
Cóip statach de shonraí a easpórtáiltear ó IATE ó am go chéile atá sa chnuasach seo. Níor cheart glacadh leis gurb ionann i gcónaí an t-eolas a thugtar faoi iontráil anseo agus a bhfuil sa leagan reatha den iontráil ar IATE. Is féidir an leagan reatha sin a cheadú ach cliceáil ar an nasc atá ar thaobh na láimhe deise ag barr gach iontrála. Breis eolais »

5 thoradh

  1. FINANCE|financial institutions and credit|banking
    Cur Chuige Caighdeánaithe Malartach Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comhthéacs 'Faoin gCur Chuige Caighdeánaithe Malartach, i gcás réimeanna gnó na baincéireachta miondíola agus na baincéireachta tráchtála, cuirfidh institiúidí an méid seo a leanas i bhfeidhm: (a) táscaire normalaithe ioncaim is ea an táscaire ábhartha atá cothrom le méid ainmniúil na n-iasachtaí agus na n-airleacan arna n-iolrú faoi 0.035;...' Tagairt "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 575/2013 maidir le ceanglais stuamachta i gcomhair institiúidí creidmheasa agus gnólachtaí infheistíochta, agus lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 648/2012, CELEX:02013R0575-20130628/GA"
    ASA Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    alternativer Standardansatz
    Sainmhíniú "eine der Methoden gemäß der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 648/2013 zur Berechnung der Eigenmittelunterlegung des operationellen Risikos IATE:2246000" Tagairt "Council-DE, vgl. Verordnung (EU) Nr. 648/2013 CELEX:32013R0575R(02)/DE"
    Nóta "XREF: Standardansatz (operationelles Risiko) IATE:3526738"
    Alternative Standardised Approach | ASA
    Approche standard de remplacement | ASA
  2. FINANCE|financial institutions and credit
    cur chuige breathnaithe siar stairiúil caighdeánaithe Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    standardisierter Ansatz des historischen Rückblicks | standardisierter vergangenheitsbezogener Ansatz
    Sainmhíniú standardisierter Ansatz zur Messung der zusätzlichen Abflüsse (z.B. Liquiditätsabfluss) bei Kreditinstituten und Wertpapierfirmen unter Berücksichtigung der bisherigen Entwicklung bestimmter Variablen, wonach Kreditinstitute und Wertpapierfirmen gehalten sind, den höchsten absoluten 30-Tage-Nettowert der Liquiditätszu- und -abflüsse für die Sicherheiten der vergangenen 24 Monate zu ermitteln Tagairt Council-DE, vgl. Council-EN
    historical look back standardised approach | historical lookback standardised approach | historical look-back standardised approach
    Sainmhíniú standardised approach to measuring the additional collateral outflows of credit institutions and investment firms, whereby such institutions and firms are required to identify the largest absolute net 30-day collateral flow realised during the preceding 24 months Tagairt "Council-EN, based on- Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012, recital 110 and Article 423, CELEX:32013R0575/EN - European Banking Authority, May 2013, Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on additional liquidity outflows (consultation paper EBA/CP/2013/19), [18.7.2013]"
    Nóta This approach is recommended in Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 for the development by the European Banking Authority (EBA) of draft regulatory technical standards to determine methods for the measurement of additional outflows. Under Article 423 of the Regulation, the EBA should submit those draft regulatory technical standards to the Commission by 31 March 2014.
    approche standard rétrospective fondée sur les données historiques
    Sainmhíniú méthode normalisée appliquée lors de la détermination de la période historique utilisée pour le calibrage des modèles de risque de marché des institutions financières Tagairt "Conseil-FR, basé sur:- le règlement (UE) n° 575/2013 du Parlement européen et du Conseil concernant les exigences prudentielles applicables aux établissements de crédit et aux entreprises d'investissement et modifiant le règlement (UE) n° 648/2012, considérant 110, JO L 176 du 27.6.2013, CELEX:32013R0575/FR - Comité de Bâle sur le contrôle bancaire [ IATE:766463 ], Regulatory consistency assessment programme (RCAP) – Analysis of risk-weighted assets for market risk, p. 8 et 28, [21.3.2013]Pour plus d'informations sur la méthode, voir aussi: (19.9.2013)"
  3. FINANCE|financial institutions and credit
    cur chuige caighdeánaithe Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Cur Chuige Caighdeánaithe maidir le riosca creidmheasa Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comhthéacs 'Mar shampla, ba cheart na coigeartuithe sonracha maidir le riosca creidmheasa lena laghdaítear luach na neamhchosanta faoin gCur Chuige Caighdeánaithe maidir le riosca creidmheasa a laghdú bunaithe ar fhachtóir a fhágfaidh méadú ar luach na neamhchosanta.' Tagairt "Rialachán (AE) 2017/2395 lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 575/2013 maidir leis na socruithe idirthréimhseacha leis an tionchar a bheidh ag tabhairt isteach IFRS 9 ar chistí dílse a mhaolú agus le haghaidh láimhseáil neamhchosaintí móra i gcás neamhchosaintí áirithe san earnáil phoiblí atá ainmnithe in airgeadra intíre Ballstáit ar bith, CELEX:32017R2395/GA"
    standardised approach to credit risk | standardized approach to credit risk | standardised approach | standardized approach | SA
    Sainmhíniú "one of three methods used to measure the credit risk [ IATE:824046 ] of financial institutions under Basel II capital adequacy rules, requiring banks to use ratings from external credit rating agencies to quantify required capital for credit risk" Tagairt "Council-EN, based on: - Wikipedia, ""Standardized approach (credit risk)"", [29.11.2016] - Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Consultative Document: Overview of The New Basel Capital Accord, April 2003, p. 3, [29.11.2016]"
    Nóta "The most basic approach to credit risk under Basel II. This approach is similar to Basel I requirements, with regulatory capital requirements calculated by multiplying the value of a bank's exposure by an appropriate risk weight. The risk weights under the revised standardised approach are calculated by using external credit ratings that map onto defined credit steps. Reference: Managed Initiatives Ltd. > glossary > Standardised Approach to Credit Risk (SA), [29.11.2016]"
    approche standard
  4. FINANCE|financial institutions and credit
    cur chuige caighdeánaithe Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    cur chuige caighdeánaithe maidir le riosca oibriúcháin Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    standardised approach to operational risk | standardised approach | standardised approach for operational risk
    Sainmhíniú "one of three methods used to measure the operational risk [ IATE:2246000 ] of financial institutions under Basel II capital adequacy rules, falling between the other two (the basic indicator approach and the advanced measurement approach) in terms of degree of complexity" Tagairt "Council-EN, based on:- Wikipedia, ""Standardized approach (operation risk)"", [14.5.2013]- Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Consultative Document: Overview of The New Basel Capital Accord, April 2003, p. 3, [14.5.2013]"
    Nóta "Under this approach, capital requirements are calculated by taking a three-year average of gross income for eight defined business lines. Each of these eight income measures are then multiplied by a given risk weight (between 12 and 18 per cent) and then summed together to arrive at an overall capital requirement.Ref.: Managed Initiatives > glossary > S, [20.3.2013]"
    approche standard | approche standardisée
    Sainmhíniú "méthode utilisée pour mesurer le risque opérationnel [ IATE:2246000 ] des établissements de créditDans l'approche standardisée, le produit brut sert à mesurer l'ampleur des activités d'une banque et donc la taille probable de son exposition correspondante au risque opérationnel. Toutefois, plutôt que de calculer l'exigence de fonds propres au niveau de l'établissement, comme dans l'approche indicateur de base, la banque doit le faire métier par métier" Tagairt "Comité de Bâle sur le contrôle bancaire, vue d'ensemble du Nouvel accord de Bâle sur les fonds propres, pt. 46, [ ] (15.10.2010)"
    Nóta "Cette approche ne doit pas être confondue avec l'approche standard relative au risque de crédit [ IATE:2234128 ]"
  5. FINANCE|financial institutions and credit|financial services
    Cur Chuige Caighdeánaithe Urrúsaithe Tagairt "Rialachán (AE) 2017/2401 lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 575/2013 maidir le ceanglais stuamachta i gcomhair institiúidí creidmheasa agus gnólachtaí infheistíochta, CELEX:32017R2401/GA ; Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    SEC-SA Tagairt "Rialachán (AE) 2017/2401 lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 575/2013 maidir le ceanglais stuamachta i gcomhair institiúidí creidmheasa agus gnólachtaí infheistíochta, CELEX:32017R2401/GA ; Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Standardansatz für Verbriefungen | SEC-SA
    Securitisation Standardised Approach | SEC-SA
    approche standardisée pour la titrisation | SEC-SA