
Modh cuardaigh

Scag na torthaí


161 toradh in 134 doiciméad

  1. #1132921

    Bhí sé ina bhall de choiste ealaíne an Oireachtais agus den National Council for Educational Awards.

  2. #1560019

    This is also in accordance with the policy adopted by the Council in relation to the provision of translation services at meetings / workshops of the Council.” Nuair a cuireadh ceist faoin chúis nár cuireadh aistritheoir ar fáil don Chomhairleoir Contae Mícheál Cholm Mac Giolla Easpuig, dúirt siad “Donegal County Council will continue to review this area of our work and to change the current policy subject to the agreement of the overall Council in relation to the commitment of the necessary resources to support any extension of existing arrangements.”

  3. #1657603

    “The County Council rigorously assesses the development to see it will not jeopardise the SAC.

  4. #1733780

    Tugtar Council of Australian Governments (COAG) ar na cruinnithe seo.

  5. #1783609

    Is leis an Australian Wine Export Council cearta na ngrianghraf san alt seo.

  6. #1783800

    Agus mise ansin, bhí aonach seandálaíochta ar siúl, a d’eagraigh The Council for Scottish Archaeology.

  7. #991111

    The leader of Gwynedd council and a Plaid Cymru councillor, Mr Dyfed Edwards, told the BBC that the effect of the housing on the Welsh language had been considered; the council wanted to support Welsh but also wanted to build houses that local people could afford to buy.

    Welsh speakers worried about housing plans – Gan údar

  8. #1129820

    Dúradh i dtuarascáil bhliantúil Chumann Buan-Choimeádta na Gaeilge 1886: ‘The Council have to regret the loss by death of the Revd Brother Grace, Superior of the Christian Schools, and one of the oldest members of the Council.

  9. #1131692

    As soon as he came within shouting distance of us he called out that I had won a Meath County Council scholarship and that the Council at its recent meeting had accepted me as having achieved first place in the examination.’​ Caith sé cúig bliana ina scoláire cónaithe i gColáiste Fhinnín sa Mhuileann gCearr, agus i 1929 bhuaigh sé scoláireacht sa Mheán-Teist.

  10. #1305319

    “That this Council, noting the existing lavish provision for Irish language interests, opposes any attempt, under any legislative guise, to make Irish an official language in Northern Ireland or to require to be treated on a par with English, either in the council or elsewhere, believing such would create massive public expenditure, and a clear disadvantage to the non-Irish speaking majority and prove needlessly divisive across the community,” a deir an rún.

  11. #1558126

    The minutes of last night’s Council meeting is subject to the call-in period which ends on Friday at 12 noon, thereafter the Council minutes will be published in due course." Tugadh an polasaí aonteangach isteach i mí Feabhra i ndiaidh do Chumann Áitritheoirí Abbeyville i mBaile na Mainistreach, Contae Aontroma, iarratas a dhéanamh comharthaí Gaeilge a chrochadh ar shráideanna sa cheantar.

  12. #1674930

    Ceapadh Weir uachtarán anuraidh ar *Council for the National Interest,* foras a thacaíonn le *“Middle East policies that serve the American national interest.”* Is é Philip Giraldi stiúrthóir feidhmiúcháin Council for the National Interest.

  13. #312967

    Ach, más ag caint ar acrainmneacha áiféiseacha atáimid, is do na heasaontóirí poblachtacha atá an churadhmhír ag dul: Continuity Army Council (CAC) agus Real IRA (RIRA).

  14. #313081

    Ach, más ag caint ar acrainmneacha áiféiseacha atáimid, is do na heasaontóirí poblachtacha atá an churadhmhír ag dul: Continuity Army Council (CAC) agus Real IRA (RIRA).

  15. #741366

    Dúirt sé fosta go dtugann tíortha eile airgead cúnaimh do thionscnaimh chultúrtha ar fud na cruinne trí leithéidí an British Council agus an Alliance Française.

  16. #794654

    the Arts Council – an Chomhairle Ealaíon; the Revenue Commissioners – na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim; the Education Act – an tAcht Oideachais; Nuair is gnáthaidiacht an focal Béarla tar éis ‘the’ is gnách aidiacht sa leagan

  17. #920171

    16.00 Leaschathaoirleach Chomhairle Contae na Gaillimhe: “Maybe the County Council is a pawn in this game, and that’s regrettable,” a deir sé.

  18. #974781

    Tá ceannaire an British Council i mBéal Feirste, Anne Malamah-Thomas, le cruinniú a shocrú ag deireadh na bliana leis na socruithe éagsúla a tharraingt le chéile.

    'Cuir m'ainm air' – Gan údar

  19. #984855

    Bhí rún aige féin leanstan den obair agus, cheana féin, bhí geallúint béil faighte aige ón British Council go n-eagródh siad cruinniú teoranta ar an ábhar céanna an fómhar seo.

    Voces Atha Cliath – Gan údar

  20. #984955

    Tá ceannaire an British Council i mBéal Feirste, Anne Malamah-Thomas, le cruinniú a shocrú ag deireadh na bliana leis na socruithe éagsúla a tharraingt le chéile.

    'Cuir m'ainm air' – Gan údar

  21. #990909

    The forum was established as part of the arrangements that followed from the decision of the North/South Ministerial Council to re-organise the voluntary sector from 19 organisations to six.

    First meeting of the Partnership Forum – Gan údar

  22. #990912

    Tá an British Council ar lorg cúntóirí Gaeilge le dul ag obair i scoileanna i dTuaisceart Éireann don scoilbhliain 2014-2015.

    British Council ar lorg Gaeilgeoirí – Gan údar

  23. #1008623

    De réir na comhairle, is é a dhéanann na ceapacháin "embrace important new priority areas within the Arts Council's remit.

    Nil me a ra ... – Gan údar

  24. #1008624

    Crafts, architecture, public art, social inclusion and language arts address vital elements of the Council's strategy up to 2006, with an emphasis on increased access and participation in creative activity.

    Nil me a ra ... – Gan údar