
Téarmaí cosúla:

Cóip statach de shonraí a easpórtáiltear ó IATE ó am go chéile atá sa chnuasach seo. Níor cheart glacadh leis gurb ionann i gcónaí an t-eolas a thugtar faoi iontráil anseo agus a bhfuil sa leagan reatha den iontráil ar IATE. Is féidir an leagan reatha sin a cheadú ach cliceáil ar an nasc atá ar thaobh na láimhe deise ag barr gach iontrála. Breis eolais »

1 toradh

  1. FINANCE|financing and investment · INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS|United Nations
    conradh déthaobhach infheistíochta Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    bilaterales Investitionsabkommen | BIT | bilaterales Investitionsschutzabkommen | bilateraler Investitionsschutzvertrag
    Sainmhíniú völkerrechtlicher Vertrag zwischen zwei Staaten zur Förderung und rechtlichen Absicherung ausländischer Direktinvestitionen im jeweils anderen Hoheitsgebiet Tagairt "Council-DE in Anlehnung an UNCTAD > International Investment Agreements Navigator (7.8.2019)"
    Nóta "soll v.a. Rechtssicherheit für Unternehmen schaffen, die faire, gerechte und diskriminierungsfreie Behandlung von Investoren und den Schutz vor unrechtmäßiger Enteignung garantieren und die unmittelbare Inanspruchnahme internationaler Schiedsverfahren bei Streitigkeiten ermöglichen. Die Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen für Handel und Entwicklung (UNCTAD) führt eine Datenbank der weltweit bestehenden Investitionsabkommen (7.8.2019) - weltweit bestehen etwa 3 000 solcher Abkommen (Stand 2019). Das erste derartige Abkommen wurde 1959 zwischen Deutschland und Pakistan geschlossen: vgl. Bundesgesetzblatt: Vertrag zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Pakistan zur Förderung und zum Schutz von Kapitalanlagen (6.9.2019)"
    bilateral investment treaty | bilateral treaty for the promotion and protection of foreign investment | bilateral investment agreement | BIT
    Sainmhíniú agreement between two countries1 regarding promotion and protection of investments made by investors from respective countries in each other’s territory Tagairt "United Nations Conference on Trade and Development > investment policy hub > international investment agreements > terminology, [5.12.2018]"
    Nóta "1. Despite representing 27 Member States, for the purposes of trade negotiations the European Commission is treated as a bilateral negotiating partner [ Source: Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (7.6.2021) ].2. Since the adoption of the 2019/20 Agreement for the termination of Bilateral Investment Treaties between the Member States of the European Union, BITs are no longer expected to be agreed between EU Member States (although this was previously possible and quite common).3. Treaties typically cover the following areas: scope and definition of investment, admission and establishment, national treatment, most-favoured-nation treatment, fair and equitable treatment, compensation in the event of expropriation or damage to the investment, guarantees of free transfers of funds, and dispute settlement mechanisms, both state-state and investor-state. ---- See also investment promotion and protection agreement [ IATE:247736 ] and bilateral investment protection agreement [ IATE:1179627 ], which are also types of international investment agreement [ IATE:916959 ]. Although these types of agreement are all very similar, they differ in scope and cannot be considered interchangeable."
    traité bilatéral d'investissement | TBI | traité bilatéral sur l'investissement
    Sainmhíniú accord entre deux pays en ce qui concerne la promotion et la protection des investissements réalisés par les investisseurs des pays respectifs sur le territoire de l'autre Tagairt "UNCTAD/CNUCED, Hub politique d'investissement, Traités bilatéraux d'investissement, Terminologie (16.7.2019) en anglais"
    Nóta "Voir également: - accord de promotion et de protection des investissements (APPI): IATE:247736, qui figure aussi au nombre des accords internationaux d'investissement (AII) [IATE:916959], mais dont la portée est différente."