EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU office or agency · TRADE|consumption|consumer
- an Coiste Comhairleach Tomhaltóirí Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
- ga
- beratender Verbraucherausschuss
- de
- Sainmhíniú Ausschuss aus Vertretern der europäischen Verbraucherorganisationen, der die Aufgabe hat, die Interessen der Verbraucher bei der Kommission zu vertreten Tagairt "73/306/EWG: Beschluss der Kommission vom 25. September 1973 über die Einsetzung eines beratenden Verbraucherausschusses CELEX:31973D0306/DE"
- Consumers' Consultative Committee | consumer consultative committee | CCC
- en
- Sainmhíniú committee composed of representatives of the European consumer organisations and of other individuals specially qualified in consumer affairs set up by Commission Decision 73/306/EEC of 25 September 1973 to represent consumer interests to the Commission and to advise the Commission on the formulation and implementation of policies and actions regarding consumer protection and information, either when requested to do so by the Commission or on its own initiative Tagairt "COM-EN, based on:Commission Decision 73/306/EEC of 25 September 1973 relating to the setting up of a Consumers’ Consultative Committee, CELEX:31973D0306/EN"
- Nóta "It was replaced by the Consumers’ Consultative Council [ IATE:117849 ] set up by Commission Decision 90/55/EEC of 17 December 1989 [ CELEX:31990D0055/EN ], which was in turn replaced by the Consumer Committee [ IATE:1180204 ] set up by Decision 95/260/EC of 13 June 1995 [ CELEX:31995D0260/EN ] and re-established by Commission Decision 2000/323/EC of 4 May 2000 [ CELEX:32000D0323/EN ], which was in turn replaced by the European Consumer Consultative Group [ IATE:2100691 ] set up by Commission Decision 2003/709/EC of 9 October 2003 [ CELEX:32003D0709/EN ] and re-established by Commission Decision 2009/705/EC of 14 September 2009 [ CELEX:32009D0705/EN ]."
- Comité consultatif des consommateurs | CCC | comité consultatif des consommateurs
- fr
- Nóta MISC: CE 12 auprès de la Commission des C.E.