
Bailiúchán téarmaí dlí agus reachtaíochta i nGaeilge a baineadh as bunachar ilteangach téarmaí an Aontais Eorpaigh. Breis eolais »

SOCIAL QUESTIONS|social affairs · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|social protection|welfare
for-rochtain Tagairt "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 377/2014 an 3 Aibreán 2014 lena mbunaítear Clár Copernicus, CELEX:32014R0377/GA"
Comhthéacs """Áireofar air sin gníomhaíochtaí for-rochtana, oiliúna agus scaipthe.""" Tagairt "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 377/2014 an 3 Aibreán 2014 lena mbunaítear Clár Copernicus, CELEX:32014R0377/GA"
obair for-rochtana Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
aufsuchende Sozialarbeit | aufsuchende Arbeit | Arbeit an der Basis | aufsuchende Betreuung | direkte Ansprache
Sainmhíniú Tätigkeit, die darauf ausgerichtet ist, im öffentlichen Raum Kontakte zu gesellschaftlichen Randgruppen / sozial benachteiligten Menschen herzustellen und diesen Informationen und/oder Unterstützung anzubieten, um ihre gesellschaftliche Inklusion bzw. Integration zu erreichen Tagairt Council-DE
Nóta "Arbeitsformen sind insbesondere Streetwork / aufsuchende Arbeit; individuelle Unterstützung und Beratung, Angebote für Cliquen und Gruppen; gemeinwesenorientierte Arbeit (vgl. [22.6.2017])"
outreach | outreach work | out-reach work
Sainmhíniú any activity undertaken by an organisation to provide information or mobile services to people where they live or spend time, often in the context of health or social welfare Tagairt "Council-EN, based on:- 'outreach', Cambridge Dictionary, [2.6.2017]- Rhodes, T., Outreach Work with Drug Users: Principles and Practice, Council of Europe, 1996, p. 25, [2.6.2017]"
Nóta "Outreach work is often associated with low-income or otherwise disadvantaged groups, but it is not limited thereto. For example, hospitals may run outreach programmes to educate communities on certain health problems,1 libraries may have outreach schemes where they deliver books to people who are not physically able to come to their premises,2 and most universities use the term 'outreach' to describe their work with schools.3See also:- outreach youth work [ IATE:3551438 ]- detached youth work [ IATE:3551137 ]- street work [ IATE:3573281 ]Note reference: Council-EN1 See, for example, Brice, J. H. et al, 'Emergency medical services education, community outreach, and protocols for stroke and chest pain in North Carolina', Prehospital Emergency Care, Vol. 12, 2008, Issue 3, p. 366, [26.6.2017]2 See, for example, Provo City Library > Books & media > Homebound outreach, [26.6.2017]3 See, for example, University of Oxford > Home > Admissions > Undergraduate > Visiting and outreach > Outreach events, [26.6.2017]"
travail de proximité | travail social de proximité
Sainmhíniú ensemble de pratiques qui permettent d'aller vers des personnes en difficulté, souvent déconnectées des services et des institutions et difficiles à atteindre par les services ou circuits traditionnels Tagairt "Conseil-FR, d'après ""Le Travail de Proximité auprès des Usagers de Drogues en Europe"", travail de recherche financé par l’Observatoire Européen des Drogues et de la Toxicomanie, 1999, [28.6.2017]"
Nóta "Ce travail peut prendre diverses formes: travail de rue, permanences dans les lieux d'accueil sur les lieux de vie, travail en milieu carcéral, accompagnement dans les démarches administratives etc...Voir également: travail de rue [ IATE:3573281 ]"