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71 results

  1. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences|biology
    géin Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Definition "unit of heredity composed of DNA1 occupying a fixed position on a chromosome2 (some viral genes are composed of RNA3)1 DNA [ IATE:1073333 ]2 chromosome [ IATE:1507539 ]3 RNA [ IATE:1073359 ]" Reference "Collins English Dictionary [13.11.2012]"
    Comment A gene may determine a characteristic of an individual by specifying a polypeptide chain that forms a protein or part of a protein (structural gene); or encode an RNA molecule; or regulate the operation of other genes or repress such operation
    Definition unité élémentaire localisée en un point défini d'un chromosome, susceptible de se reproduire, de subir des mutations et de transmettre un message héréditaire Reference CILF
  2. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science
    géin frithsheasta in aghaidh antaibheathach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    antibiotic resistance gene | antibiotic-resistance gene | antibiotic resistance marker gene
    Definition gene encoding an enzyme that degrades a specific antibiotic to harmless byproducts, protecting its possessor from the lethal effects of the chemical Reference GE and Antibiotic Resistance, 2001, GEO-PIE Project, Cornell University
    Comment "For antibiotic restistance marker gene, see IATE:318352"
    gène de résistance aux antibiotiques
  3. AGRI-FOODSTUFFS|plant product · PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH|technology and technical regulations|technology
    suaitheantas géiniteach atá frithsheasmhach in aghaidh antaibheathach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Antibiotikaresistenz-Markergen | ARMG
    antibiotic resistance marker gene | ARM gene
    Definition "gene providing resistance to an antibiotic and inserted into recombinant-DNA plants [IATE:3541756] as marker [IATE:1096547 ], which is linked to the new gene with a desirable trait" Reference "UK Food Standards Agency. The use of antibiotic resistance marker genes in GM plants [6.3.2012]"
    Comment Scientists can then use this marker to select the insertion of the new gene. In some GM crop varieties, antibiotic resistance genes are used at an earlier stage in the process, when genes are being assembled for insertion into the plant. This is normally done using microorganisms but the resistance gene may then be carried through the process so that it is present in the GM plants.
    gène marqueur de résistance aux antibiotiques | gène marqueur de la résistance aux antibiotiques
    Definition gène (généralement d’origine bactérienne) utilisé comme marqueur de sélection en transgenèse, car sa présence permet la survie des cellules en présence d’agents antibiotiques normalement toxiques Reference "D'après: Glossaire FAO, [30.7.2013]"
    Comment "Ces gènes étaient utilisés dans le développement et la libération de la première génération d’organismes transgéniques (particulièrement chez les plantes cultivées), mais ils ne sont plus recommandés à cause des risques potentiels associés au transfert indésiré de la résistance aux antibiotiques à d’autres organismes.Source: Glossaire FAO, [30.7.2013]"
  4. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science
    peiptíd gaolmhar le géin an chailceatoinin Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    calcitonin gene-related peptide | CGRP
    Definition 37-amino acid neuropeptide found among neuroendocrine cells, sensory C fibers, blood vesssels and lymphoid tissues in the normal lung Reference "Respiratory Research > Research > Calcitonin gene-related peptide stimulates proliferation of alveolar epithelial cells > 2009 Kawanami et al, (15.7.2009)"
  5. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science|immunology · SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences|biology
    géin C Reference "Faofa ag an gCoiste Téarmaíochta, Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    géin thairiseach Reference "Faofa ag an gCoiste Téarmaíochta, Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    C-gene | constant region gene | constant gene
    Definition "gene that codes for the constant regions of a particular class of immunoglobulins" Reference "'C-gene' (1.10.2020). Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005"
    Comment "1) A unique capacity of B-cells is to initiate rearrangement of dispersed gene segments in order to assemble a new, intact immunoglobulin gene. The V, D, and J segments rearrange to form the antigen binding variable domain of the final immunoglobulin molecule. The V (variable) gene segments encode the bulk of the variable region while the D (diversity) and J (joining) segments form a link to the C (constant) region and form a hypervariable region which contributes to antigen specificity of the antibody molecule. When successfully rearranged, the segments encode a novel antibody molecule.2) The loci encoding immunoglobulins have a unique structure.- composed of ""gene segments""- The heavy chain locus has multiple V (variable) segments, multiple D (diversity) segments, multiple J (joining) segments and multiple C (constant) segments.During maturation, one of each V, D and J segment is randomly “chosen” and used to encode the final antibody molecule."
    gène constant | gène C
    Definition gène codant le domaine constant Reference Pour la Science,novembre 1993
  6. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences
    croíghéin Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    core gene | core gene mutation
    Definition "any gene of the core genome [ IATE:3576688 ] of a species" Reference "COM-EN, based on: Pierre-Edouard Fournier, Didier Raoult. 2017. Infectious Diseases, 1. 7 – Bacterial Genomes, [2.5.2018]"
    gène de capside
    Comment "La capside protège le génome du virus à l'intérieur de la nucléocapside et, pour les virus nus, dépourvus d'enveloppe, elle intervient dans l'attachement de la particule virale à la cellule-hôte.Voir aussi: capside [ IATE:1431837 ]Source: Dictionnaire médical de l'Académie de médecine (2018) > capside , [19.7.2018]"
  7. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences
    scrios Reference COM-GA
    Deletion | Verlust von Genabschnitten | Verlust von Chromosomenabschnitten
    Definition Chromosomen-Mutation, bei der mindestens ein Basenpaar, häufig jedoch mehrere oder sogar sehr viele Basenpaare aus der DNA des betreffenden Organismus entfernt wurden Reference "Lexikon der Biologie. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag: Heidelberg, 1999, s. v. „Deletion“, (10.10.2017)"
    Comment Bei der Deletion kann ein interkalar (in der Mitte) oder terminal (endständig) lokalisiertes Chromosomen- oder Chromatidenstück verlorengehen. Den Verlust endständiger Chromosomenstücke bezeichnet man auch als Defizienz.
    deletion | deletions | deleted gene | deleted genes
    Definition absence of a segment of DNA Reference "NCBI » Bookshelf » GeneReviews » Illustrated Glossary [20.10.2010]"
    Comment "It may be as small as a single base or large enough to encompass one or more entire genes. (See also: gene deletion [ IATE:3571263 ]If the deletions occur outside of coding regions, they may have negligible effects on phenotype, unless they affect the expression of nearby genes.Within a coding region, the deletion of exactly three, six, nine or an exact multiple of three nucleotids results in the elimination of one, two, three or a number of amino acids from the encoded polypeptide chain, because three nucleotides is the length of a codon.If the length of the deletion is not an exact multiple of three nucleotides, the mutation shifts the phase in which the ribosome reads the triplet codons and consquently alters all of the amino acids downstream for the site of the mutation (frameshift mutation IATE:1687482 ) Ref: Daniel L. Hartl, Elizabeth W. Jones. Genetics: analysis of genes and genomes [20.10.2010]See also: - deletion mutation [ IATE:3571974 ]"
    Definition aberration chromosomique consistant en la perte d’un segment de chromosome Reference Dictionnaire illustré des termes de médecine 31ème édition > délétion, M. Garnier & V. Delamare, 2012, Maloine, Paris, ISBN 978-2-224-03257-9 [9.1.2018]
    Comment "La délétion affecte soit un chromosome («délétion chromosomique»), soit un gène dudit chromosome («délétion de gène» [IATE:3571263 ]). Elle produit une information génétique tronquée et peut entraîner des malformations. (Source: «Délétion, génétique», D. Lavergne, Encyclopædia Universalis en ligne, [9.1.2018]) Voir aussi: -
  8. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences
    géin inginiúil Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    endogenes Gen
    endogenous gene
    Definition gene from an organism's own genome Reference "Gene chip etc. Dr. W. B. Langdon. University of Essex School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering," rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">> [11.4.2012]"
  9. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences
    seicheamh cliathánach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    flanking region | flanking gene region | flanking sequence
    Definition region of DNA which is adjacent to the 3' or the 5' end of a gene Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: Sangita Pawar, Common Terms in Molecular Biology(19.2.2020). College of Medicine, UA"
    séquence encadrante
    Definition dans certains ARN messager ou ARN préribosomique, séquence nucléotidique formée de deux parties, l'une précédant et l'autre suivant la séquence d'une unité de transcription Reference génétique,CILF,1991
  10. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences|biology|genetics
    géin fheidhmiúil Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    functional gene
    Definition gene that encodes proteins Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: Joe Nevins, Mike West. 'GENE STRUCTURE' (17.3.2022). STA 278/BGT 208: Gene Expression Analysis. Departement of Statistical Science. Duke University"
    Comment A gene, for several reasons, may be “damaged” so the function it codes for cannot be expressed (either because its translation process does not occur any more, or because the “new” protein occurring from the translation of a damaged gene is not functional any more).
  11. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences|biology|genetics · SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences · SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences|biology
    géinchaiséad Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    gene cassette
    Definition "type of mobile genetic element (i.e. type of genetic material that can move around within a genome, or that can be transferred from one species or replicon to another) that contains a gene and a recombination site" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:David P. Clark, Nanette J. Pazdernik. 'Biotechnology' (19.2.2020). AP Cell 2016. Elsevier"
    Comment "Gene cassettes have one or two ORFs that lack promoters and are flanked by 59-base elements (59-be) which is a recombination site (which may not be 59 bases long)"
  12. PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH|technology and technical regulations|biotechnology
    comhstruchtúr DNA Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    DNA construct | gene construct | construct
    Definition "artificial assembly of DNA sequences, usually a gene1, inserted into a vector2 such as a plasmid3, and able to be transferred into a ""host"" cell that will incorporate the gene into its own genome41 gene [ IATE:1254664 ]2 vector [ IATE:1624779 ]3 plasmid [ IATE:1684610 ]4 genome [ IATE:1073540 ]" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:Mouse Genome Informatics. MGI Glossary, [20.1.2014] & QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute. Glossary of research terms, [20.1.2014]"
    Comment "Apart from the gene of interest itself, a so-called promoter1 (“starter”) and a terminator (“stop signal”) are required for expression. In most cases, additional sequences are included, e.g. marker genes2, which are also accompanied by a promoter and a terminator. The name “construct” is used because the sequences normally do not exist in this combination, but must be “put together” (constructed).1 promoter [ IATE:1073413 ]2 marker gene [ IATE:1096547 ]Reference: ""gene construct"". GMO Compass. Glossary, [5.2.2014]"
    constituant du gène
  13. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences|biology
    tiontú géiniteach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Definition Umwandlung eines Allels in ein anderes während der Rekombination zwischen 2 DNA-Molekülen (Desoxyribonucleinsäuren), auf denen die beiden allelen Formen des betreffenden Gens liegen Reference "Lexikon der Biologie. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag: Heidelberg, 1999, s. v. „Genkonversion“, (24.10.2017)"
    gene conversion
    Definition "mitotic recombination within genes" Reference "Council Regulation (EC) No 440/2008 laying down test methods pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)"
    Comment "Very frequently it generates non-reciprocal products contrary to mitotic crossing-over, which generates reciprocal products."
    conversion génique
    Definition mode de recombinaison génétique où l'échange entre brins n'est pas réciproque:il résulterait de l'élimination de l'un des deux brins et de son remplacement par une copie de l'autre brin Reference génétique,CILF,1991
  14. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|pharmaceutical industry
    vacsaín dhíghníomhaithe Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    gene deleted vaccine | deletion vaccine | gene-inactivated vaccine
    Definition vaccine derived from a strain in which one or more specific known virulence genes have been deleted Reference "COM-EN, based on:CAST Issue Paper. Vaccine Development Using Recombinant DNA Technology. Number 38. May 2008. [2.2.2012] & Maddox, C. W. MacNeill, A. Borst, L. Patterson, S. SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF A TRIPLE DETECTION MODIFIED LIVE VACCINE AGAINST STRANGLES [2.2.2012]"
  15. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences
    géinscriosadh Reference COM-GA
    gene deletion
    Definition absence of a segment of DNA which is large enough to encompass one or more entire genes Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: NCBI » Bookshelf » GeneReviews » Illustrated Glossary, [5.12.2016]"
    délétion de gène
    Definition perte d’un ou plusieurs gènes contigus sur un chromosome Reference "COM-FR, d’après: 1. Le Grand Robert de la langue française en ligne > délétion [9.1.2018] 2. Le Manuel MSD – Version pour professionnels de la santé, «Syndromes de délétion chromosomique», N. Powell-Hamilton et al., [9.1.2018]"
    Comment "Les petites délétions intragéniques de quelques bases nucléiques peuvent affecter un gène en décalant le cadre de lecture ou en provoquant la perte d’une partie du gène aboutissant à une perte de fonction du gène. Les délétions importantes peuvent provoquer la perte de plusieurs gènes contigus contenus dans la région impliquée. Selon le nombre de gènes délétés, la fonction des gènes et leur degré d'haploinsuffisance, les délétions peuvent être la cause de maladies génétiques plus ou moins sévères. (Source note: Wikipédia > , [9.1.2018]) Voir aussi: délétion [IATE:1254641 ]"
  16. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences
    macasamhlú crómasóim Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Chromosomenduplikation | Duplikation
    Definition Verdoppelung eines Chromosomenabschnittes infolge von irregulaerem Crossing-over zwischen zwei Chromatiden nichthomologer Chromosomen an nichthomologen Stellen, von Non-disjunction von Schwesterchromatiden oder infolge von Translokation zwischen homologen Chromosomen Reference Reallex Med
    chromosome duplication | duplicating chromosomes | chromosomal duplication | gene duplication | gene amplification
    Definition particular kind of mutation involving the production of one or more copies of any piece of DNA, including sometimes a gene or even an entire chromosome Reference " [2.12.2010]"
    Comment "Not to be confused with chromosomal duplication [ IATE:1684830 ] occurring during the S-phase [ IATE:3524302 ] of the cell cycle [ IATE:1544625 ]"
  17. PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH|technology and technical regulations|biotechnology
    modhnú géanóim Reference "Faofa ag an gCoiste Téarmaíochta, ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Definition Modifikation der DNA in einem Lebewesen (das Genom), und insbesondere der DNA-Sequenz, mit molekularbiologischen Methoden Reference " Genome Editing (9.1.2024)"
    genome editing | gene editing | genome engineering
    Definition "group of new directed mutagenesis techniques that facilitate addition, removal, or alteration of DNA sequences at a specific location in the genome" Reference "European Union Reference Laboratory for GM Food and Feed. Detection of food and feed plant products obtained by new mutagenesis techniques (5.10.2020). 26 March 2019"
    Comment Genome editing should not be confused with conventional mutation breeding techniques (random mutation of many genes at the same time) or with conventional GMOs (random insertion of new genes).
    réécriture génomique | édition génomique | modification génomique | modification du génome | édition du génome
    Definition procédé qui consiste à modifier, dans une cellule, une séquence déterminée du génome, à l'aide d'une endodésoxyribonucléase opérant une coupure des deux brins d'ADN Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après la Délégation générale à la langue française et aux langues de France (DGLFLF), FranceTerme, fiche ""réécriture génomique"" (28.10.2019)"
    Comment "1. Les nouvelles techniques de modification du génome sont incluses dans un ensemble de techniques appelées New Breeding Techniques (NBT) qui améliorent le ciblage moléculaire des modifications génétiques. La modification de la structure de l’ADN est très ciblée et précise : on parle de réécriture ou d’édition du génome. Comme l’a suggéré récemment un ouvrage de référence, les organismes qui en résultent devraient logiquement être appelés organismes génétiquement édités (OGE) afin d’être distingués des « OGM classiques » qui, jusqu’à présent, sont surtout associés à la technique de trangénèse.2. L’édition génomique est utilisée dans différents domaines : l’agroalimentaire pour produire des espèces améliorées (par exemple des moutons et des veaux avec une masse musculaire accrue en Amérique du sud), l’agronomie (par exemple avec la modification génétique d’espèces végétales envahissantes, pour limiter leur croissance) et bien sûr la santé."
  18. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences|biology
    léiriú na géine Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Genexpression | Genausprägung | Expression von Genen
    Definition Realisierung der im genetischen Material vorhandenen Information durch Transkription zu RNS als primäre Genprodukte und deren Translation zu Proteinen als sekundäre Genprodukte.Im weiteren Sinne ist die Genexpression auch die Ausprägung des Phänotyps eines Individuums Reference Lex.Biochemie,p.239
    gene expression | genetic expression
    Definition process by which information from a gene is used in the synthesis of a functional gene product. i.e. a protein in the case of protein-coding genes or a functional RNA in the case of transfer RNA (tRNA) or small nuclear RNA (snRNA) genes Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:Wikipedia > Gene expression (28.5.2020)"
    Comment "In genetics, gene expression is the most fundamental level at which genotype gives rise to the phenotype. The genetic code is ""interpreted"" by gene expression, and the properties of the expression products give rise to the organism's phenotype."
    expression génétique | expression de gène | expression des gènes
    Definition Manifestation physiologique quelconque conditionnée par la présence d'un gène ou d'un fragment de gène. Reference Biotechnologie,p.385