
Téarmaí cosúla:

Cóip statach de shonraí a easpórtáiltear ó IATE ó am go chéile atá sa chnuasach seo. Níor cheart glacadh leis gurb ionann i gcónaí an t-eolas a thugtar faoi iontráil anseo agus a bhfuil sa leagan reatha den iontráil ar IATE. Is féidir an leagan reatha sin a cheadú ach cliceáil ar an nasc atá ar thaobh na láimhe deise ag barr gach iontrála. Breis eolais »

6 thoradh

  1. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science
    neamhord speictream an uathachais Tagairt "'An Bille um Neamhord Speictream an Uathachais, 2017,' Seanad Éireann, [13.5.2020]Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    uathachas Tagairt "Na nithe a dhéanann an Eoraip dom - daoine a bhfuil uathachas orthu (20.5.2019)Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Comhthéacs 'Bíonn deacrachtaí ag daoine a bhfuil uathachas orthu caidreamh agus cumarsáid a dhéanamh le daoine eile.' Tagairt "'Daoine a bhfuil uathachas orthu,' Parlaimint na hEorpa, [13.5.2020]"
    neamhord forleatach forbraíochta Tagairt "'Do Threoir ar ár Scéimeanna agus Seirbhísí: Teaghlaigh agus Leanaí,' an Roinn Gnóthaí Fostaíochta agus Coimirce Sóisialaí, [13.5.2020]Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    neamhord ar speictream an uathachais Tagairt "'Daoine a bhfuil uathachas orthu,' Parlaimint na hEorpa, [13.5.2020]Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Autismus-Spektrum-Störung | Autismusspektrumstörung | ASS | Autismus | tief greifende Entwicklungsstörung
    Sainmhíniú komplexe und vielgestaltige neurologische Entwicklungsstörung, die sich auf die Informations- und Wahrnehmungsverarbeitung sowie die Entwicklung der sozialen Interaktion, der Kommunikation und des Verhaltensrepertoires auswirkt Tagairt "autismus Deutschland e.V., Bundesverband zur Förderung von Menschen mit Autismus, Was ist Autismus? (2.7.2019)"
    autism spectrum disorder | autism | ASD | autistic spectrum disorder | autistic disorder | pervasive developmental disorder | PDD
    Sainmhíniú group of conditions characterised by some degree of difficulty with social interaction and communication, as well as by atypical patterns of activities and behaviours, such as difficulty with transition from one activity to another, a focus on details and unusual reactions to sensations Tagairt "World Health Organization > Newsroom > Fact sheets > Detail > Autism spectrum disorders (2.12.2021)"
    trouble du spectre autistique | TSA | autisme | trouble envahissant du développement | TED | trouble global du développement | trouble du spectre de l'autisme
    Sainmhíniú ensemble de troubles complexes du développement du cerveau caractérisés par des difficultés en matière d'interaction sociale et de communication, et par un répertoire d'intérêts et d'activités restreint et répétitif Tagairt "Conseil-FR, d'après le site de l'OMS, ""Questions-réponses sur les troubles du spectre autistique"", [19.2.2019]"
  2. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science
    uathachas óige Tagairt Comhairle-GA
    frühkindlicher Autismus | infantiler Autismus | Kanner-Syndrom
    Sainmhíniú "Form des Autismus ( IATE:1687306 ), die bereits vor dem dritten Lebensjahr beginnt" Tagairt "Wikipedia > Autismus (2.7.2019)"
    childhood autism | child autism | Kanner syndrome | infantile autism
    Sainmhíniú "type of autism spectrum disorder [ IATE:1687306 ] that is defined by: (a) the presence of abnormal or impaired development that is manifest before the age of three years, and (b) the characteristic type of abnormal functioning in all the three areas of psychopathology: reciprocal social interaction, communication, and restricted, stereotyped, repetitive behaviour" Tagairt "Council-EN, based on: 'Childhood autism', International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, World Health Organization, [4.1.2019]"
    autisme infantile précoce | autisme précoce | autisme infantile | autisme de Kanner | syndrome de Kanner
    Sainmhíniú trouble envahissant du développement caractérisé par: a) un développement anormal ou altéré, manifeste avant l'âge de trois ans, avec b) une perturbation caractéristique du fonctionnement dans chacun des trois domaines psychopathologiques suivants: interactions sociales réciproques, communication, comportement (au caractère restreint, stéréotypé et répétitif) Tagairt "Classification Statistique Internationale des Maladies et des Problèmes de Santé Connexes (""CIM 10""), 2008, site web de l'OMS, [6.3.2018]"
  3. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science
    uathachas ardfheidhmiúil Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    high functioning autism
    Sainmhíniú term that tends to describe people who have many or all of the symptoms of autism but did not develop language typically Tagairt " Autism > What Is ""High Functioning Autism?"" (8.7.2009)"
    Nóta "There is no formal diagnosis called ""high functioning autism."" What's more, there's no agreed upon definition of ""high functioning."""
    autisme de haut niveau
  4. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science
    duine ar a bhfuil an t-uathachas Tagairt "'An Chumarsáid Chuimsitheach', Ardrúnaíocht na Comhairle, 2018"
    Comhthéacs 'duine ar a bhfuil an t-uathachas; duine uathach' Tagairt "'An Chumarsáid Chuimsitheach', Ardrúnaíocht na Comhairle, 2018"
    duine uathach Tagairt "'An Chumarsáid Chuimsitheach', Ardrúnaíocht na Comhairle, 2018"
    Comhthéacs 'duine ar a bhfuil an t-uathachas; duine uathach' Tagairt "'An Chumarsáid Chuimsitheach', Ardrúnaíocht na Comhairle, 2018"
    Mensch mit Autismus | Autist
    Nóta "Siehe auch Autismus-Spektrum-Störung IATE:1687306"
    person with autism | people with autism | autistic person | autistic people
    Nóta "See also: - autism spectrum disorder [ IATE:1687306 ] - childhood autism [ IATE:1489674 ]"
    personne autiste | autiste
  5. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science
    uathachas ideapatach Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    uathachas bunaidh Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    uathachas príomhúil Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    bunuathachas Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    primärer Autismus
    Sainmhíniú von aussen nicht beeinflussbarer und psychologisch nicht ableitbarer, dem Patienten nicht bewusster Autismus infolge Stoerung des Gleichgewichts zwischen Selbstbehauptung und-hingabe Tagairt Reallex Med
    primary autism | idiopathic autism
    Sainmhíniú autism with no identifiable cause Tagairt "National Center for Biotechnology Information > Bookshelf > GeneReviews > Autism Overview, Judith H Miles, MD, PhD, (8.7.2009)"
    autisme primaire
  6. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science
    uathachas tánaisteach Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    sekundärer Autismus
    secondary autism
    Sainmhíniú autism caused by an environmental agent, chromosome abnormality, or single-gene disorder Tagairt "National Center for Biotechnology Information > Bookshelf > GeneReviews > Autism Overview, Judith H Miles, MD, PhD, (8.7.2009)"
    autisme secondaire