
Téarmaí cosúla:

Bailiúchán de théarmaí ilghnéitheacha, ó Ionstraimí Reachtúla, ag eascairt as tionscadal LEX. Breis eolais »

2 thoradh

    • Gnó › Fostaíocht Business › Employment


    Má ghlacann fostóir urlámhas ar bhunachas (go díreach nó go hindíreach) i gcomharbas ar dhuine eile, nó i bpáirt le duine eile, measfar, chun críocha an Ordaithe seo, duine a bhí fostaithe sa bhunachas nó ón mbunachas tráth ar bith san aonú bonntréimhse déag a bheith fostaithe amhlaidh ag an bhfostóir a bheidh ag seoladh an bhunachais an lá a thiocfaidh an tOrdú seo i ngníomh, agus déanfar aon tagairt san Ordú seo do dhaoine a bheidh fostaithe ag fostóir i mbunachas nó ó bhunachas san aonú bonn tréimhse déag a fhorléiriú dá réir.

    Where an establishment is taken over (whether directly or indirectly) by an employer in succession to, or jointly with, another person, a person employed at any time in the eleventh base period at or from the establishment shall, for the purposes of this Order, be deemed to have been so employed by the employer carrying on the establishment on the day on which this Order comes into operation, and any reference in this Order to persons employed by an employer at or from an establishment in the eleventh base period shall be construed accordingly.

    • Gnó › Fostaíocht Business › Employment


    ...gur shealbhaigh an t-iarratasóir ceadúnas chun feithiclí d' Aicme D a thiomáint ar an 30ú lá de Mheitheamh, 1981, agus go mbeidh i dteannta an iarratais ráiteas ó fhostóir an iarratasóra nó, i gcás go raibh sé féinfhostaithe, ón iarratasóir, á dhearbhú go mba fostaíocht nó slí bheatha a cheanglódh air feithiclí altacha a thiomáint, fostaíocht nó slí bheatha an iarratasóra agus gur thiomáin sé feithiclí den aicme sin san fhostaíocht nó sa tslí bheatha sin.

    ...the applicant held a licence to drive vehicles of Class D on the 30th day of June, 1981, and the application is accompanied by a statement by the applicant's employer or, where he was self-employed, by the applicant, that on the 30th day of June, 1981, the applicant's employment or occupation was such as to require him to drive articulated vehicles and that he drove vehicles of that class in such employment or occupation.

    Rinneadh foráil leis na Rialacháin um Ranníocaí Sláinte, 1979 maidir le, inter alia, ranníocaí sláinte a mheasúnú, a chinneadh, a íoc, a bhailiú etc. a bheadh dlite ag pearsa aonair ar feirmeoirí iad, atá féin-fhostaithe, ar daoine iad le hioncam infheistíochta, etc.

    The Health Contributions Regulations, 1979, provided, inter alia, for the estimation, determination, payment, collection, etc. of health contributions due in the case of individuals who are farmers, self-employed, persons with investment income, etc.