
Treo cuardaigh

Modh cuardaigh

Scag na torthaí


34 toradh in 14 doiciméad

  1. #171650

    ciallaíonn "uaire gnó" an tréimhse ó 8.00 a.m. go 6.30 p.m. seachtaine nach Satharn ná saoire;

    "business hours" means the period from 8.00 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. on a weekday which is not a Saturday or a holiday;

    Ionstraimí Reachtúla: 1981

  2. #923708


    Week-day. [GA]

    Uimhir 38 de 1937: ACHT LÉIRIÚCHÁIN, 1937

  3. #923709

    35.—Cialluíonn an abairt “ seachtaine nach Domhnach.

    35.—The word "week-day" means a day which is not a Sunday.

    Uimhir 38 de 1937: ACHT LÉIRIÚCHÁIN, 1937

  4. #934263

    (a) is seachtaine, agus

    ( a ) is a week-day, and

    Uimhir 1 de 1939: ACHT UM LAETHEANTA SAOIRE (FOSTAITHE), 1939

  5. #1148889

    (a) is seachtaine, agus

    ( a ) is a week-day, and

    Uimhir 33 de 1961: AN tACHT UM LAETHANTA SAOIRE (FOSTAITHE), 1961

  6. #1249852

    (a) is seachtaine, agus

    ( a ) is a week-day, and


  7. #927100

    (2) Déanfaidh dílseánach siopa, is siopa trádála nea-speisialta no siopa trádála Domhnaigh, fógra sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe do thabhairt, alos gach seachtaine (seachas seachtain is cuid de choicíos lae shaoire phuiblí) agus alos gach coicíse lae shaoire phuiblí, tráth nach déanaí ná an Satharn roimh an seachtain sin no roimh an gcoicíos lae shaoire phuiblí sin (do réir mar a bheidh) do gach ball fé leith d'fhuirinn an tsiopa san a bheidh ar fostú aige an Satharn san, fógra á luadh cadé an seachtaine sa tseachtain sin no sa choicíos lae shaoire phuiblí sin (do réir mar a bheidh) ar a bhfuil beartuithe aige leath- saoire do lomháil don bhall san do réir fo-ailt (1) den alt so, agus má deintear teip i ndéanamh do réir an fho-ailt seo no má lomháltar leath- saoire sa tseachtain sin no sa choicíos lae shaoire phuiblí sin ar seachtaine ar bith seachas an seachtaine luadhfar sa bhfógra san, tuigfear, chun crícheanna an fho-ailt sin (1), nach fén bhfo-alt san (1) do lomháladh aon leath- saoire do lomháladh don bhall san sa tseachtain sin no sa choicíos lae shaoire phuiblí sin.

    (2) The proprietor of a shop, which is either a non-special-trade shop or a Sunday-trading shop, shall, in respect of each week (other than a week included in a public-holiday fortnight) and of each public-holiday fortnight, give not later than the Saturday preceding that week or that public-holiday fortnight (as the case may be) to each member of the staff of such shop who is in his employment on that Saturday, notice in the prescribed form and manner specifying the weekday in that week or in that public-holiday fortnight (as the case may be) on which he proposes to allow such member a half-holiday in pursuance of sub-section (1) of this section, and if default is made in compliance with this sub-section or if a half-holiday is allowed in that week or in that public-holiday fortnight on any weekday other than the weekday specified in such notice, any half-holiday allowed to such member in that week or, in that public-holiday fortnight shall be deemed, for the purposes of the said sub-section (1), not to have been allowed under the said sub-section (1).


  8. #151409

    (2) Ní thairgfear teileagram thar oíche ach amháin ar seachtaine (nach Aoine an Chéasta nó saoire poiblí) idir 9 a.m. agus 10 p.m.

    (2) An overnight telegram shall be tendered only on a weekday (not being Good Friday or a public holiday) between the hours 9 a.m. and 10 p.m.

    Ionstraimí Reachtúla: 1980

  9. #926138

    (2) Féadfaidh dílseánach siopa an seachtaine bheidh luaidhte i bhfógra leath-lae shaoire d'atharú, ach ní dhéanfaidh amhlaidh—

    (2) The proprietor of a shop may change the weekday specified in a half-holiday notice, but shall not do so—

    Uimhir 3 de 1938: ACHT NA SIOPAÍ (UAIRE TRÁDÁLA), 1938

  10. #1149025

    (a) Nollag nuair a thiteann sé ar seachtaine nó, nuair a thiteann sé ar an Domhnach, an 27ú de Nollaig,

    ( a ) Christmas Day when it falls on a weekday or, when it falls on a Sunday, the 27th day of December,

    Uimhir 33 de 1961: AN tACHT UM LAETHANTA SAOIRE (FOSTAITHE), 1961

  11. #1149027

    (b) Fhéile Stiofáin nuair a thiteann sé ar seachtaine nó, nuair a thiteann sé ar an Domhnach, an chéad Luan ina dhiaidh sin,

    ( b ) St. Stephen's Day when it falls on a weekday or, when it falls on a Sunday, the next following Monday,

    Uimhir 33 de 1961: AN tACHT UM LAETHANTA SAOIRE (FOSTAITHE), 1961

  12. #1149029

    (c) Fhéile Pádraig nuair a thiteann sé ar seachtaine nó, nuair a thiteann sé ar an Domhnach, an chéad Luan ina dhiaidh sin,

    ( c ) St. Patrick's Day when it falls on a weekday or, when it falls on a Sunday, the next following Monday,

    Uimhir 33 de 1961: AN tACHT UM LAETHANTA SAOIRE (FOSTAITHE), 1961

  13. #1249886

    (a) Nollag nuair a thiteann sé ar seachtaine nó, nuair a thiteann sé ar an Domhnach, an 27ú de Nollaig.

    ( a ) Christmas Day when it falls on a weekday or, when it falls on a Sunday, the 27th day of December,


  14. #1249888

    (b) Fhéile Stiofáin nuair a thiteann sé ar seachtaine nó, nuair a thiteann sé ar an Domhnach, an chéad Luan ina dhiaidh sin,

    ( b ) St. Stephen's Day when it falls on a weekday or, when it falls on a Sunday, the next following Monday,


  15. #1249890

    (c) Fhéile Pádraig nuair a thiteann sé ar seachtaine nó, nuair a thiteann sé ar an Domhnach, an chéad Luan ina dhiadh sin,

    ( c ) St. Patrick's Day when it falls on a weekday or, when it falls on a Sunday, the next following Monday,


  16. #1290733

    “(e) an 1ú d'Eanáir nuair a thiteann sé ar seachtaine nó, nuair a thiteann sé ar an Domhnach, an ina dhiaidh sin.”.

    "( e ) the 1st day of January when it falls on a weekday or, when it falls on a Sunday, the next day.".


  17. #145766

    Is iad na huaire chun an Chúirt Dúiche a thionól i gceantar cúirte dúiche Chathair Chorcaí, in ionad na n-uaire a shonraítear i gcolún (4) den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Ordú Cúirte Dúiche (Ceantair), 1961 (I.R. Uimh. 5 de 1961), ag uimhir thagartha 39, gach seachtaine, seachas an Satharn, ag 10.30 a.m., 11.00 a.m., 11.30 a.m., 12.00 nóin, 2.00 p.m., 2.30 p.m., agus 3.00 p.m., agus gach Luan ag 11.30 a.m., (an Chúirt Leanaí), agus in ionad na n-uaire a shonraítear i gcolún (4) den Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Ordú sin ag uimhir thagartha 34, gach Céadaoin ag 10.30 a.m., 11.00 a.m., 11.30 a.m., 12.00 nóin, 2.00 p.m., 2.30 p.m., agus 3.00 p.m.

    The hours for holding the District Court in the district court area of Cork City shall, in lieu of the hours specified in column (4) of the First Schedule to the District Court (Areas) Order, 1961 ( S.I. No. 5 of 1961 ), at reference number 39, be each week-day except Saturday at 10.30 a.m., 11.00 a.m., 11.30 a.m., 12.00 noon, 2.00 p.m., 2.30 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. and each Monday at 11.30 a.m. (Children's Court), and in lieu of the hours specified in column (4) of the Second Schedule to that Order at reference number 34, be each Wednesday at 10.30 a.m., 11.00 a.m., 11.30 a.m., 12.00 noon, 2.00 p.m., 2.30 p.m. and 3.00 p.m.

    Ionstraimí Reachtúla: 1980

  18. #155898

    Beidh an Clár d'Fhoilseacháin Thoirmiscthe ar oscailt chun a iniúchta, saor in aisce, ag duine ar bith in Oifig an Bhoird um Chinsireacht Fhoilseachán i gcathair Bhaile Átha Cliath idir 11 a.m. agus 4 p.m. gach seachtaine seachas Satharn nó is saoire poiblí de réir brí an Achta um Laethanta Saoire (Fostaithe), 1973 (Uimh. 25 de 1973),

    The Register of Prohibited Publications shall be open to inspection, free of charge, by any person at the office of the Censorship of Publications Board in the city of Dublin between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. on every week-day other than a Saturday or a day which is a public holiday within the meaning of the Holidays (Employees) Act, 1973 (No. 25 of 1973).

    Ionstraimí Reachtúla: 1980

  19. #918725

    (2) Tuigfear go ndearna an tAire an tigh cúirte i bPlás Uí Mhuireagáin i gCathair Bhaile Atha Cliath do cheapadh roimh an 1adh de Mhí na Samhna, 1931, fé fho-alt (2) d'alt 47 den Phríomh-Acht, chun bheith ina áit ina gcomórfaí an Chúirt Dúithche chun gach saghas gnótha de chuid na Cúirte Dúithche do líomatáiste cúirte dúithche Bhaile Atha Cliath do dhéanamh, agus tuigfear na huaire 10.30 a.m. gach seachtaine do bheith ceaptha ar an gcuma gcéanna ina laetheanta agus ina n-uaire ar a gcomórfaí an Chúirt Dúithche sa tigh cúirte sin chun na saghsanna san gnótha do dhéanamh.

    (2) The courthouse in Morgan Place in the City of Dublin shall be deemed to have been appointed before the 1st day of November, 1931, by the Minister under sub-section (2) of section 47 of the Principal Act to be a place at which the District Court should be held for the purpose of transacting all classes of the business of the District Court for the Dublin district court area, and the hours of 10:30 a.m. on all week days shall be deemed to have been similarly appointed as the days and hours at which the District Court should be held in the said courthouse for the purpose of transacting the said classes of business.

    Uimhir 21 de 1937: ACHT OIFIGIGH CÚIRTE (LEASÚ), 1937

  20. #926136

    —(1) Luaidhfidh dílseánach gach siopa fé leith i bhfógra (dá ngairmtear fógra leath-lae shaoire san alt so) an seachtaine i ngach seachtain a bheidh beartuithe aige an siopa san do dhúnadh tráth nach déanaí ná 1 p.m., agus is sa bhfuirm orduithe bheidh an fógra san agus coimeádfar greamuithe in áit so-fheicse sa tsiopa san é, agus cuirfidh an dílseánach san go dtí an sáirsint a bheidh i bhfeighil an stáisiúin Ghárda Síochána is giorra don tsiopa san cóip den fhógra leath-lae shaoire sin roimh thosach na céad seachtaine le n-a mbainfidh an fógra san.

    —(1) The proprietor of every shop shall specify in a notice (in this section referred to as a half-holiday notice), which shall be in the prescribed form and be kept affixed in a prominent place in such shop, the week-day in each week on which he proposes to close such shop not later than the hour of 1 p.m. and shall send to the sergeant in charge of the Gárda Síochána station nearest to such shop a copy of such half-holiday notice before the commencement of the first week to which such notice relates.

    Uimhir 3 de 1938: ACHT NA SIOPAÍ (UAIRE TRÁDÁLA), 1938

  21. #926146

    (4) Nuair a húsáidtear an abairt “leath- saoire seachtainiúil” san Acht so maidir le siopa áirithe agus i dtaobh seachtaine áirithe cialluíonn sí an seachtaine sa tseachtain sin a bheidh luaidhte ag dílseánach an tsiopa san do bhun fo-ailt (1) den alt so.

    (4) In this Act the expression "weekly half-holiday" when used in relation to a particular shop in respect of a particular week means the weekday in such week specified by the proprietor of such shop in pursuance of sub-section (1) of this section.

    Uimhir 3 de 1938: ACHT NA SIOPAÍ (UAIRE TRÁDÁLA), 1938

  22. #926152

    —(1) Fé réir forálacha an ailt seo, ní bheidh sé dleathach do dhílseánach aon tsiopa an siopa san do choimeád ar oscailt chun freastal ar chustuiméirí níos déanaí ná 1 a chlog p.m. an seachtaine in aon tseachtain is leath- saoire an tseachtain sin maidir leis an siopa san.

    —(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, it shall not be lawful for the proprietor of any shop to keep such shop open for the serving of customers later than the hour of 1 p.m. on the weekday in any week which is in relation to such shop the weekly half-holiday in that week.

    Uimhir 3 de 1938: ACHT NA SIOPAÍ (UAIRE TRÁDÁLA), 1938

  23. #926168

    ní thabharfaidh éinní atá san alt so é bheith nea-dhleathach do dhílseánach an tsiopa san an siopa san do choimeád ar oscailt chun freastal ar chustuiméirí tráth ar bith an seachtaine in aon tseachtain is leath- saoire maidir leis an siopa san más rud é, faid a coimeádfar an siopa san ar oscailt amhlaidh, ná déanfar aon eadarbheart ann (seachas eadar-bheart a bhaineann leis an ngnó eiscithe sin).

    ( b ) any other business (not being a scheduled business) is carried on in such shop, nothing contained in this section shall render it unlawful for the proprietor of such shop to keep such shop open for the serving of customers at any time on the weekday in any week which is in relation to such shop the weekly half-holiday, if while such shop is so kept open no transaction (other than a transaction connected with such excepted business) is carried out therein.

    Uimhir 3 de 1938: ACHT NA SIOPAÍ (UAIRE TRÁDÁLA), 1938

  24. #926242

    ní thabharfaidh éinní atá sa Chuid seo den Acht so no bheidh in ordú um uaire trádála no i sean-ordú um dhúnadh é bheith neadhleathach do dhílseánach an tsiopa san an siopa san do choimeád ar oscailt chun freastal ar chustuiméirí tráth ar bith aon seachtaine más rud é, faid a coimeádfar an siopa san ar oscailt amhlaidh, ná déanfar aon eadar-bheart ann (seachas eadar-bheart a bhaineann leis an ngnó eiscithe sin).

    nothing contained in this Part of this Act or in an hours of trading order or an existing closing order shall render it unlawful for the proprietor of such shop to keep such shop open for the serving of customers at any time on any weekday if while such shop is so kept open no transaction (other than a transaction connected with such excepted business) is carried out therein.

    Uimhir 3 de 1938: ACHT NA SIOPAÍ (UAIRE TRÁDÁLA), 1938

  25. #926253

    (i) ná beidh sé dleathach do dhílseánach aon tsiopa bheidh suidhte sa líomatáiste trádála san an siopa san d'oscailt ná do choimeád ar oscailt chun freastal ar chustuiméirí aon seachtaine roimh uair áirithe ná tar éis uaire áirithe (nach luaithe ná 6 a chlog p.m.), no

    (i) declare that it shall not be lawful for the proprietor of any shop situate in such trading area to open or keep open such shop for the serving of customers on any weekday before a specified hour or after a specified hour (not being earlier than the hour of 6 p.m.) or

    Uimhir 3 de 1938: ACHT NA SIOPAÍ (UAIRE TRÁDÁLA), 1938

  26. #926255

    (ii) ná beidh sé dleathach do dhílseánach aon tsiopa d'aicme áirithe (a míneofar sa tslí sin agus do réir na nithe sin is dóich leis an Aire is ceart) a bheidh suidhte sa líomatáiste trádála san an siopa san d'oscailt ná do choimeád ar oscailt chun freastal ar chustuiméirí aon seachtaine roimh uair áirithe ná tar éis uaire áirithe (nach luaithe ná 6 a chlog p.m.);

    (ii) declare that it shall not be lawful for the proprietor of any shop of a specified class (defined in such manner and by reference to such things as the Minister thinks proper) situate in such trading area to open or keep open such shop for the serving of customers on any weekday before a specified hour or after a specified hour (not being earlier than the hour of 6 p.m.);

    Uimhir 3 de 1938: ACHT NA SIOPAÍ (UAIRE TRÁDÁLA), 1938

  27. #926894

    (a) go lomhálfar saoire iomlán do bhall d'fhuirinn shiopa, mar chuid dá shaoire bhliantúil, in aon tseachtain (seachas seachtain ina lomhálfar saoire iomlán dó gach seachtaine dhi más siopa trádála nea-speisialta an siopa san no, in aon chás eile, seachtain ina lomhálfar saoire iomlán dó gach dhi), no

    ( a ) a member of the staff of a shop is allowed in any week (other than, in case such shop is a non-special-trade shop, a week in which he is allowed a whole holiday on every week day thereof or, in any other case, a week in which he is allowed a whole holiday on every day thereof) a whole holiday as part of his annual leave, or


  28. #927098

    —(1) Déanfaidh dílseánach siopa, is siopa trádála nea-speisialta no siopa trádála Domhnaigh, leath- saoire do lomháil do gach ball fé leith d'fhuirinn an tsiopa san ar seachtaine amháin (nach is saoire puiblí más siopa trádála nea-speisialta an siopa san) i ngach seachtain (seachas seachtain is cuid de choicíos lae shaoire phuiblí) agus i ngach coicíos lae shaoire phuiblí.

    —(1) The proprietor of a shop, which is either a non-special-trade shop or a Sunday-trading shop, shall allow to each member of the staff of that shop a half-holiday on one weekday (which shall not if such shop is a non-special-trade shop be a day which is a public holiday) in each week (other than a week included in a public holiday fortnight) and in each public holiday fortnight.


  29. #927162

    (a) lomhálfaidh an dílseánach san saoire iomlán don bhall san ar seachtaine éigin (nach saoire puiblí eile ná ar a lomhálfaidh an dílseánach san saoire iomlán no leath- saoire dhó do bhun aon fhorála eile den Chuid seo den Acht so) laistigh de cheithre déag tar éis an lae shaoire phuiblí sin;

    ( a ) such proprietor shall allow to such member a whole holiday on some weekday (not being another public holiday nor a day on which such proprietor allows him, in pursuance of any other provision of this Part of this Act, a whole holiday or a half-holiday) within fourteen days after such public holiday;


  30. #969923

    (b) chó luath agus is féidir tar éis pé trátha aca so leanas is túisce agus ar aon chuma uair nach déanaighe ná an dara seachtaine tar éis an trátha san, sé sin le rá:—

    ( b ) as soon as may be after, and in any case not later than the second week day after, whichever of the following events first occurs, that is to say:—

    Uimhir 11 de 1943: ACHT OLLTOGHCHÁN (FORÁLACHA PRÁINNE), 1943

  31. #1131264

    —Ní bheidh feidhm ag mír (a) d'alt 19 den Acht um Chúnamh Dhíomhaointis, 1933, maidir le cúnamh dífhostaíochta a íoc le duine a scoir, an seachtaine deiridh roimh an ar ina aghaidh a dhéanfar iarratas ar chúnamh dífhostaíochta, de theideal a bheith aige chun sochair dhífhostaíochta—

    —Paragraph (a) of section 19 of the Unemployment Assistance Act, 1933 , shall not apply in relation to the payment of unemployment assistance to a person who ceased, on the last weekday before the day in respect of which his application for unemployment assistance is made, to be entitled to unemployment benefit—


  32. #1141837

    (a) laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis probháid nó litreacha riaracháin a dheonú, na sonraí seo a leanas a fhoilsiú, uair amháin san Iris Oifigiúil agus trí huaire go comhleanúnach i nuachtán éigin a léitear sa cheantar a n-ordaítear an réadtiomnú nó an tiomnacht nó an chuid is mó de sin a chaitheamh nó a chur chun feidhme ann nó, mura mbeidh aon treoir ann maidir le haon cheantar den sórt sin, i nuachtán maidine éigin a fhoilsítear gach seachtaine i mBaile Atha Cliath—

    ( a ) within three mouths after the grant of probate or letters of administration, publish once in Iris Oifigiúil and three times successively in some newspaper circulating in the locality where the devise or bequest or the greater part thereof is directed to be expended or applied, or if there is no direction as to any such locality, then in some morning newspaper published on every week-day in Dublin, the following particulars—

    Uimhir 17 de 1961: AN tACHT CARTHANAS, 1961

  33. #1284566

    —(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 11 den Acht Leasa Shóisialaigh (Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 1960 , a chuireann deireadh i gcásanna áirithe leis an tréimhse feithimh le haghaidh cúnaimh dhífhostaíochta dá bhforáiltear le halt 19 (arna leasú le halt 96 d'Acht 1952) d'Acht 1933, trí “tráth nach luaithe na fiche seachtain roimh” a chur in ionad “an seachtaine deiridh roimh”.

    —(1) Section 11 of the Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1960 , which removes in certain cases the waiting period for unemployment assistance provided for by section 19 (as amended by section 96 of the Act of 1952) of the Act of 1933, is hereby amended by the substitution for "on the last week-day before" of "not earlier than twenty weeks before".

    Uimhir 14 de 1974: AN tACHT LEASA SHÓISIALAIGH (Uimh. 2), 1974

  34. #151044

    Má tharlaíonn, maidir leis na glaonna a dhéanfar chun na líne malartáin idir 9 a.m. go 6 p.m. i rith sé seachtaine as a chéile, gur mó an méid glaonna nach gcríochnófar, ar iad a iarraidh, mar gheall ar an líne mhalartáin a bheith gafa, ná 25 faoin gcéad den mhéid a chríochnófar amhlaidh, féadfaidh an tAire fógra i scríbhinn a thabhairt don rannpháirtí, maraon le taifead deimhnithe de na glaonna, á cheangal air cibé méid de línte malartáin breise a fhruiliú is dóigh leis an Aire is gá chun freagairt do riachtanais an tráchta theileafóin chun líne an rannpháirtí agus ón líne sin, agus má mhainníonn an rannpháirtí déanamh de réir an fhógra sin, laistigh de mhí ón dáta a bhfaighfear é, féadfaidh an tAire an comhaontú iomchuí a fhoirceannadh tráth ar bith ina dhiaidh sin trí fhógra i scríbhinn sa chéill sin.

    If, of the calls made to the exchange line between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. during six consecutive week-days, the number not completed on demand by reason of the exchange line being engaged exceeds 25 per cent. of the number so completed, the Minister may give to the subscriber notice in writing, accompanied by a certified record of the calls, requiring him to hire such number of additional exchange lines as in the opinion of the Minister are necessary to meet the requirements of the telephone traffic to and from the subscriber's line, and if the subscriber fails to comply with such notice within one month of its receipt, the Minister may determine the relevant agreeement at any time thereafter by notice in writing to that effect.

    Ionstraimí Reachtúla: 1980