

Every effort has been made to design and build this site so that it is to be accessible to all visitors regardless of ability. The site has been built to comply with the WCAG 2.0 AAA standard, an international accessibility standard issued by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). If you believe a portion of this website is not fully accessible, or that certain aspects of the user experience could be improved, we would appreciate it if you could share your opinion with us by sending an e-mail to

In order to benefit from the best possible user experience, it is recommended that you use a modern, recently-updated browser. Please see our browser compatibility table below. The Gaois website can be used without Javascript capability being enabled in the browser.

Browser compatibility

The Gaois website is known to be compatibile with the browsers and operating systems listed below.

Browser Version Vendor Operating System Released
Chrome 52 Google Linux/Mac OS/Windows 2016
Edge 80 Microsoft Linux/Mac OS/Windows 2020
Firefox 45 Mozilla Linux/Mac OS/Windows 2016
Opera 40 Opera Linux/Mac OS/Windows 2016
Safari 8 Apple Mac OS/Windows 2015
All major mobile browsers - - >= Apple iOS 7 2016
All major mobile browsers - - >= Google Android 7 ‘Nougat’ 2016