
Modh cuardaigh

Scag na torthaí


99 toradh in 76 doiciméad

  1. #991261

    Mr McGinley also said that the Government’s decision this week to draft a Bill to amend the Official Languages Act was welcome as the Act was “very important to the Irish language and Gaeltacht communities and it is timely that the appropriate amendments are now made as it has been in place for over ten years”.

    Office of Coimisinéir Teanga to remain independent – Pól Ó Muirí

  2. #991264

    Two major Irish-language groups, Gael Linn and Conradh na Gaeilge, have today welcomed the Government’s decision not to amalgamate the Office of Coimisinéir Teanga (Language Commissioner) with that of the Ombudsman.

    Language groups welcome Government’s announcement on commissioner’s independence – Pól Ó Muirí

  3. #991265

    Chief Executive of Gael Linn, Mr Antoine Ó Coileáin, said that it was the right decision but he was still concerned that “the proposal to dovetail the publication of the annual report and accounts of An Coimisnéir Teanga seems to be designed to limit his access to the Houses of the Oireachtas with the attendant opportunity to highlight his work”.

    Language groups welcome Government’s announcement on commissioner’s independence – Pól Ó Muirí

  4. #992368

    airgead money – anuraidh last year – cáiníocóir taxpayer – cinneadh decision – coimisinéir commissioner – díchéillí senseless– dráma drama – éifeachtach effective – finscéal legend – gáire laughter – geamaireacht pantomime – léitheoir reader – leochaileach sensitive – neamhspleách independent – próiseas process – ráiteas statement – seirbhís service – seoladh launch – tábhacht importance – tromchúiseach serious

    Sétanta na Nollag – Gan údar

  5. #993655

    An Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s promotion of a non-Irish-speaking TD to the role of Minister for the Gaeltacht felt like a gratuitous slight to many Irish speakers, but the rationale offered for his decision has added insult to injury.

    The Gaeltacht’s Sarah Palin moment – Seán Tadhg Ó Gairbhí

  6. #996677

    Down South on Lá Mór na Gaeilge, thousands of Irish speakers were “dearg le fearg” as they marched in support of the first ever Coimisinéir Teanga’s decision to resign in protest at Government failures to support the language.

    Ulster says Danone! – Seán Tadhg Ó Gairbhí

  7. #997174

    I meamram a réitíodh don rialtas ar an 14 Lúnasa, 1984, dúradh nach raibh aon soláthar pinsin déanta d’fhoireann INNIU agus go raibh brú millteanach ar Aire na Gaelachta, Paddy O’Toole, aire a thabhairt do na hoibrithe: “He accepts moral responsibility in the matter as the problem has arisen from his decision to withdraw the grant in an effort to achieve rationalisation and attract readership.” Mhol an tAire go n-íocfaí deontas speisialta aon uaire mar phacáiste iomarcaíochta do cheathrar den fhoireann agus go dtabharfaí postanna i Roinn na Gaeltachta do bheirt oibrí eile.

    INNIU agus Amárach – Breandán Delap

  8. #1015786

    Ach deirtear go mbeadh sé seo místuama: "However, in an era of rationalisation and convergence, such a decision at this time might be deemed out of step with best practice, given the debate concerning the remit and funding of public service broadcasting." Meastar fosta go gcuirfeadh neamhspleáchas TG4 as go mór don chaidreamh idir Nuacht TG4 agus Nuacht RTÉ agus nach bhféadfaí a chinntiú go mbeadh fáil ar ábhair chartlainne nó leabharlainne RTÉ feasta.

    Molann caipeis RTE 'feinriail' do TG4 – Eagarthoir Gaeilge: Pol O Muiri

  9. #1038614

    D’admhaigh sé gur “céim neamhghnách” a bhí anseo ach go bhféadfadh go mbeadh “sinister implications” ag fiosrúchán an Scuad Calaoise dó: “I would have thought that the then Government in making such a decision would have averted to the implications of a fraud investigation for me as auditor of An t-Údarás,” a scríobh P.L.

    Níor luaithe Údarás na Gaeltachta bunaithe gur thosaigh iaróg faoi airgead – Breandán Delap

  10. #1127037

    ‘He was regarded as a very successful Minister for the Gaeltacht and it was local constituency pressure on Charles Haughey, during the course of his trip to the Castlebar area for the unveiling of a plaque on the house where he was born, that led to his decision to re-appoint Gallagher to the Government’​ (Magill).

  11. #1138946

    All of this further calls into question the minister's then decision to cut the scheme just days later, and why these documents were originally withheld.” Ag caint faoi impleachtaí dhruidimna scéime, dúradh sa cháipéis treorach aire “there would be an impact on our progress towards getting 20,000 people signed up to Líofa – one of the criterion for application to the scheme is that the young person must be registered with Líofa and have pledged to improve their learning of Irish”.

  12. #1145214

    I have no objection to its decision in this regard.” Ní mó ná sásta a bhí an Teachta Dála Catherine Connolly le freagra an Aire Bruton agus chuir sí ina leith nár thuig sé a ceist agus nach raibh ina fhreagra ach athrá ar liosta de bheartais de chuid na hOllscoile a bhí seolta aige chuici i litir cheana féin.

  13. #1304780

    “Given he was arguing just yesterday for a two candidate strategy which he would have been happy to be part of, we are extremely surprised at his decision to leave the party today.” Dúirt an Seanadóir as Conamara go raibh sé “croíbhriste”, agus go raibh sé “ag dul siar abhaile” leis an scéal a phlé lena bhean, Mali, agus a gclann.

  14. #1304863

    “Given he was arguing just yesterday for a two candidate strategy which he would have been happy to be part of, we are extremely surprised at his decision to leave the party today.” Dúirt an Seanadóir as Conamara go raibh sé “croíbhriste”, agus go raibh sé “ag dul siar abhaile” leis an scéal a phlé lena bhean, Mali, agus a gclann.

  15. #1304887

    “Given he was arguing just yesterday for a two candidate strategy which he would have been happy to be part of, we are extremely surprised at his decision to leave the party today.” Dúirt an Seanadóir as Conamara go raibh sé “croíbhriste”, agus go raibh sé “ag dul siar abhaile” leis an scéal a phlé lena bhean, Mali, agus a gclann.

  16. #1312364

    His decision to appoint Donegal man, Joe McHugh, to be both Chief Whip and Minister of State for the Gaeltacht drew a glowing press release from the Irish-language advocacy group, Conradh na Gaeilge.

    Taoiseach and Irish groups locked in that old céilí dance – Pól Ó Muirí

  17. #1313688

    Nic Eoin féin a luaigh an méid seo i The Irish Times ina léirmheas ar an dara haistriúchán acu seo: “the decision to commission two translations was a master stroke by Yale, as it avoids canonical status being attached to the first published English version and brings Cré na Cille to a worldwide readership in a manner that encourages ongoing engagement with the original text.” Is aisteach an ní, shamhlófá, nach raibh an léacht seo tugtha cheana ag an Ollamh Nic Eoin, Ollamh Emerita le Gaeilge ó Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath mar atá anois, ach le Coláiste Phádraig, Droim Conrach mar a bhí, áit ar chaith sí breis agus 35 bliain ag saothrú inti.

    An Cadhnach: athnuaite agus athghafa? – Liam Mac Amhlaigh

  18. #1330544

    Deir siad in aineoinn go bhfuil an comhairliúchán críochnaithe nach mbeidh aon chinneadh ar aon dul chun cinn á dhéanamh acu go dtí go mbeidh Aire ann, ag rá “Whilst the consultation is complete, any decision on the way ahead could not be taken until a Minister is in place.” Dúirt Translink i bpreasráiteas áfach nach bhfuil aon phlean acu comharthaí dátheangacha a thabhairt isteach i nDoire faoi láthair mar gheall ar thorthaí an chomhairliúcháin.

  19. #1331110

    Deir an litir, feicthe ag The Detail: “I can confirm that no equality screening assessment was undertaken on the decision to discontinue the Gaeltacht Bursary Scheme.” Tá sé anois deimhnithe ag an Choimisiún Comhionannais ina thuairisc a foilsíodh inniu nach raibh aon eolas maidir le measúnú comhionannais curtha faoi bhráid an Aire Givan nuair a rinneadh an cinneadh deireadh a chur leis an scéim sparántachta i mí na Nollag 2016.

  20. #1347190

    Seo mar a tuairiscíodh a chuid cainte san Irish Times: “Mr Donoghue sought to distance himself from the decision to sell such a large portfolio of non-performing loans, saying that it was at the direction of the bank’s independent regulator, the European Central Bank.” Mo thrua inniu Éire: í faoi bhois an chait, i ladhar an chasúir, ina caora idir dhá reithe – Banc Ceannais na hEorpa ar thaobh amháin agus na creach-chistí ar an taobh eile.

  21. #1542828

    ‘Lord Kerr found that the decision not to hold a public inquiry into the murder was a matter for the government’s ‘political judgement’.’ Chuir sé i gcuimhne dom an lá a raibh triúr againn ag déanamh ar an aerfort in Strasbourg tar éis dúinn cás a bheith tugtha againn os comhair Chúirt na hEorpa faoi mhír 31 den Acht Craolacháin, an mhír a chosc agallaimh le Sinn Féin ar RTÉ.

  22. #1622132

    Shéan sé fosta go raibh athrú intinne tagtha air faoina thábhachtaí is a bhí sé teangacha iasachta a fhoghlaim in áit na Gaeilge: "Parents who choose to have their children take Irish instead of one of them at a time when the importance of the European dimension is growing, should think carefully about the possible future consequences of such a decision." Dúirt sé, áfach, nach raibh sé le grúpa oibre Gaeilge a bhunú chun clár foghlamtha a chur le chéile ach go mbeadh an cúram seo i lámha grúpa oibre níos leithne a bhí ag plé le teangacha i gcoitinne.

  23. #1652356

    Measadh go forleathan ag deireadh na bliana 2010 go dteipfeadh ar an gcomhaontú idir Gillard agus na trasbhinseoirí sul i bhfad, ach gheall Gillard go hurrúsach go mbeadh 2011 ina “year of decision and delivery” aici.

  24. #1661734

    Thug sé le fios gurbh é lucht Iosrael i Meiriceá a chosc é an post a fháil, agus cháin sé go géar iad i ráiteas a d’eisigh sé: “*The aim of this Lobby is control of the policy process through the exercise of a veto over the appointment of people who dispute the wisdom of its views, the substitution of political correctness for analysis, and the exclusion of any and all options for decision by Americans and our government other than those that it favors*.” D’ionsaigh Abraham Foxman, stiúrthóir an ADL, ráiteas Freeman in eagarfhocal sa Jerusalem Post, mar sampla eile de na “*anti-Semitic conspiracy theories*” atá ar fáil ar fud an idirlín.

  25. #1749747

    Rinne an Teachta Dála Eamon Gilmore (Páirtí an Lucht Oibre) ráiteas ina ndúirt sé: "Yesterday's court decision, which has halted work on the M50 at Carrickmines Castle, was caused mainly by government arrogance and official indifference, if not indeed, hostility, to heritage concerns … The biggest tragedy of the … issue is that the same mistakes are likely to be made again.

  26. #1964595

    Dúirt Cooper (1989: 89) gurb é atá sa bheartas teanga mar réimse acadúil agus feidhmiúil: 'what actors attempt to influence what behaviours of which people for what ends under what conditions by what means through what decision-making process with what effect.'

  27. #1990811

    Ní thagann duine de rannpháirtithe an taighde seo leis sin, áfach, agus áitíonn sí: 'I would say it is more the impact of the context in which the L2 was learnt that wields the greatest influence in decision making' (R3) seachas a bheith chomh diongbháilte sin gurb ionann an T1 agus easpa doimhneachta sa phróiseas smaointeoireachta.

    Déphearsantacht an Chainteora Dhátheangaigh – An ann di?

  28. #2035682

    Dúirt Ó hUiginn go gcaithfí glacadh leis go gcuirfeadh an cinneadh an-olc ar pholaiteoirí agus ar nuachtáin áirithe sa Bhreatain agus bhí an chomhairle seo a leanas aige don Ambasadóir san fhreagra a ba cheart a thabhairt dóibh: 'We would wish to reassure these critics, and other interested parties that the decision does not mean that perpetrators of, or apologists for, acts of violence will in future be permitted the unrestricted use of Irish broadcast media.

  29. #347482

    Dar leo go dtagann an cinneadh salach ar chleachtais an OPW: ‘We do not propose to comment on the appropriateness of permitting filming for a commercial feature on such a uniquely sacred and environmentally sensitive site, other than to note that the decision contradicts previous OPW practice and policy in relation to the island’.

  30. #733478

    Gan duine ar bith ó RnaG i dteannta an taoisigh Rinne urlabhraí Gaeltachta Fhianna Fáil, Máire Geoghegan- Quinn gearán leis an Taoiseach, an Dr Garrett Fitzgerald, nach raibh aon iriseoir ó Raidió na Gaeltachta ina theannta nuair a thug sé cuairt ar an Bhreatain, Fómhar 1981: “I was wondering if this was an indication of the Government’s thinking and policy and if a formal decision to depart from established procedures was taken in relation to this matter,” a scríobh sí ar an 11 Samhain, 1981.

  31. #913322

    Sa fhreagra atá tugtha ag an Údarás chuig an Teachta Kenny an tseachtain seo deirtear go raibh baint ag an Uasal Keogh le díol Arramara ach gurbh é Bord an Údaráis a rinne an cinneadh ar deireadh go ndíolfaí an comhlacht: “The decision in turn was subject to the approval of The Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, which approval was received on 29 July 2013.

  32. #924136

    Dúirt sé  go raibh beag is fiú á dhéanamh d’aon ghnó ag an DUP den Ghaeilge, agus, ag iompú ar an mBéarla dó, dúirt sé: “It was an ignorant decision taken by an ignoramus. Of course we will forgive him for this.

  33. #925286

    Ansin, chuaigh sí níos faide: “We are about to enter into a phase of civil disobedience to hamper the decision made by An Bord Pleanála and I fully support the farmers and landowners in that action.” Cloistear Tadhg-an-Dá-Thaobhachas mar seo á chleachtadh go minic ag polaiteoirí.

  34. #1018181

    Tá go leor ag tarlú a thugann ábhar dóchais agus uchtaigh dom.” achrannach contentious – aois age – bréag lie – cinneadh decision – clár programme – cúis cause – deontas grant – dóchas hope – dúshraith foundation – eisceacht exception – eolas information – míbhuntáiste disadvantage – neamhspleách independent – obair work – próiseas process – rogha choice – roinn department – scéim scheme – slabhra chain – straitéis strategy – tacaíocht support – tuairim opinion – tuismitheoirí parents

    Clár Tacaíochta Teaghlaigh nua le fógairt ag McGinley – Seán Tadhg Ó Gairbhí

  35. #1039726

    Is é Club Scannán Sailearna atá ag eagrú na hócáide agus is féidir suíocháin a chur in áirithe ach glaoch nó téacs a chur ar cheachtar den dá uimhir seo: 086-4048881 nó 087-8168629 aighneacht submission - cinneadh decision - curfá chorus deacracht decision - féile festival - tábhacht importance

    DUP in éadan acht teanga sa Tuaisceart – Pól Ó Muirí, Eagarthóir

  36. #1138637

    “Given the anticipated budget reductions, and the fact that Líofa target of 20,000 people pledged to learn Irish by 2020 having been substantially achieved, the scheme was discontinued.” Daniel Holder, CAJ I ndoiciméad foilsithe ag an Roinn Pobal i mí Bhealtaine 2016 dúradh go ndéanfadh siad scagadh comhionannais chun measúnú a dhéanamh ar thionchar aon athruithe polasaí, ag tagairt d'aon “strategy, policy initiative or practice and/or decision”.

  37. #1312368

    (It was the first time since 1956 that the word ‘Gaeltacht’ had not been given some departmental recognition.) Former Minsiter of State for the Gaeltacht, Seán Kyne, let it be known on social media that he had raised the matter with the Taoiseach and former Gaeltacht minister, Fianna Fáil TD Éamon Ó Cuív, also decried the decision.

    Taoiseach and Irish groups locked in that old céilí dance – Pól Ó Muirí

  38. #1670795

    > “I could never regard our decision to opt out of western European defence and to rely for our defence exclusively on a combination of other states in the formulation of whose policy we have no say as being in accordance with our dignity as a state, or with our moral responsibilities.” An tOileáinín Mé-Féineach ========= Ní fhéadfadh Jenkins éalú ón “gceist Éireannach” agus é ina Stát-Rúnaí Gnóthaí Baile na Breataine idir 1965-67 agus arís ó 1974-77.

  39. #1147824

    — Tony Leen (@tonyleen) February 7, 2017 A shocking decision – perfect start to the weekend – I rate TG4 highly but this is an error – sure @ediennico is loved and admired by all — Mortimer Murphy (@MortimerMurphy1) February 8, 2017 History of Irish language media.

  40. #1602279

    @o_duibhirp @sealbhu @DCU_IoE @RTERnaG @tuairiscnuacht @Gaeloid @CnaG @CoggOid @ForasnaGaeilge — Pádraig Ó Duibhir (@o_duibhirp) September 2, 2019 If the decision had an educational basis it could be explained but it doesn’t.

  41. #1593136

    #JuniorCert2019 — 🏳️‍🌈 exams will kill me 🏳️‍🌈 (@spACE_suffering) 6 Meitheamh 2019 #JuniorCert #JuniorCert2019 actual footage of me having a mental breakdown during irish paper 2 — emily (@Emilz_12) 6 Meitheamh 2019 @ whoever’s decision it was to put Irish paper 1 and 2 on the same day…… this ones for you xx — becky (@xbeckykelleherx) 5 Meitheamh 2019

  42. #1024118

    Foclóir na seachtaine seo amárach- tomorrow, brú- pressure, cinneadh- decision, deacair- difficult, draíocht- magic, dualgas- duty, dúshlán- challenge, filíocht -poetry, fiontraíocht -enterprise, foghlaimeoir -learner, laethúil- daily, idirnáisiúnta -international, iris -magazine, náire- shame, paidrín- Rosary, reachtaíocht- legislation – sóisearach -junior, straitéis- strategy , tábhacht -importance , teoiric -theory, tosaíocht- priority

    Foclóir – Gan údar

  43. #1027574

    Foclóir na seachtaine seo achainí- request anailís- analysis cáipéis- document cinneadh- decision dea-chleachtas- good practice deonach- voluntary díomá- disappointment domhain- deep dúch- ink éad- jealousy feachtasóir- campaigner ionsaí- attack grámhar- loving mallacht- curse maoiniú- funding moill- delay múnla -model plean- plan próiseas -process scéim-scheme scríbhneoir- writer teagmháil- contact tráchtaire- commentator

    Foclóir – Gan údar

  44. #1790320

    Foilsíodh a chéad bhailiúchán gearrscéalta, *Idir Feoil is Leathar*, in 2002.* Gluais • Glossary fríd ghloine dhorchathrough a dark glass smúidmist, murkiness bréagachfalse is annamhit is seldom mionrudaíminor things doiléirvague i sruth na éiginnteachtain the stream of uncertainty glas ceart na gcuibhreannthe correct green of the fields sin an tuigethat's why ag stánadh amachstaring out léanalawn ag croitheadh a gcinnshaking their heads íomhánnaimages iontassurprise machnamh ceartproper thinking scáileánscreen ag preabadhjumping bladhaire coinnlea candle flame eachtraíevents chan éthat's not it dá thairbhe sinbecause of that rudaí neamhiontachaunexciting, ordinary things ar bharr na mbeannon the cliff tops an lá fá dheireadhthe other day ag coimhéad ar thonnta ag briseadh go díbhirceachwatching waves breaking with ardour substaintsubstance dá dtitfeadh mo chorp de bharr na mbeannif my body fell from the top of the cliffs taoidetide fiúntasworth gníomhact nó a mhalairtor the opposite blaiseadhtaste gan rud ar bith bheith gnóthaithe agam as m’aistearwithout having gained anything from the journey fuaimeanna fánachaoccasional noises díoscadhcreaking coiscéimeanna folmhaempty footsteps stánadh fadaa long stare craos na tineadhthe roaring fire dromchlasurface cha dtig liomI can't cha dtig liom í á threorúI can't guide it déanaim iarracht a gciall a scaoileadhI try to release their meaning le rachtanna fiáinein wild fits seileogaspits sáthadh scinethe stabbing of a knife aonarachsolitary staidéarthalevel-headed teas an phaisinthe heat of passion breithbirth a cheiltto hide anáilbreath is annamhit is seldom fiúntachworthwhile dathanna seachantachaelusive colours goitsecome on, come here neadrachanests seanbhallógaíold ruins deifrehurry cha raibh faill aigehe hadn't the time contráiltewrong go brách síoraíever ag déanamh iontaiswondering i bpeannaireacht chruinn shlachtmharin accurate neat writing stócach ógyouth bodhardeaf pian a fhuilstinto suffer pain mo bheomy life lena dhornwith his fist le mé féin a chosaintto protect myself ní léimfinn amach as a bhealachI wouldn't jump out of the way cinneadhdecision cinntídecisions go fadálachslowly chan fhuil an cinneadh déantathe decision has not been made déanaim mo chac agus mo mhúnI defecate and urinate cuideachtúilhelpful athrú séasúrthe change of seasons de ghlanmheabhairoff by heart gialljaw gobachprotruding gruaig fhionnblond hair dóighiúlachtbeauty tarraingteachattractive rud inteachtsomething buaireamhsorrow ag bruidearnaighthrobbing coimhthíochstrange idir barra na gcrannbetween the tops of the trees ag iarraidh mairstin airtrying to live on it nimhneachsore bhlais mé an phianI tasted the pain tchíthear domhit seems to me go dianstrictly samhailimage mar nach bhfuil sé de dhánacht ionam a bheith éagsúilbecause I haven't got the guts to be different daonnachtaíhumanist an cine daonnathe human race bréanfoul an bréantas a cheiltto hide the foulness cumhráin bhréigefalse perfumes lofarotten gnásanna sóisialtasocial customs béasamanners seanseiteannaold sets ag foscladhopening ag scamhadhpealing creatlachframe-work creidbheáilto believe scigdhráma an tsaoilthe farce of life de réir mar atáthar ag dréimas is expected táirgíproducts caiteoir eiseamláireachexemplary spender lúcháireachjoyous teorainneacha luaisspeed limits ag cailleadh foighdelosing patience sceadamánthroat mo bhrú folamy blood pressure sciathánarm go hionraice is a thiocfadh liomas honestly as I could comhairleadvice díomádisappointment sólassolace lagmheasarthachtrather small amount ag tochailtdigging