
Téarmaí cosúla:

Cóip statach de shonraí a easpórtáiltear ó IATE ó am go chéile atá sa chnuasach seo. Níor cheart glacadh leis gurb ionann i gcónaí an t-eolas a thugtar faoi iontráil anseo agus a bhfuil sa leagan reatha den iontráil ar IATE. Is féidir an leagan reatha sin a cheadú ach cliceáil ar an nasc atá ar thaobh na láimhe deise ag barr gach iontrála. Breis eolais »

10 dtoradh

  1. EUROPEAN UNION|European construction · FINANCE|monetary relations
    aontas eacnamaíoch agus airgeadaíochta Tagairt "Leagan comhdhlúite CAE, Airteagal 3(4) CAE"
    Comhthéacs """Bunóidh an tAontas aontas eacnamaíoch agus airgeadaíochta a bhfuil an euro mar airgeadra aige.""" Tagairt "Leagan comhdhlúite CAE, Airteagal 3(4) CAE"
    AEA Tagairt CONF-UP 1800/91, lch. 19 Ionstraim Eorpach Aonair, Brollach
    Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion | Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion | wirtschaftliche monetäre Säule | WWU | EWWU
    Sainmhíniú Prozess zur Harmonisierung der Wirtschafts- und Währungspolitik der EU-Mitgliedstaaten mit dem Ziel, den Euro als gemeinsame Währung einzuführen Tagairt "vgl. Glossar Scadplus"
    Nóta "XREF: Euro-Währungsgebiet IATE:894832 ; DIV: hm, 2.8.2007"
    economic and monetary union | European monetary union | single monetary policy | federal monetary authority | monetary policy framework | economic pillar of EMU | EMU
    Sainmhíniú process of harmonising the economic and monetary policies of the Member States of the European Union with a view to the introduction of a single currency, the euro Tagairt "Council-CENTERM, based onScadplus glossary, [26.3.2013]"
    Union économique et monétaire | UEM
    Sainmhíniú processus visant à harmoniser les politiques économiques et monétaires des États membres de l'Union dans le but d'instaurer une monnaie unique, l'euro Tagairt "Glossaire Scadplus,"
  2. ENVIRONMENT|environmental policy|climate change policy|emission trading|EU Emissions Trading Scheme
    leithdháileadh bliantúil astaíochtaí Tagairt "Togra le haghaidh RIALACHÁN Ó PHARLAIMINT NA hEORPA AGUS ÓN gCOMHAIRLE maidir le laghduithe bliantúla ceangailteacha ar astaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa ag na Ballstáit idir 2021 agus 2030 ar mhaithe le hAontas Fuinnimh buanseasmhach agus chun gealltanais faoi Chomhaontú Pháras a chomhlíonadh"
    jährliche Emissionszuweisung | jährliche Emissionszuteilung
    Sainmhíniú maximal zulässige jährliche Treibhausgasemissionen in den Jahren 2013 bis 2020 für jeden EU-Mitgliedstaat gemäß Art.3 Abs.2 der Entscheidung 406/2009/EG Tagairt "Entscheidung 406/2009/EG Anstrengungen der Mitgliedstaaten zur Reduktion ihrer Treibhausgasemissionen mit Blick auf die Erfüllung der Verpflichtungen der Gemeinschaft zur Reduktion der Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2020, Art.2 Nr.2 (ABl. L_140/2009, S.136) CELEX:32009D0406/DE"
    annual emission allocation | AEA
    Sainmhíniú annual maximum allowed greenhouse gas emissions in the years 2013 to 2020 and for each year between 2021 and 2030 as specified in Article 3(2) of Decision 406/2009/EC Tagairt "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: 1) Decision No 406/2009/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the effort of Member States to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to meet the Community’s greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments up to 2020 "
    quota annuel d’émissions
    Sainmhíniú la quantité annuelle maximale autorisée d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre au cours des années 2013 à 2020, visée à l’article 3, paragraphe 2 Tagairt "Décision no 406/2009/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 23 avril 2009 relative à l’effort à fournir par les États membres pour réduire leurs émissions de gaz à effet de serre afin de respecter les engagements de la Communauté en matière de réduction de ces émissions jusqu’en 2020 ,Journal officiel n° L 140 du 5/6/2009, CELEX:32009D0406/FR"
  3. ENVIRONMENT|environmental policy|climate change policy|emission trading|EU Emissions Trading Scheme · ENVIRONMENT|environmental policy|climate change policy
    aonad leithdháileacháin bhliantúil astaíochtaí Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    AEA Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Einheit der zugewiesenen jährlichen Emissionsmenge | AEA
    Sainmhíniú die sich auf eine Tonne Kohlendioxidäquivalent belaufende Teilmenge der gemäß Artikel 3 Absatz 2 und Artikel 10 der Entscheidung Nr. 406/2009/EG einem Mitgliedstaat zugewiesenen jährlichen Emissionsmenge Tagairt "Verordnung (EU) Nr. 389/2013 der Kommission vom 2. Mai 2013 zur Festlegung eines Unionsregisters gemäß der Richtlinie 2003/87/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates und den Entscheidungen Nr. 280/2004/EG und Nr. 406/2009/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates sowie zur Aufhebung der Verordnungen (EU) Nr. 920/2010 und (EU) Nr. 1193/2011 der Kommission CELEX:32013R0389/DE"
    annual emission allocation unit | AEA
    Sainmhíniú "subdivision of a Member State's annual emission allocation [ 3506694 ] as determined pursuant to Article 3(2) and Article 10 of Decision No 406/2009/EC equal to one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent" Tagairt "Commission Regulation (EU) No 389/2013 of 2 May 2013 establishing a Union Registry pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, Decisions No 280/2004/EC and No 406/2009/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Commission Regulations (EU) No 920/2010 and No 1193/2011 (Text with EEA relevance) "
    Nóta Decision No 406/2009/EC Article 3(2) 2. Subject to paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of this Article and Article 5, each Member State with a negative limit under Annex II shall ensure, including by making use of the flexibilities provided for in this Decision, that its greenhouse gas emissions in 2013 do not exceed its average annual greenhouse gas emissions during 2008, 2009 and 2010, as reported and verified pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC and Decision No 280/2004/EC. Subject to paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of this Article and Article 5, each Member State with a positive limit under Annex II shall ensure, including by making use of the flexibilities provided for in this Decision, that its greenhouse gas emissions in 2013 do not exceed a level defined by a linear trajectory, starting in 2009, on its average annual greenhouse gas emissions during 2008, 2009 and 2010, as reported and verified pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC and Decision No 280/2004/EC, ending in 2020 on the limit for that Member State as specified in Annex II. Subject to paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of this Article and Article 5, each Member State shall annually limit its greenhouse gas emissions in a linear manner, including by making use of the flexibilities provided for in this Decision, in order to ensure that its emissions do not exceed its limit in 2020 as specified in Annex II. When the relevant reviewed and verified emission data are available, measures shall be adopted within six months to determine the annual emission allocations for the period from 2013 to 2020 in terms of tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Decision by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(2). Article 10 The maximum quantity of emissions for each Member State under Article 3 of this Decision shall be adjusted in accordance with the quantity of: (a) allowances for greenhouse gas emissions issued pursuant to Article 11 of Directive 2003/87/EC that results from a change in the coverage of sources under that Directive following the final approval by the Commission of the national allocation plans for the period from 2008 to 2012 pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC; (b) allowances or credits issued pursuant to Articles 24 and 24a of Directive 2003/87/EC in respect of emission reductions in a Member State covered by this Decision; (c) allowances for greenhouse gas em
    unité du quota annuel d'émissions | UQAE
    Sainmhíniú "subdivision du quota annuel d'émissions d'un État membre déterminé conformément à l'article 3, paragraphe 2, et à l'article 10 de la décision no 406/2009/CE ( CELEX:32009D0406/FR ), égale à une tonne équivalent dioxyde de carbone" Tagairt "Règlement (UE) n° 389/2013 établissant un registre de l'Union conformément à la directive 2003/87/CE et aux décisions n° 280/2004/CE et n° 406/2009/CE et abrogeant les règlements (UE) n° 920/2010 et (UE) n° 1193/2011, CELEX:32013R0389/FR"
    ionsaí leictreonach aerbheirthe Tagairt "Cinneadh (CBES) 2020/1746 lena leasaítear agus lena nuashonraítear Cinneadh (CBES) 2018/340 lena mbunaítear liosta na dtionscadal atá le forbairt faoi PESCO, CELEX:32020D1746/GA Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    AEA Tagairt "Cinneadh (CBES) 2020/1746 lena leasaítear agus lena nuashonraítear Cinneadh (CBES) 2018/340 lena mbunaítear liosta na dtionscadal atá le forbairt faoi PESCO, CELEX:32020D1746/GA Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Luftgestützter elektronischer Angriff | AEA
    Airborne Electronic Attack | AEA
    Sainmhíniú "PESCO project to design, develop and test a multi-jamming capability to be integrated inside the aircraft or in a pod configuration, providing Airborne Electronic Attack (AEA) missions with a platform that can be adapted to the latest electronic warfare requirements" Tagairt "Council-EN, based on: PESCO > Projects > Airborne Electronic Attack (AEA) (10.2.2020)"
    Nóta "1. This entry refers specifically to the PESCO project rather than to the general concept of airborne electronic attack.2. Airborne Electronic Attack is regarded as one of the means to counteract the Anti-Access/Area Denial systems which could cover large territories of the EU in the event of a conflict."
    attaque électronique aéroportée | AEA
    Sainmhíniú "projet visant à concevoir, développer et tester une plateforme pour des missions d'attaque électronique aéroportée (AEA) qui pourrait s'adapter aux impératifs les plus récents en matière de guerre électronique et être intégrée à l'aéronef ou placée sous celui-ci en configuration ""pod"" (""nacelle"")" Tagairt "Conseil-FR, d'après le site PESCO (10.2.2020)"
    Nóta "L'attaque électronique aéroportée est considérée comme l'un des moyens de contre-attaquer les systèmes de déni d'accès et d'interdiction de zone [IATE:3582779] qui, en cas de conflit, pourraient couvrir de larges pans du territoire de l'UE."
  5. ENVIRONMENT|environmental policy|climate change policy|emission trading|EU Emissions Trading Scheme
    ioncaim ó aistrithe AEA 'arna n-eisíoc' Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    ‘disbursed’ AEA transfer revenues
    Sainmhíniú transfer revenues which have been spent at the time of reporting Tagairt "COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) …/... on structure, format, submission processes and review of information reported by Member States pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 749/2014 (27.2.2020)"
  6. ENVIRONMENT|environmental policy|climate change policy|emission trading|EU Emissions Trading Scheme
    ioncam aistrithe AEA 'geallta' Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    ‘committed’ AEA transfer revenues
    Sainmhíniú transfer revenues which have been legally committed to be used for climate and energy purposes, but in some cases may not have yet been spent at the time of reporting Tagairt "COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) …/... on structure, format, submission processes and review of information reported by Member States pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 749/2014 (27.2.2020)"