nuálaíochta (2007-2013) agus Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 680/2007 lena leagtar síos rialacha ginearálta maidir le cabhair airgeadais Chomhphobail a dheonú i réimse na ngréasán tras-Eorpach iompair agus fuinnimh, CELEX:32012R0670/GA"
    ionstraim comhroinnte riosca Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'San Ionstraim Fiachais beidh ionstraim comhroinnte riosca le haghaidh iasachtaí agus ráthaíochtaí chomh maith leis an Tionscnamh Bannaí Tionscadal.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 1316/2013 lena mbunaítear an tSaoráid um Chónascadh na hEorpa, lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 913/2010 agus lena n-aisghairtear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 680/2007 agus Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 67/2010, CELEX:32013R1316/GA"
    Definition ionstraim airgeadais lena gceadaítear riosca sainithe a roinnt idir dhá eintiteas nó níos mó, i gcás inarb iomchuí mar mhalairt ar luach saothair comhaontaithe Reference "Rialachán (AE, EURATOM) Uimh. 966/2012 maidir leis na rialacha airgeadais is infheidhme maidir le buiséad ginearálta an Aontais agus lena n-aisghairetar Rialachán (CE, Euratom) Uimh. 1605/2002, CELEX:32012R0966/GA"
    Definition Finanzierungsinstrument, durch das – gegebenenfalls gegen Zahlung einer vereinbarten Prämie – ein festgelegtes Risiko zwischen zwei oder mehr Stellen geteilt werden kann Reference "Verordnung (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 18. Juli 2018 über die Haushaltsordnung für den Gesamthaushaltsplan der Union, Art.2 Nr.57"
    Comment "XREF: Risikoteilungsinstrument des EIF, der EIB und der Kommission für innovative KMU: IATE:3540446"
    risk-sharing instrument
    Definition financial instrument which allows for the sharing of a defined risk between two or more entities, where appropriate in exchange for an agreed remuneration Reference "Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, Article 2(57), CELEX:32018R1046"
    Comment "See also IATE:3540446 for the EIF Risk-Sharing Instrument for SMEs and Small Mid-Caps (RSI)."
    instrument de partage des risques
    Definition instrument financier qui garantit le partage d'un risque défini entre deux ou plusieurs entités, le cas échéant contre le versement d'une rémunération convenue Reference "Règlement (UE, Euratom) 2018/1046 relatif aux règles financières applicables au budget général de l’Union, art. 2 ,point 57, CELEX:32018R1046/FR"
    Comment "Voir également [ IATE:3540446 ] pour l'instrument de partage des risques du Fonds européen d'investissement."