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6 results

    íosráta toraidh Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Definition Rendite (Rentabilität), die eine Investition mindestens erwirtschaften soll Reference "Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon Online, ""Mindestrendite"", (10.11.2015)"
    hurdle rate
    Definition minimum rate of return on a project or investment required by a manager or investor Reference "Investopedia - financial glossary, [02.12.2015]"
    Comment In order to compensate for risk, the riskier the project, the higher the hurdle rate.
    taux critique de rentabilité | taux de rentabilité minimal | taux de rendement minimal | taux de rendement minimal acceptable | taux de rendement exigé | taux de rentabilité exigé
    Definition taux de rendement minimum exigé par une entreprise avant d’initier un projet Reference "Site, Lexique financier > Hurdle rate, [3.7.2015]"
  2. TRADE|marketing|preparation for market
    cóimheas toradh cuntasaíochta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Accounting rate of return
    Definition A rate of return determined by using an accrual accounting basis for determining return and the investment base.Thus,return on total assets would be derived as annual accounting net income divided by average net book value of total assets. Reference World Bank Gloss.,1986,Washington
    taux de rentabilité comptable
    ráta toraidh ar chothromas Reference Comhairle-GA
    Definition Einzahlungsüberschuss des Unternehmens abzüglich der an die Fremdkapitalgeber abzuführenden Zinszahlungen in Relation zum eingesetzten Eigenkapital Reference "Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon, s.v. Rentabilität, (11.1.2016)"
    return on equity | ROE
    Definition the net income of an organization expressed as a percentage of its equity capital Reference """return on equity"" A Dictionary of Finance and Banking. Ed Jonathan Law and John Smullen. Oxford University Press (OUP), 2008. Oxford Reference Online. OUP. DGT. [21.10.2010]"
    Comment "It measures a firm's efficiency at generating profits from every unit of shareholders' equity (also known as net assets or assets minus liabilities). ROE shows how well a company uses investment funds to generate earnings growth. Note ref.: Wikipedia > Return on equity. [21.10.2010]"
    taux de rendement des capitaux propres | rendement des capitaux propres | rentabilité des capitaux propres | RCP | taux de rentabilité des capitaux propres | rendement de l'investissement des actionnaires
    Definition rentabilité des capitaux propres (après impôts) qui traduit l'aptitude de l'entreprise à dégager un taux de profit suffisant pour s'assurer une capacité de remunération de ses actionnaires Reference Antoine J., Dictionnaires des marches financiers, De Boeck, 2008, ISBN: 978-2-8041-5865-1
    Comment Cette rentabilité financière s'exprime en pour cent des fonds propres.
  4. FINANCE|financing and investment · BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|accounting
    ráta toraidh inmheánach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Ina theannta sin, déanfar an glanluach reatha (arna ríomh ar bhonn ráta toraidh inmheánach na nIonstraimí Maoinithe lena maoinítear Iasacht den sórt sin (nó cibé ráta toraidh inmheánach cumaiscthe eile a mheastar is cuí i gcás Straitéise Maoinithe Éagsúlaithe), an “Ráta Lascaine”) ar an gCorrlach réamh-mheasta a d’fhabhródh ar gach Iasacht go dtí an dáta aibíochta sceidealta a asbhaint as an méid airgid atá le cur ar aghaidh chuig an Iasachtaí i leith Iasachta den sórt sin.' Reference "An tAcht um Shaoráid Chobhsaíochta Airgeadais Eorpach, 2010, [4.3.2016]"
    IRR Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    interner Zinsfuß
    Definition Zinssatz, mit dem die Summe der künftigen Nettoeinnahmen auf die ursprüngliche Investition abzuzinsen ist Reference International Accounting Lexicon(U.E.C.)-Konzernrechnungslegung
    internal rate of return | IRR | economic rate of return | ERR | discounted cash flow rate of return | DCFROR | discounted cash flow yield
    Definition average annual return earned through the life of an investment Reference ", internal return rate [24.3.2014]"
    Comment "One of the two main discounted cash flow (DCF) methods 1 (the other is net present value 2 or NPV) used in comparative appraisal of investment proposals where the flow of income varies over time, the IRR can, depending on the method used, either be the effective rate of interest on a deposit or loan, or the discount rate that reduces to zero the net present value of a stream of income inflows and outflows 1See also discounted cash flow method [ IATE:1075854 ]2See also: net present value [ IATE:862636 ]"
    taux actuariel | TRI | taux de rendement interne | taux de rentabilité interne
    Definition taux d'actualisation unique qui permet d'égaliser le prix d'achat d'une obligation avec la valeur actuelle de ses flux futurs Reference "fimarkets, Le risque de marché - Le risque de taux (3), [6.6.2014]"
  5. TRADE|marketing|preparation for market
    ráta toraidh breisitheach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    ráta toraidh incriminteach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Incremental rate of return
    Definition The discount rate which equalizes the present value of incremental costs with the incremental benefits of the project. Reference World Bank Gloss.,1986,Washington
    taux marginal de rentabilité | taux différentiel de rentabilité