Placenames Workshop 2024
Gaois organised a workshop entitled 'Cad a dhéanfaidh muid feasta gan adhmad?' on 10 May 2024.
A report on the event is available here.
Placenames Workshop 2022
Gaois organised a workshop entitled 'Place names in bilingual areas' on 12-13 May 2022. A report on the workshop was published in this blogpost.
Jack Chambers T.D., Government Chief Whip and Minister of State for the Gaeltacht and Sport, launched a newly developed version of the website during the workshop on Thursday, 12 May. Further information is available in this press release.
Terminology Symposium 2022
Gaois organised a day symposium entitled ‘The Irish Language and Technology’ on 6 April 2022. This symposium brought together people who deal with terminology as a profession as well as those who use technical Irish terminology in specific professional fields. The talks can be accessed on the Gaois YouTube channel and there is a report on the event here.
European Association for Terminology Summit 2021
Gaois hosted the European Association for Terminology (EAFT) Summit on 25-26 November 2021 (postponed by one year due to COVID-19). ‘Terminology in Challenging Circumstances’ was the theme of the summit which was held online. Abstracts are available here for the talks and here for the poster sessions.
All talks can be viewed here and a report on the summit itself is available in this blogpost (in Irish).
Minor Placenames Workshop 2018
Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge, DCU, organised a workshop on the topic of minor placenames (placenames other than administrative placenames and population centres) on 17-18 May 2018 on the All Hallows Campus, DCU. Speakers ranged from researchers to collectors both in Ireland and abroad.
The workshop included a practical session on using Meitheal and a historical walking tour of the local area (Drumcondra), led by Séamas Ó Maitiú.
Public seminar on Irish in information technology 2017
A day packed with talks from Irish speakers who make innovative use of information technology in their work. Michal Boleslav Měchura’s book, An Ríomhaire Ilteangach, published by Cois Life, was launched at the event.
SNSBI Pre-conference Workshop 2016
The SNSBI pre-conference workshop ‘Tools for sharing minor placenames’ was hosted by Fiontar, DCU in collaboration with the Placenames Branch, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, on 14 April 2016. Further information about the conference is available on the SNSBI website here.
A new crowdsourcing tool, Meitheal, developed by Fiontar was launched during this workshop.
BISA (British and Irish Sound Archives) Conference 2014
BISA's 2014 conference, which was hosted by Fiontar, DCU in collaboration with the Placenames Branch, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, took place on 16-17 May 2014.
An enhanced Irish placenames database and a new Irish-language mapping service was launched during this conference.
Placenames Workshop 2012
Workshop Theme: Management and dissemination of toponymic data online.
This workshop, which was organised by Fiontar, Dublin City University, in collaboration with the Placenames Branch, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, took place on 24-25 August 2012.
TKE (Terminology and Knowledge Engineering) Conference 2010
The conference theme was ‘Presenting terminology and knowledge engineering resources online: models and challenges’.