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4 results

  1. #7343

    caiteachais fir
    ginf caiteachas

    ... agus caiteachais taistil agus cothaithe mar a tabhaíodh iarbhír iad.

    ... and travelling and subsistence expenses as actually incurred.

    • Rialtas Government


    Ar gach uair a bheidh oifigeach i láthair chun taifid a thabhairt ar aird, in aghaidh gach lae nó coda de lá (i dteannta costais an oifigigh)...

    On every attendance of an officer to produce records, for each day or part thereof (in addition to the officer's expenses)...

    • Gnó › Airgeadas Business › Finance
    • Rialtas › Riarachán Poiblí Government › Public Administration


    Féadfaidh tiarna talún a iarraidh go n-íocfar a chaiteachais réasúnacha leis mar choinníoll ar a dtabharfar deimhniú feabhsúcháin.

    A landlord may require payment of his reasonable expenses as a condition of giving an improvement certificate.