
Cóip statach de shonraí a easpórtáiltear ó IATE ó am go chéile atá sa chnuasach seo. Níor cheart glacadh leis gurb ionann i gcónaí an t-eolas a thugtar faoi iontráil anseo agus a bhfuil sa leagan reatha den iontráil ar IATE. Is féidir an leagan reatha sin a cheadú ach cliceáil ar an nasc atá ar thaobh na láimhe deise ag barr gach iontrála. Breis eolais »

6 thoradh

  1. FINANCE|free movement of capital|financial market · BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|accounting
    FRA Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    comhaontú ar réamhráta Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comhthéacs 'I gcás aonaid institiúidigh, déantar babhtáil nó comhaontú ar réamhráta a thaifeadadh faoi “díorthaigh airgeadais agus scair-roghanna fostaithe” ar thaobh na sócmhainne áit a mbíonn glanluach sócmhainne aige. I gcás ina mbíonn glanluach dliteanais ag babhtáil, déantar é a thaifeadadh de réir an ghnáis ar thaobh na sócmhainní ionas nach mbeifí ag aistriú siar is aniar idir taobh na sócmhainne agus taobh na ndliteanas. Dá réir sin, méadaíonn glan-íocaíochtaí diúltacha an glanluach.' Tagairt "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 549/2013 maidir leis an gcóras Eorpach cuntas náisiúnta agus réigiúnach san Aontas Eorpach, CELEX:32013R0549/GA"
    Forward Rate Agreement | FRA | Zinsausgleichsvereinbarung | Zinstermingeschäft
    Sainmhíniú außerbörslicher Zinsterminkontrakt, bei dem zwei Parteien einen Zinssatz vereinbaren, der auf eine fiktive, zum vereinbarten Erfüllungstag zu platzierende Einlage zu bezahlen ist Tagairt "Leitlinie der Europäischen Zentralbank vom 11. November 2010 über die Rechnungslegungsgrundsätze und das Berichtswesen im Europäischen System der Zentralbanken (12.7.2017)"
    Nóta Die beiden Parteien vereinbaren einen Zinssatz über einen bestimmten Zeitraum für ein festgelegtes Datum in der Zukunft, basierend auf einem vereinbarten Kapitalbetrag. Keine der beiden Parteien geht eine Verpflichtung ein, den Kapitalbetrag zu verleihen oder zu leihen; ihr Risiko besteht nur in der Zinsdifferenz zwischen dem vereinbarten Zinssatz und dem tatsächlichen Zinssatz bei Fälligkeit der Vereinbarung
    forward rate agreement | forward interest-rate agreement | FRA
    Sainmhíniú contract in which two parties agree the interest rate to be paid on a notional deposit of a specified maturity on a specific future date Tagairt "Guideline (EU) 2016/2249 of the European Central Bank of 3 November 2016 on the legal framework for accounting and financial reporting in the European System of Central Banks (ECB/2016/34), CELEX:32016O0034"
    Nóta "At the settlement date compensation has to be paid by one party to the other, depending on the difference between the contracted interest rate and the market rate on the settlement date Reference: Guideline (EU) 2016/2249 of the European Central Bank of 3 November 2016 on the legal framework for accounting and financial reporting in the European System of Central Banks (ECB/2016/34), CELEX:32016O0034"
    contrat à terme de taux | CTT | contrat de garantie de taux | accord de taux futur | ATF | forward de taux d'intérêt | contrat à terme de taux d'intérêt | contrat à terme sur taux d'intérêt
    Sainmhíniú contrat ayant pour objet de fixer à l'avance le taux d'intérêt d'un emprunt ou d'un prêt futurs et se dénouant par le versement d'une différence entre ce taux et le taux du marché Tagairt "France Terme > contrat à terme de taux, JO du 19.11.2008, [2.8.2017]"
    Nóta "Parmi les contrats à terme de gré à gré figure également: le contrat de change à terme, IATE:3573064 (15.7.2019)"
  2. FINANCE|free movement of capital · BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|accounting
    réamhchonradh malairte eachtraí Tagairt "Comhairle-GA bunaithe ar [ IATE:856230 ]"
    réamhchonradh i malairt eachtrach Tagairt "Rialachán (AE) 2016/1011 maidir le hinnéacsanna a úsáidtear mar thagarmharcanna in ionstraimí airgeadais agus i gconarthaí airgeadais nó chun feidhmíocht cistí infheistíochta a thomhas agus lena leasaítear Treoir 2008/48/CE agus Treoir 2014/17/AE agus Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 596/2014, CELEX:32016R1011/GA ; Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Devisentermingeschäft | Devisenforward
    Sainmhíniú vertragliche Vereinbarung, um eine Währung gegen eine andere Währung zu einem bestimmten und vorher vereinbarten Termin und Kurs zu liefern Tagairt "GeVestor > Devisentermingeschäft, (12.7.2017)"
    Nóta "im Ggs. zum DevisenterminKONTRAKT IATE:798992 müssen die Verpflichtungen aus dem Devisentermingeschäft erfüllt werden, d.h. der Vertrag selbst ist nicht handelbar"
    forward exchange rate agreement | forward exchange-rate agreement | forward exchange agreement | FXA | forward exchange contract | forward foreign exchange contract | forward foreign-exchange contract | forward-rate agreement | forward rate agreement | FRA | foreign exchange forward contract
    Sainmhíniú agreement between two parties to exchange specified amounts of two designated currencies at a specific time in the future Tagairt "Council-EN based on 1. 'forward exchange contract', Investopedia, [28.9.2017] 2. NASDAQ > Investing > How To Invest > Financial Glossary > F > Forward foreign exchange contract, [2.2.2018]"
    Nóta "For the transaction conducted under such a contract, see IATE:127109 These contracts always take place on a date after the date that the spot contract settles and are used to protect the buyer from fluctuations in currency prices. Reference: 'forward exchange contract', Investopedia, [28.9.2017]"
    contrat de change à terme | forward de change
    Sainmhíniú garantie de change dans laquelle, à la date de règlement, les deux parties comparent le cours du change au comptant et les cours du change à terme et règlent entre elles le différentiel de change Tagairt COM-FR, d'après «Dictionnaire de la comptabilité et de la gestion financière», L. Ménard, 2004, Institut canadien des comptables agréés, ISBN: 1-55385-121-8
    Nóta " Concernant l'opération menée dans le cadre d'un tel contrat, voir: IATE:127109<;;;;;;;;;;;;; les contrats à terme de gré à gré figure également: le contrat de garantie de taux (i.e. taux d'intérêts): IATE:846328 (15.7.2019) À distinguer des contrats à terme de change [IATE:798992] qui sont des contrats futures, ce qui implique qu'ils sont standardisés ou négociés sur des marchés organisés."
  3. FINANCE|free movement of capital|financial market · BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|accounting
    réamhráta Tagairt " Faofa ag an gCoiste Téarmaíochta, Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 575/2013 maidir le ceanglais stuamachta i gcomhair institiúidí creidmheasa agus gnólachtaí infheistíochta, agus lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 648/2012, CELEX:32013R0575/GA Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    forward rate
    Sainmhíniú current expectations of future bond interest rates or currency exchange rates. Tagairt " [16.8.2017]"
    Nóta "In bond trading, the forward rate is calculated based on interest rates for various maturities. These rates are typically plotted on a graph as a yield curve. An investor can buy a one-year bond and hold it for the year, or he can buy a six-month bond, and then at the end of the sixth months, buy another six-month bond. [16.8.2017]"
    cours à terme
  4. FINANCE|free movement of capital|financial market
    ráta réamhcheaptha Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    forward rate
    Sainmhíniú rate applicable to a financial transaction that will take place in the future Tagairt """forward rate"", (I)Investopedia, [6.6.2017]"
    Nóta "Forward rates are based on the spot rate, adjusted for the cost of carry and refer to the rate that will be used to deliver a currency, bond or commodity at some future time. It may also refer to the rate fixed for a future financial obligation, such as the interest rate on a loan payment. Reference: ""forward rate"", (I)Investopedia, [6.6.2017]"
    cours à terme | cours de change à terme | cours à terme outright | terme sec
    Sainmhíniú cours durant lequel s'effectue une opération à terme Tagairt DANTERM
  5. FINANCE|monetary economics|exchange policy · FINANCE|financial institutions and credit|banking · FINANCE|free movement of capital
    ráta réamh-mhalairte Tagairt "'Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Ghrúpa CIÉ 2015,' Córas Iompair Éireann, [25.6.2018] ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Sainmhíniú Kurs, zu welchem eine später fällig werdende Zahlung in Devisen zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt vereinbart wird Tagairt "Finanzlexikon > Devisenterminkurs, (12.7.2017)"
    forward exchange rate | forward rate of exchange | forward foreign exchange rate
    Sainmhíniú "exchange rate at which a bank agrees to exchange one currency for another at a future date when it enters into a forward contract [ IATE:760913 ] with an investor" Tagairt "'forward exchange rate', WIKIPEDIA, [29.9.2017]"
    cours du change à terme | taux de change à terme
    Sainmhíniú cours du change auquel on convient d'échanger deux monnaies, à une date ultérieure déterminée d'avance Tagairt «Dictionnaire de la comptabilité et de la gestion financière», L. Ménard, 2004, Institut canadien des comptables agréés, ISBN: 1-55385-121-8
    réamhráta deiridh Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    endgültiger Forwardzinssatz
    ultimate forward rate | UFR
    Sainmhíniú rate towards which interest rate term structures converge and which for each currency is stable over time and takes into account expectations of the long-term real interest rate and expected inflation Tagairt "COM-IT based on: Commission delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 supplementing Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II), CELEX:32015R0035/EN"
    taux à terme ultime