
Modh cuardaigh

Scag na torthaí


22 toradh in 22 doiciméad

  1. #994815

    The statement said that all other translators on the panel would have to resit an examination if they succeeded in their application for a place in the examination centre.

    Lost in translation – Pól Ó Muirí

  2. #1131081

    Deir Myles Ronan: ‘When a student in Maynooth, by sheer ingenuity and application he mastered Irish and wrote an essay in the language for which he got a prize.

  3. #1657604

    If in doubt, they should refer the development to the Development Application Tracking Unit at the Department.

  4. #1732486

    If in doubt, they should refer the development to the Development Application Tracking Unit at the Department.

  5. #1115729

    Scríobh an tEaspag Hutchinson A Defence of the Antient Historians: With a Particular Application of it to the History of Ireland and Great-Britain, and other Northern Nations in a Dialogue between Protestant and a Papist, an Englishman and an Irishman, 1734.

  6. #1138946

    All of this further calls into question the minister's then decision to cut the scheme just days later, and why these documents were originally withheld.” Ag caint faoi impleachtaí dhruidimna scéime, dúradh sa cháipéis treorach aire “there would be an impact on our progress towards getting 20,000 people signed up to Líofa – one of the criterion for application to the scheme is that the young person must be registered with Líofa and have pledged to improve their learning of Irish”.

  7. #1146298

    In this regard, as part of the application process, prospective patrons must submit completed parental preferences and indicate their preference for their child(ren) to be educated through that patron’s school model and also their preference with regard to education through the medium of English or Irish.

  8. #1730960

    Foreign language assistant in Modern Irish and Irish Civilisation ** ** Employer: University of Brest Département de Celtique Job Location: Brest, France Rank or title: Foreign Language Assistant, PhD Student, Post Doc Language Specialty: Modern Irish Application Deadline: open until filled Application Adress: Dr Daniel Le Bris Département de Celtique / Université de Brest 2, rue Bigarré 35000 RENNES – FRANCE Application Email (recommended): Contact Information: 00 33 2 99 59 44 58 Salary: €1,205 (net pay) per month during 3 years Applications are invited for a 3 years Modern Irish and Irish Civilisation teaching.

  9. #1138903

    In making his determination the Minister considered those matters which by virtue of the Fisheries (Amendment) Act 1997, and other relevant legislation, he was required to regard, Such matter include any submission and observations received in accordance with statuary provisions" "The application, while outside the Gweedore- Carrickfinn designated shellfish waters, is approximately 0.5km from the official sampling point which currently holds a 'B' classification.

  10. #1765554

    In agallamh leis an chlár raidió “News at One” bhí an méid seo le rá ag an Aire McDowell: “The Irish Independent sought this from me and I gave to them the document which was the subject of the false application.” D’ainneoin sin, léiríonn iarratas a rinne mé féin faoin Acht um Shaoráil Faisnéise nach bhfuil taifead dá laghad ag an Roinn Dlí agus Cirt, Comhionannas agus Athchóirithe Dlí d’aon iarratas a rinne *Independent Newspapers* ar an eolas seo.

  11. #1830959

    Scríobh Lord Kerr: …there was no evidence that at the time of the making of the ICO, it would have been unduly onerous for the Secretary of State, then the Rt Hon William Whitelaw MP, personally to consider each application for an ICO.

  12. #974147

    Foclóir na seachtaine seo acmhainn - resources; athbhreithniú - review; bagairt - threat; comhtháite - integrated; comhordú - co-ordination; feidhmiú - application; gníomhaire - agent; macalla - echo; measúnú - assessment; páirtnéireacht - partnership; sainiúlacht - distinctiveness; uirlis - tool

    Focloir – Gan údar