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12 results

  1. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|defence · TRANSPORT|air and space transport|air transport
    trúpaí aerbheirthe Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    luftbewegliche Kräfte | luftlandefähige Kräfte | Fallschirmjägerkräfte | Luftlandekräfte | Luftlandetruppen
    Definition Einsatzkräfte, die sich durch Luftbeweglichkeit auszeichnen und luftbewegliche Operationen durchführen Reference "COUNCIL-DE, vgl. Website Deutsches Heer > Division Schnelle Kräfte!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP3I5EyrpHK9jNTUIr2UzNS84pLiEr2U4mz9gmxHRQC5SF74/ [20.5.2014]"
    Comment "XREF: airborne IATE:759592 DIV: ds, 20.5.2014"
    airborne forces | airborne troops
    Definition soldiers trained for deployment by air and especially by parachute Reference "Council-EN, based on: 'airborne'. Merriam-Webster, [12.5.2014]"
    forces aéroportées | troupes aéroportées | TAP
    Definition "formation de combat (avec son soutien logistique) organisée, équipée et instruite en vue d'effectuer des opérations aéroportées [ IATE:1345780 ]" Reference "Glossaire OTAN de termes et définitions AAP-6 (2014), [2.10.2014]"
  2. INDUSTRY|electronics and electrical engineering
    tapa Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Definition "connection made at some intermediate point in a winding [ IATE:1732168 ]" Reference "COM-Term. Coord., based on:All about circuits, Volume II - AC > Transformers > Winding configurations, [24.11.2015]"
    Definition connexion établie en un point intermédiaire d'un enroulement Reference "Commission électrotechnique internationale, [17.3.2016]"
    an Phíblíne Thrasaidriadach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    TAP Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Transadriatische Pipeline | Trans-Adria-Pipeline | TAP
    Definition "geplante Pipeline, die Erdgas vom Kaspischen Meer nach Europa bringen und – mit Anschluss an die Transanatolische Pipeline (TANAP) IATE:3564909 – durch Griechenland, Albanien und die Adria nach Italien führen soll" Reference Council-DE, vgl. Council-EN
    Comment "Website (EN):"
    Trans Adriatic Pipeline | TAP | Trans-Adriatic Pipeline
    Definition "planned pipeline which will transport natural gas from the Caspian Sea to Europe, starting from the Greek-Turkish border, where it will connect with the Trans-Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) IATE:3564909 , crossing Greece, Albania and the Adriatic Sea, and ending in Italy" Reference "Council-EN, based onTrans Adriatic Pipeline > TAP at a glance [13.5.2015]"
    Comment Construction is expected to start in 2016
    gazoduc transadriatique | TAP | gazoduc Trans Adriatic Pipeline
    Definition projet de gazoduc reliant l'Italie depuis la frontière gréco-turque - où il sera connecté au gazoduc transanatolien (TANAP)-, en passant par la Grèce, l'Albanie puis sous l'Adriatique pour acheminer vers l'Europe du gaz en provenance du gisement azéri Shah Deniz-2, en mer Caspienne Reference Conseil-FR
    Comment "Voir aussi:- gazoduc transanatolien [ IATE:3564909 ];- gazoduc Nabucco [IATE:2244089 ];- corridor gazier Nord-Sud [IATE:3562184 ]"
  4. LAW · EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|information technology and data processing
    cúléisteacht ghníomhach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Anzapfen von Übertragungsleitungen mit Hilfe eines unberechtigten Gerätes
    Definition unberechtigter Zugang zum System und damit Zugriff zu Daten wird erreicht durch Senden von Nachrichten und Kontrollsignalen oder durch Verändern der Verbindung Reference Hogrebe:Glossar Datensicherung,1978
    active wire-tapping
    Definition form of wire-tapping in which the intruder sends his own data on line.The attaching of an unauthorized device,such as a computer terminal,to a communications circuit for the purpose of obtaining access to data through the generation of false message control signals,or by altering the communications of legitimate users Reference ITS Rapport 6.-1994
    attaque des lignes de communication par des tables d'écoute
  5. ENERGY|electrical and nuclear industries|electrical industry · INDUSTRY|electronics and electrical engineering
    athróir tapa faoi lód Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Definition Gerät zur Änderung des Anzapfpunkts einer Wicklung, mit dem die Umstellung des Transformators auch unter Last vorgenommen werden kann Reference COM-Internes Dokument ENER-2015-80065: Verordnung der Kommission zur Festlegung eines Netzkodex für den Abnehmeranschluss
    on-load tap changer | on load tapchanger switch | OLTC | load tap changer | on-load switch | LTC
    Definition "device designed to change tap [ IATE:1374127 ] position on a winding [ IATE:1732168 ] and hence vary the turns ratio of a transformer whilst it is both energized and on load, i.e. without any interruption of the supply" Reference COM-Term. Coord., based on:International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard IEC 60214-2:2004 Tap-changers – Part 2: Application guide
  6. LAW · EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|information technology and data processing
    cúléisteacht éighníomhach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Anzapfen von Übertragungsleitungen | Abhören von Übertragungsleitungen
    Definition Überwachen und Aufzeichnen von Nachrichten auf Übertragungswegen Reference Hogrebe:Glossar Datensicherung,1978
    passive wire-tapping
    Definition form of wire-tapping in which the intruder listens only and does not originate any data on the communication line Reference Terminologicentrum TNC
    écoute clandestine
  7. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|construction and town planning|town planning · ENVIRONMENT|natural environment|physical environment
    uisce buacaire Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    tap water | mains water
    Definition the water that emerges from taps in homes, public buildings, etc., and standpipes in low-income countries, where a single standpipe may service many families. Reference """tap water"" A Dictionary of Public Health. Ed. John M. Last, Oxford University Press, 2007. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Directorate-General for Translation. [12.7.2010]"
    Comment "Tap water usually comes from a reservoir. It may or may not have been partly purified by filtration and disinfected by chlorination, but it may still contain toxic or other chemicals and some pathogens, e.g., Giardia, cryptosporidium, and sometimes more dangerous pathogens such as Salmonella typhi . When there is doubt, water should be further tested and treated by boiling before it is used for drinking, cleaning vegetables, or cooking.Not to be confused with running water IATE:1668950<><><><>"
    eau de distribution | eau produite par les compagnies des eaux | eau de ville | eau du robinet | eau de conduite | eau de canalisation
  8. INDUSTRY|iron, steel and other metal industries
    tapáil Reference "Faofa ag an gCoiste Téarmaíochta, ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Definition periodisch durchgeführte Öffnung des Verschlusses eines Hochofens im Hüttenwerk Reference "Wikipedia, s.v. ""Abstich (Metallurgie)"", (14.1.2016)"
    Comment Dem flüssigen Roheisen wird so das Auslaufen aus dem Hochofen ermöglicht
    Definition draining molten metal from a furnace through a taphole, either continuously or discontinuously, using tapping equipment Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:H. Tveit, V. Andersen, K.H. Berget, and R. Jensen. The tapping process in silicon production. The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Furnace Tapping Conference 2014, [4.11.2015]"
    Definition action de verser dans un moule une matière en fusion (acier, verre, etc.) Reference "Site du Centre national de ressources textuelles et lexicales > Coulée,ée [13.5.2016]"
  9. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences · SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences|biology|botany
    fréamh phríomhúil Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    socfhréamh Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Definition kraeftig entwickelte Hauptwurzel, die meist tief in die Erde dringt Reference ---
    primary root | taproot | tap-root
    Definition "root that develops directly from the radicle of an embryo rather than from a crown or node" Reference "D'Arcy, C. J., D. M. Eastburn, and G. L. Schumann. 2001. 'Illustrated Glossary of Plant Pathology' (2.12.2019). The Plant Health Instructor"
    Comment Some plants however, chiefly the monocots, will present a different system. The primary root is usually ephemeral, as the root system of the plant tends to develop from adventitious roots that develop from the stem of the plant. This creates a dense roots system called diffuse roots, where no root is more developed than the others. This system digs less deep in the soil than the taproot as the plant grows, and is particularly common among plants that creep on the ground.
    pivot | racine pivotante
    Definition 1) racine principale d'un arbre, qui provient d'une élongation et d'un accroissement en diamètre de la racine primaire et qui s'enfonce à peu près verticalement dans le sol en donnant en outre des racines latérales 2) racine principale s'accroissant beaucoup et restant plus importante que ses ramifications qui s'allongent pour former une sorte de grappe ou d'épi Reference METRO
  10. LAW|criminal law · LAW|rights and freedoms|rights of the individual
    cúléisteacht teileafóin Reference Comhad na hEorpa, 5/89, lch. 10 ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Abhören von Telefongesprächen | Abhören des Telefonverkehrs | Telefonüberwachung |
    Definition Überwachung von Telekommunikationsvorgängen und -inhalten, darunter das das Abhören von Telefongesprächen und das Mitlesen von E-Mails, Kurzmitteilungen (SMS) und Telefaxen sowie Funkzellenabfrage Reference " [4.12.14]"
    Comment """Abhören"" ist neutral, kann rechtmäßig oder illegal sein; ""Überwachung"" meist in d. Verb. ""rechtmäßige Ü."" oder ""gesetzlich genehmigte Ü"", siehe dazu IATE:878548"
    telephone tapping | wiretapping | wire tapping
    Definition interception of telephone or internet conversations Reference "Diffie W., Landau S. E. Privacy on the Line: The Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption, [18.12.2013]"
    Comment "See also:- active wiretapping (narrower) [ IATE:927465 ]- passive wiretapping (narrower) [ IATE:927506 ]- administrative wiretapping (narrower) [ IATE:925528 ]- interception of telecommunications (broader)[ IATE:878548 ]"
    écoute téléphonique | espionnage électronique
    Definition écoute électronique 22 22 FEC-EHU-UEQ UM1 2 Reference SAMSOM INFORMATICA WB