
Modh cuardaigh

Scag na torthaí


35 toradh in 34 doiciméad

  1. #1342462

    “Apologies for the late notice, but efforts had been underway to try to avoid this situation.

  2. #327474

    “…urban gaelscoils were largely so that middle-class white families could avoid having their children educated alongside non-white children…” 4.

  3. #990928

    We did this in order to scratch ourselves in peace, to avoid the teacher’s glare, but most of all to mess.

    Schoolmate Bob – Alan Titley

  4. #1134115

    149, that Eibhlín Ní Choillte (“Ellen Quilty”) was “probably a nom-de-guerre, assumed by some bard to avoid detection”, seems groundless’​.

  5. #628440

    I ráiteas a thug an t-óglach James Nohilly as Tuaim nuair a gabhadh é i 1921, d’admhaigh sé: ‘I first joined the Sinn Féin movement i 1917 in order to avoid service with the British Army.’ Cáineadh roinnt de na daoine a fuair talamh ó Bhord na gCeantar Cúng: ‘some of the most worthless and disloyal’, agus mhothaigh an RIC nach raibh an rialtas leath sách géar ar agóidithe, rud a thug misneach do dhaoine eile seasamh ina n-aghaidh.

  6. #991993

    He also recounts the various pranks the prisoners played on one another to avoid going mad given that they were kept in such confined conditions, and spent 23 out of 24 hours indoors and under lock-and-key.

    Remembering not to remember – Mícheál Ó Haodha

  7. #994162

    Of particular interest in Ó Maolchatha’s narrative are his descriptions of the people who still wandered or begged from place to place and who lodged with local people up until the late-1940s, a small number of whom had physical or intellectual difficulties and who managed to avoid the institutionalization that became increasingly common as the 20th century progressed and the new nation-state and its processes tightened their grip.

    Remembering what others wish you to forget – Mícheál Ó Haodha

  8. #1117125

    The slab was much worn, as it lay directly under two steps leading from the sacristy to the cloister: so for its better preservation, I had it moved a slight distance away from the steps, so that passers-by could avoid walking on it.

  9. #1122169

    With the pieces from Merriman the tremendous swing of the Irish verse absolutely imposed a rhythmical swing, amounting to metre, on the English; and to avoid giving an impression similar to “prose-poems” or poetry printed as prose, these two passages are given with the verse lines of the original as separate lines of print.’​ I measc na n-onóracha a tugadh dó tá DLittCelt agus CBE.

  10. #1126127

    However, after a while they decided to avoid the inconvenience of competition (they were paid according to the amount of material collected) by agreeing that Hiúdaí Mhicí Hiúdaí would collect from Sorcha Chonaill while Hiúdaí Phadaí Hiúdaí would collect from Annie Bhán.

  11. #1327101

    D’áitigh an feachtasóir go raibh iarracht leanúnach déanta ag TnaG ‘to avoid a Gaeltacht focus in the programmes it commissions’ cé go mba léir ó fhianaise na bhfigiúirí féachana ‘that the east-coasters are not particularly interested’.

  12. #1397445

    Is féidir leis an inspreagadh intreach agus eistreach, sé sin an fonn atá ar an bhfoghlaimeoir ‘…to get a reward or avoid punishment…’ (Deci & Ryan, 1985: 245), a bheith ag feidhmiú as lámha a chéile, rud a chabhraíonn le leibhéal féinmhuiníne an fhoghlaimeora a ardú le linn an phróisis foghlama.

  13. #1561305

    By making a pre-publication version available here from 7 November, they hope that librarians and others will share their knowledge to avoid the list going to press next year with known gaps.  More here on Irish dialect pronunciation.

  14. #1710413

    Tá fógraí crochta leath bealaigh in airde a thugann foláireamh do shiúlóirí faoin chontúirt a bhaineann leis: “*Tonnes of unstable rock and scree now present a high level of objective dangers and local guides are strongly advising people to avoid the route*.” Comharlaítear do dhaoine dul ar mhalairt slí cionn is gur tharla trí sciorradh talún ann le chor a bheith bliain anuas.

  15. #1746190

    Le Google ar ár dtoil againn is féidir linn cuardach a dhéanamh ní hamháin ar ‘Sables d’Olonne’ ach ar *‘What to avoid in Sables d’Olonne’* nó ar an *‘Best ice-cream in Sables d’Olonne’* (Tomhais anois cá mbeidh mo thriall ar saoire...!) Agus ar bhrú cnaipe is féidir teacht ar léirmheasanna, grianghrafanna, sainsuíomhanna, blagmhíreanna agus ar eolas beo go deimhin trí *Twitter, Flickr, Instagram, Facebook* agus a leithéid eile.

  16. #290121

    Mhol sé don Taoiseach gan géilleadh don “terrible temptation to be opportunist” agus tharraing sé a aird ar na “perils of cashing in on political emotionalism.” Seo cuid eile den méid a scríobh sé: “Every effort should be made in any Government statements from Dublin to avoid identifying the Govt.

  17. #1194121

    since we are children of the day and of light let us avoid these (ignorance, drunkenness, etc)] ach a mhalairt de chasadh a bhaineann Cummings as a chruthaíonn ‘bréag-ghluais’ dá chuid féin: “Hóre nítan maicc laí et soilse, seichem nahísiu.” Seasaíonn sé sin leis an áiteamh atá ar bun aige roimhe sin agus a chuireann sé in iúl leis an dá líne: Cruthaíonn sé pearsa dhiaga dá chuid féin, Nahishu, bunaithe ar an ngluais .i.

  18. #1337638

    Ní mó ná sásta a bhí an Roinn Airgeadais faoin chur chuige sin: “Roinn na Gaeltachta, upon occasion, has sought to avoid responsibility for collecting statistics relevant to progress on the language on the basis that such progress is not quantifiable.

  19. #1337648

    Ní mó ná sásta a bhí an Roinn Airgeadais faoin chur chuige sin: “Roinn na Gaeltachta, upon occasion, has sought to avoid responsibility for collecting statistics relevant to progress on the language on the basis that such progress is not quantifiable.

  20. #1766959

    An féidir leat aon mhaith a dhéanamh le gníomhaíocht den chineál seo?** NFarrell: B’fhéidir mar gheall ar mo thógáil i mBéal Feirste – tá sé san fhuil, *instinctively, I try to avoid prison*!

  21. #289780

    Agus é ag trácht ar an ‘massive reform agenda’ a bhí ag Quinn, deir Walshe: “At the outset, he decided to avoid the Irish language as a battle too far, as Enda Kenny had discovered in the run-up to the general election and alienated many in the still-powerful language lobby… “Kenny wanted to retain Irish as compulsory for Junior Certificate Level but only as an option at Leaving Certificate level.

  22. #1691154

    Cónaíonn sé i nDún Éideann lena bhean chéile agus beirt chlainne, áit a mbíonn sé ag dul don scríbhneoireacht go lánaimseartha.* *Is údar agus aistritheoir é Antain Mac Lochlainn a rugadh i gContae Dhoire ach tá ina chónaí i dtuaisceart Chontae Bhaile Átha Cliath anois.* Gluais • Glossary glúin nuaa new generation brívigour ag dul ó neart go neartgoing from strength to strength fiontar foilsitheoireachtapublishing enterprise cnuasach gearrscéaltacollection of short stories cé gur mhionnaigh Artairalthough Artair swore slíomairesmooth, flattering, hypocritically friendly person saint an ghoilethe greed of his stomach a chomhairle a athrúto change his mind ar fheabhas uiligabsolutely excellent osnasigh ar chúl an mhuinílbehind the neck muisiriúnmushroom ní réitíonn siad sin liom beag ná mórthey don”t agree with me at all snaghiccups gráinnínpinch cainéalcinnamon síoltaseeds a sháith biaenough food ag cruthú rud úrcreating something new má thuigeann tú leat méif you know what I mean a sheachaintto avoid muiníntrust blastatasty ordóg coisetoe an iarraidh sinthis time cnapheap á ghreadadh go cúramachcarefully mixing it babhlabowl scilléadskillet shamhlaigh séhe imagined go díbhirceacheagerly subhachascheerfulness ag leathadhspreading geirfat bréanfoul doilighdifficult a chreidbheáilto believe ar leithseparately mar a thit rudaí amach domhow things worked out for me ní raibh dadaidh le fáilthere was nothing available i mo ghlacin my hand ag diúlsucking bhí an t-ádh dearg ormI was dead lucky dea-chumthashapely láchfriendly fialgenerous níor bhlais mé riamhI never tasted faic na ngrástnot a thing ag cuimilt a béilrubbing her mouth a mháshis thigh seanmóireachtpreaching greimbite iomrámention deisopportunity luachmharvaluable seanchaslore as ar fáisceadh iadfrom which they were wrought doilíssorrow, difficulty i leathchogarin a half-whisper iad a chur i ngníomhto put them in action seal beag gearra short period sa Nua-Shéalainnin New Zealand ina ghabhalcrotch ag sápressing críonmhíoltawood-worms corrachprojecting lorgashin damanta nimhneachdamn sore scoilteadh a chraiceannhis skin was split crá gan mhaolútorment without alleviation chun an tí bhigto the toilet ina gcuideachtain their company báisteach mhillteanachterrible rain foscadhshelter a bhaint amachto reach ag bleadaracht go díchéillíblattering senselessly scaiftecrowd ag casachtachcoughing breallánfool millteanach dóighiúilextremely pretty as miosúrextraordinary gan choinneunexpected blas searbha sour taste breis agus a sáithmore than her fill strambánachlong-winded smut féin den fhírinneeven a small bit of truth é a thionlacanto accompany him a bhéarfadh íthat would take her críochend gan mhórchuid náirewithout a lot of embarrassment gnóthachbusy straois léanmharwoeful grimace trína gruaig mhín bhánthrough her soft white hair sula bpléascfadh a lamhnánbefore his bladder would explode ag cogaint a spúnóigechewing the spoon déaraimislet us say drochnósannabad habits tuairimíopinions cogaíwars slí mhaireachtála fholláinhealthy way of life a mhealladhto coax a chuir fíorionadh uirthiwhich really surprised her ag cur tharstutalking away go díbhirceach dícheallacheagerly and diligently d’fholmhaigh séhe emptied sásarsaucer doirtealsink thriomaigh éhe dried it slachtmhartidy á thionlacan féinaccompying himself sultmharenjoyable spídslander gan mhuirnwithout tenderness magairlítesticles nuair a dheifrigh Artair tharstu de léimwhen Artair hurried past them with a jump