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863 results in 98 documents

  1. #484356

    (c) duine is féichiúnaí comhlachaithe de chuid féichiúnaí dá dtagraítear i mír (b).

    (c) a person that is an associated debtor of a debtor referred to in paragraph (b).


  2. #484843

    70.—(1) Chun críocha an Achta seo, is “féichiúnaí comhlachaithe” de chuid féichiúnaí duine i gcás—

    70.—(1) For the purposes of this Act, a person is an “associated debtor” of a debtor if the person—


  3. #485864

    (a) gur diúscraíodh sócmhainn féichiúnaíféichiúnaí chomhlachaithe, ráthóra nó urra, agus

    (a) an asset of a debtor or associated debtor, guarantor or surety was disposed of, and


  4. #533805

    Cuir isteach faisnéis maidir le gach féichiúnaí, má mó ná féichiúnaí amháin.

    Insert information for all debtors if more than one.

    Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters

  5. #1473280

    ciallaíonn “féichiúnaí comhshocraíochta” féichiúnaí dár deonaíodh ordú cosanta faoi Chuid IV;

    "arranging debtor" means a debtor who has been granted an order for protection under Part IV;

    Number 27 of 1988: BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1988

  6. #1706608

    Barántas gabhála féichiúnaí atá ar tí éalú tar éis toghairm féichiúnaí a eisiúint.


    S.I. No. 15 of 1986: The Rules of the Superior Courts

  7. #485814

    ciallaíonn “duine iomchuí” féichiúnaí, féichiúnaí comhlachaithe, ráthóir, urra nó muirearóir agus folaíonn sé duine bainteach (de réir na brí a thugtar le halt 10 den Acht Comhdhlúite Cánacha 1997) i ndáil le féichiúnaí, féichiúnaí comhlachaithe, ráthóir, urra nó muirearóir;

    “relevant person” means a debtor, associated debtor, guarantor, surety or chargor and includes a connected person (within the meaning given by section 10 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997) in relation to a debtor, associated debtor, guarantor, surety or chargor;


  8. #485879

    ciallaíonn “duine iomchuí” féichiúnaí, féichiúnaí comhlachaithe, ráthóir, urra nó muirearóir agus folaíonn sé duine bainteach (de réir na brí a thugtar le halt 10 den Acht Comhdhlúite Cánacha 1997) i ndáil le féichiúnaí, féichiúnaí comhlachaithe, ráthóir, urra nó muirearóir.

    “relevant person” means a debtor, associated debtor, guarantor, surety or chargor and includes a connected person (within the meaning given by section 10 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997) in relation to a debtor, associated debtor, guarantor, surety or chargor.


  9. #231088

    NA hACHTANNA UM FHEIDHMIÚ ORDUITHE CÚIRTE, 1926 AGUS 1940 ORDÚ TRÁTHCHODA Ceantar Cúirte Dúiche Dúiche Uimh. Creidiúnaí ................................................................................................................................. Féichiúnaí DE BHRÍ gur tugadh cruthúnas gur seirbheáladh go cuí ar an bhFéichiúnaí an toghairm sna himeachtaí seo agus dar dáta an lá de 19 , AGUS DE BHRÍ *[(nach ndearna an Féichiúnaí ráiteas i dtaobh a acmhainne/a hacmhainne a thaisceadh de réir na toghairme sin) (nó, nár fhreastail an Féichiúnaí le haghaidh a scrúdaithe an lá seo inniu de réir na toghairme sin) (nó, gur dhiúltaigh an Féichiúnaí dul faoi chroscheistiú ag an gCreidiúnaí nó thar ceann an Chreidiúnaí) (nó, gur fhreastail an Féichiúnaí le haghaidh a scrúdaithe an lá seo inniu de réir na toghairme sin agus nár shásaigh sé/sí an Chúirt nach bhfuil ar a chumas/a cumas suim £ a íoc in aon suim amháin nó ina tráthchodanna)]. Tar éis don Chúirt ar tairgeadh an lá seo inniu thar ceann an Chreidiúnaí agus an Fhéichiúnaí, faoi seach, a éisteacht, agus arna iarraidh sin don Chreidiúnaí, ordaíonn an Chúirt leis seo go ndéanfaidh an Féichiúnaí thuasainmnithe ................................................ as ................................................., sa cheantar cúirte agus sa dúiche réamhráite, suim £ a íoc leis an gCreidiúnaí, is é sin, an t-iarmhéid atá dlite i leith féich, costas, caiteachas agus úis, de bhun an Bhreithiúnais, na Foraithne nó an Ordaithe ón gCúirt dar dáta an lá de 19 , mar aon le suim £ , is é sin, costais na n-imeachtaí seo, ar an modh seo a leanas, is é sin le rá: *[(i tráthchuid £ an ceann, an chéad tráthchuid acu sin a bheith le híoc an ) (in aon íocaíocht amháin a bheidh le híoc an )] Arna dhátú an lá seo de 19 . Arna shíniú ......................................................... Breitheamh den Chúirt Dúiche NÓTA:-Tá de chumhacht ag an gCúirt athrú a dhéanamh ar na téarmaí den Ordú sin thuas a bhaineann le modh íoctha an fhéich agus na gcostas thuasluaite trí íocaíocht ina tráthchodanna a chur in ionad aon íocaíochta amháin nó tríd an méid nó na tráthanna a bheidh tráthchodanna le híoc a athrú. Má theastaíonn ó pháirtí go ndéanfar athrú amhlaidh is ceart dó/di dul i gcomhairle le haturnae nó leis an gCléireach Cúirte Dúiche.

    ENFORCEMENT OF COURT ORDERS ACTS 1926 AND 1940 INSTALMENT ORDER District Court Area of District No. Creditor Debtor WHEREAS proof has been given of the due service upon the Debtor of the summons herein dated day of 19 , AND WHEREAS the Debtor *[(has failed to lodge a statement of means in accordance with the said summons) (or, has failed to attend for examination this day in accordance with the said summons) (or, has refused to submit himself/herself for cross-examination by or on behalf of the Creditor) (or has attended for examination this day in accordance with the said summons and has tailed to satisfy the Court that he/she is not able to pay the sum of £ in one sum or by instalments)]. Upon hearing what was offered this day on behalf of the Creditor and the Debtor respectively. and being so requested by the Creditor, the Court hereby orders that the above-named Debtor of in court area and district aforesaid do pay to the Creditor the sum of £ being the balance due for debt, costs, expenses and interest pursuant to the Judgment, Decree or Order of the Court dated the day of 19 together with the sum of £ being the costs of these proceedings in manner following, that is to say:? *[(by instalments of £ each, the first of such instalments to be paid on the ) (in one payment to be paid on )] Dated this day of Signed Judge of the District Court NOTE:- The Court has power to vary the terms of the above Order relating to the manner in which the above debt and costs are to be paid by substituting payment by instalments for a single payment or by altering the amount or times at which instalments are to be paid. A party who requires such variation should consult a solicitor or the District Court Clerk.

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  10. #181589

    Ar gach subpoena nó toghairm (seachas toghairm féichiúnaí)

    On every subpoena or summons ( other than a debtor's summons)

    Statutory Instruments: 1981

  11. #336886

    go raibh an féichiúnaí ag gníomhú de mheon macánta.

    the debtor was acting in good faith.

    Regulation (EC) No 450/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 laying down the Community Customs Code (Modernised Customs Code)

  12. #336887

    nach bhféadfadh an féichiúnaí go réasúnach an earráid a bhrath;

    the debtor could not reasonably have detected that error;

    Regulation (EC) No 450/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 laying down the Community Customs Code (Modernised Customs Code)

  13. #337575

    ciallaíonn "féichiúnaí" aon duine a dhlíonn fiach custaim a íoc;

    "debtor" means any person liable for a customs debt;

    Regulation (EC) No 450/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 laying down the Community Customs Code (Modernised Customs Code)

  14. #227906

    Toghairm chun go bhfreastalóidh féichiúnaí

    Summons for attendance of debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  15. #227928

    Iarratas chun féichiúnaí a ghabháil agus a phríosúnú

    Application for arrest and imprisonment

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  16. #228010

    I gcás an féichiúnaí cothabhála do scor de chónaí sa cheantar cúirte

    Where maintenance debtor ceases to reside in court area

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  17. #228017

    I gcás an féichiúnaí cothabhála do scor de chónaí sa Stát

    Where maintenance debtor ceases to reside in the State

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  18. #228345

    Nós imeachta más rud é go n-athróidh an féichiúnaí seoladh

    Procedure where debtor changes address

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  19. #231113

    Féichiúnaí Cothabhála

    Maintenance Debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  20. #231195

    *féichiúnaí cothabhála

    maintenance debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  21. #231256

    ................................................................................................................ Féichiúnaí Cothabhála

    ...................................................................................................................................Maintenance Debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  22. #231276

    an féichiúnaí cothabhála thuasainmnithe.

    the above-named maintenance debtor.

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  23. #231284

    ................................................................................................................ Féichiúnaí Cothabhála

    ....................................................................................................................................Maintenance Debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  24. #231406

    ................................................................................................................ Féichiúnaí Cothabhála

    .....................................................................................................................................Maintenance Debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  25. #231439

    Féichiúnaí cothabhála

    Maintenance debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  26. #231491

    (an féichiúnaí cothabhála thuasainmnithe)

    (the above named maintenance debtor)

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  27. #231513

    ................................................................................................................ Féichiúnaí Cothabhála

    ........................................................................................................... Maintenance Debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  28. #231541

    Féichiúnaí Cothabhála

    .................................................................................................. Maintenance Debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  29. #231559

    Féichiúnaí Cothabhála

    ................................................................................................................................................... Maintenance Debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  30. #231594



    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  31. #231697

    *Féichiúnaí Cothabhála

    *Maintenance Debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  32. #231699

    Féichiúnaí Cothabhála

    ........................................................................................................................... Maintenance Debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  33. #231747

    Féichiúnaí Cothabhála

    ...................................................................................................................................................... Maintenance Debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  34. #231763



    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  35. #231769

    an féichiúnaí cothabhála thuasainmnithe

    the above named maintenance debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  36. #231778

    Féichiúnaí Cothabhála

    ............................................................................................................................................................ Maintenance Debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  37. #232387

    An féichiúnaí cothabhála

    The maintenance debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  38. #232392

    Féichiúnaí Cothabhála

    ..................................................................................................................................Maintenance Debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  39. #232410

    *(féichiúnaí cothabhála)

    *(maintenance debtor)

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  40. #232744

    Féichiúnaí Cothabhála

    ......................... Maintenance Debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  41. #232751

    Féichiúnaí Cothabhála

    ....................................................................................................................................................... Maintenance Debtor

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  42. #235391

    ...................................................................................................................................... Féichiúnaí


    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  43. #236192

    Nós imeachta más rud é go n-athróidh an féichiúnaí seoltaí, O.62, r.13

    Procedure where debtor changes addresses, O.62, r.13

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  44. #236237

    trí thoghairm chun go bhfreastalóidh féichiúnaí,

    by summons for attendance of debtor,

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  45. #236245

    an féichiúnaí dá thaisceadh, O.53, r.4 (1)

    lodgment of, by debtor, O.53, r.4 (1)

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  46. #236261

    Iarratas chun féichiúnaí a ghabháil agus a phríosúnú,

    Application for arrest and imprisonment of debtor,

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  47. #236271

    do thabhairt fógra don Rialtóir má tá an féichiúnaí sa phríosún, O.53, r.12

    to notify Governor if debtor is in prison, O.53, r.12

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  48. #236413

    ordú ag éileamh sonraí maidir le tuilleamh féichiúnaí, O.56, r.8

    order requiring particulars of debtor's earnings, O.56, r.8

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  49. #236430

    Iarratas chun go bhfreastalóidh féichiúnaí,

    Application for attendance of debtor,

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  50. #237320

    A bheith ag gabháil le toghairm chun go bhfreastalóidh féichiúnaí,

    To accompany summons for attendance of debtor,

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules