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5 results

  1. LAW · TRADE|tariff policy
    dleacht frithdhumpála shealadach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Ní bheidh méid na dleachta frithdhumpála sealadaí níos mó ná an corrlach dumpála atá leagtha síos go sealadach, ach ba cheart í a bheith níos lú ná an corrlach dá mba leor dleacht níos lú den sórt sin chun deireadh a chur leis an díobháil don tionscal de chuid an Aontais.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 1036/2016 maidir le cosaint i gcoinne allmhairí dumpáilte ó thíortha nach baill den Aontas Eorpach iad, CELEX:32016R1036/GA"
    vorläufiger Antidumpingzoll
    provisional anti-dumping duty | provisional duty
    droit antidumping provisoire | droit anti-dumping provisoire
    Definition droits qui peuvent être institués si un examen préliminaire positif a établi l'existence d'un dumping et d'un préjudice et si l'intérêt de la Communauté nécessite une action immédiate en vue d'empêcher un tel préjudice. Le montant du droit ne doit pas excéder la marge de dumping (cf. 835752) et doit lui être inférieur si un droit moindre suffit à éliminer le préjudice. Reference "Scadplus, Mesures antidumping:"
    Comment """Ces droits sont institués par la Commission, après consultation du Comité, ou, en cas d'extrême urgence, après information des États membres. La Commission informe le Conseil et les États membres de ces mesures provisoires. Le Conseil peut prendre une mesure différente."" (Scadplus, Mesures antidumping:"
  2. TRADE|trade policy|common commercial policy · TRADE|tariff policy|common tariff policy
    beart sealadach beartais tráchtála i bhfoirm dleachta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'I gcás ina mbainfidh an fiach custaim, áfach, le beart sealadach beartais tráchtála i bhfoirm dleachta, iontrálfar méid na dleachta ar allmhairí nó ar onnmhairí is iníoctha sna cuntais laistigh de dhá mhí ón dáta a bhfoilseofar in Iris Oifigiúil an Aontais Eorpaigh an Rialachán lena mbunaítear an beart críochnaitheach beartais tráchtála.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 952/2013 lena leagtar síos Cód Custaim an Aontais, CELEX:32013R0952/GA"
    provisional commercial policy measure taking the form of a duty
    Definition a temporary non-tariff-measure established, as part of the common commercial policy, in the form of an import duty Reference "COM-FI, based on: Regulation (EC) No 450/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 laying down the Community Customs Code (Modernised Customs Code), Art. 4 (30), CELEX:32008R0450/EN"
  3. EUROPEAN UNION · TRADE|tariff policy · BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|competition|competition law
    dleacht frithchúitimh shealadach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'I gcás ina n-iarrann Ballstát ar an gCoimisiún idirghabháil a dhéanamh láithreach agus ina gcomhlíontar na coinníollacha atá sa chéad agus sa dara fomhír de mhír 1, cinnfidh an Coimisiún, laistigh de chúig lá oibre ar a mhéad ón dáta a fhaightear an iarraidh, an bhforchuirfear dleacht frithchúitimh shealadach.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) 2016/1037 maidir le cosaint i gcoinne allmhairí ar tugadh fóirdheontas ina leith, ar allmhairí iad ó thíortha nach baill den Aontas Eorpach iad, CELEX:32016R1037/GA"
    vorläufiger Ausgleichszoll
    provisional countervailing duty | provisional countervailing duties
    Definition duty imposed on imports benefiting from subsidies based on the provisional findings of an anti-subsidy investigation Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: European Commission: What are anti-subsidy investigations? [19.6.2017]"
    Comment "In EU anti-subsidy proceedings these duties usually remain in force for four months. Reference: European Commission: What are anti-subsidy investigations? [19.6.2017] See also: definitive countervailing duty [ IATE:3573204 ], countervailing duty [ IATE:761013 ]"
    droit compensateur provisoire
  4. EUROPEAN UNION|European Union law|EU act · TRADE|marketing|preparation for market · BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|competition|competition law
    rialachán sealadach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Verordnung über den vorläufigen Zoll
    provisional Regulation | provisional duty Regulation
    Definition Regulation imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on certain goods imported into the Community from third countries to counteract the possible negative effects such dumped goods would have on Community businesses Reference "COM-EN, based on: Regulation (EC) No 348/2000 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain seamless pipes and tubes of iron or non-alloy steel originating in Croatia and Ukraine and collecting definitively the provisional duty imposed. CELEX:32000R0348/EN"
    règlement provisoire
    Definition nom sous lequel est cité, dans le Règlement cité sous RF, le Règlement CE/1802/1999,JOCE L218/1999 Reference règlement CE/348/2000,JOCE L45/2000