
Téarmaí cosúla:

Cóip statach de shonraí a easpórtáiltear ó IATE ó am go chéile atá sa chnuasach seo. Níor cheart glacadh leis gurb ionann i gcónaí an t-eolas a thugtar faoi iontráil anseo agus a bhfuil sa leagan reatha den iontráil ar IATE. Is féidir an leagan reatha sin a cheadú ach cliceáil ar an nasc atá ar thaobh na láimhe deise ag barr gach iontrála. Breis eolais »

8 dtoradh

  1. LAW
    oidhre Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comhthéacs 'Mar sin, dá gceapfaí an t-oidhre mar riarthóir, ba cheart go mbeadh na cumhachtaí aige faoin dlí, amhail a bheadh ag oidhre, chun an t-eastát a riar.' Tagairt "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 650/2012 maidir le dlínse, an dlí is infheidhme, aithint agus forfheidhmiú cinntí agus glacadh le hionstraimí barántúla agus iad a fhorfheidhmiú in ábhair chomharbais agus maidir le Deimhniú Eorpach Comharbais a chruthú, CELEX:32012R0650/GA"
    Sainmhíniú "Person, die kraft Verfügung von Todes wegen IATE:890905 oder kraft Gesetzes die vermögensrechtliche Gesamtnachfolge des Erblassers IATE:2217762 zum Teil oder zur Gänze antritt" Tagairt Russwurm, Schöller, Österreichisches Rechtswörterbuch, Juridica Verlag 1997 vgl. auch Creifelds, Rechtswörterbuch, 16. Aufl., C.H. Beck Verlag
    Nóta "Siehe auch:- Nachlassbegünstigter IATE:873075 - gesetzlicher Erbe IATE:3537946 - Pflichtteilsberechtigter IATE:1131737 - Vermächtnisnehmer IATE:3538824 - Vermächtnisnehmer von beweglichen Sachen IATE:762913 - Vermächtnisnehmer von unbeweglichen Sachen IATE:3537987"
    heir | heiress
    Sainmhíniú (loosely), in common law jurisdictions, a person who inherits real or personal property, whether by will or by intestate succession;in civil law jurisdictions, a person who succeeds to the rights and occupies the place of, or is entitled to succeed to the estate of, a decedent, whether by an act of the decedent or by operation of a law Tagairt Black's Law Dictionary, 8th Edition, Bryan A. Garner, West Publishing, US, 2004
    Nóta "NB: In the law of England and Wales, prior to the Administration of Estates Act 1925, the term ""heir"" was equivalent to ""heir at law"" IATE:3537946 .Reference: Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law, Second Edition, Edited by John Burke, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1977.See also:- IATE:873075 for ""beneficiary"" (person who receives property from a deceased person's estate either by will or by the rules of intestacy)- IATE:3537946 for ""heir at law"" (person who is entitled by law to receive property from a deceased person's estate)- IATE:3537987 for ""devisee"" (recipient of a gift of real property by will)- IATE:762913 for ""legatee"" (recipient of a gift of personal property by will- IATE:3538824 for ""legatee"" (loosely used to mean ""legatee"" and ""devisee"")- IATE:1093845 for ""residuary beneficiary"" (person who takes the bulk of a deceased's assets after payment of debts and liabilities and deduction of bequests and legacies)"
    Sainmhíniú au sens large, toute personne qui dispose d'un droit dans une succession Tagairt "Dictionnaire de droit privé de S. Braudo, (7.1.2011)"
    Nóta "Voir aussi:- IATE:873075 ""bénéficiaire de la succession"";- IATE:3537946 ""héritier légal"" (ou ""ab intestat"");- IATE:1131737 ""héritier réservataire"";- IATE:3538824 ""légataire"";- IATE:762913 ""légataire de biens personnels"";- IATE:3537987 ""légataire de biens immobiliers""."
  2. LAW|civil law
    inniúlacht teacht in oidhreacht ar Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Sainmhíniú Fähigkeit, Erbe oder Nacherbe zu werden oder sonst Zuwendungen von Todes wegen zu erhalten Tagairt Deutsches Rechtslexikon, C.H. Beck Verlag 1992
    Nóta Erbfähig sind grundsätzlich natürliche und juristische Personen, die zum Zeitpunkt des Erbfalls schon oder noch leben bzw. existieren; geregelt durch § 1923 BGB (DE); § 538 ff. ABGB (AT)
    capacity to inherit | capacity to succeed
    Sainmhíniú ability to inherit, subject to certain conditions such as legal age Tagairt Council-EN
    Nóta "See also ""legal capacity"" IATE:839800 ."
    capacité d'hériter | capacité de succéder | capacité de recevoir en qualité d'héritier
    Sainmhíniú aptitude à recueillir une succession, subordonnée à certaines conditions Tagairt Conseil-FR
    Nóta "Le code civil FR énonce aux articles 725 à 729 les qualités requises pour succéder, parmi lesquelles le fait d'exister au moment de l'ouverture de la succession (autrement dit, au jour du décès), ou du moins d'avoir été déjà conçu à cette date et de naître viable, ou encore le fait de ne pas être frappé d'une cause d'indignité (sauf si les conditions énoncées à l'article 728 sont réunies) [voir le site Legifrance,;jsessionid=779FFC56C51841D5075264B5F88BC3DA.tpdjo04v_1?idSectionTA=LEGISCTA000006165513&cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006070721&dateTexte=20110624 (24.6.2011)]."
  3. LAW|civil law|ownership|law of succession · LAW|civil law|ownership|transfer of property|inheritance
    deimhniú Eorpach comharbais Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Europäisches Nachlasszeugnis | Europäischer Erbschein
    Sainmhíniú eine von dem zuständigen Gericht nach der VO (EU) 650/2012 erteilte Bescheinigung, die als Nachweis der Stellung als Erbe oder Vermächtnisnehmer und der Befugnisse als Testamentsvollstrecker oder Fremdverwalter gilt Tagairt "vgl. VO (EU) 650/2012 über Zuständigkeit, anzuwendendea Recht, Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von Entscheidungen und die Annahme und Vollstreckung öffentlicher Urkunden in Erbsachen sowie zur Einführung eines Europäischen Nachlasszeugnisses, Kap.VI, Art.63 Abs.1; ABl. L_201/2012, S.107 CELEX:32012R0650/DE"
    Nóta "Wirkungen des Zeugnisses: siehe Art.69 XREF: Erbschein IATE:885823"
    European Certificate of Succession | European certificate of inheritance | ECS
    Sainmhíniú uniform certificate issued pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 for use by heirs, legatees and executors of wills or administrators of estates who, in another Member State, need to invoke their status or to exercise their rights as heirs or legatees or their powers as executors or administrators Tagairt "Council-EN, based on Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 on on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession, Article 63 CELEX:32012R0650/EN"
    Nóta For the effects which the certificate produces, see Article 69 of the Regulation.
    certificat successoral européen | certificat d'hérédité européen | certificat européen d'héritier
    Sainmhíniú certificat uniforme délivré par la juridiction compétente permettant aux héritiers, légataires, exécuteurs testamentaires ou administrateurs de la succession de prouver facilement leur statut et/ou leurs droits et pouvoirs dans un autre État membre Tagairt "Règlement (UE) n° 650/2012 relatif à la compétence, la loi applicable, la reconnaissance et l'exécution des décisions, et l'acceptation et l'exécution des actes authentiques en matière de successions et à la création d'un certificat successoral européen, CELEX:32012R0650/FR"
  4. LAW
    oidhre i gcás díthiomnachta Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    oidhre ab intestato Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    heir ab intestato | heir on intestacy | ab intestate heir | intestate heir
    Sainmhíniú a person who inherits from someone who died without leaving a valid will Tagairt "Council-EN, based on HM Revenue & Customs TSEM Glossary [02.12.2011]"
    héritier ab intestat
    Sainmhíniú héritier de biens qui n'ont pas fait l'objet d'un testament ou en l'absence de testament Tagairt D'après Dictionnaire de l'Académie française, COM-FR
  5. LAW
    oidhre tiomnach Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    eingesetzter Erbe | Testamentserbe
    Sainmhíniú "durch eine Verfügung von Todes wegen IATE:890905 (Testament IATE:1130370 oder Erbvertrag IATE:890919 ) eingesetzter Erbe" Tagairt "Übereinkommen über das auf die Rechtsnachfolge von Todes wegen anzuwendende Recht (1989), Art.16 [20.4.12]"
    testamentary heir | heir entitled under a will | heir under a disposition of property upon death
    Sainmhíniú someone named as heir in a will Tagairt Council-EN
    Nóta "- IATE:83114 ""heir"""
    héritier institué | héritiers institués institution | héritier testamentaire | institution d'héritier
    Sainmhíniú "légataire [IATE:3538824 ] que le testateur a désigné dans son testament comme son héritier" Tagairt Cornu G., Vocabulaire juridique, PUF, 2008
  6. LAW|civil law
    oidhre ginearálta Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comhthéacs 'Má éagann duine agus é i seilbh eastáit réadaigh, tabharfaidh an Ard-Chúirt, nuair a bheidh litreacha riaracháin á ndeonú aici, aird ar chearta agus leasa daoine a bhfuil leas acu ina eastát réadach, agus, mura duine dá neasghaolta a oidhre ginearálta, beidh an teideal céanna aige chun a ndeonaithe dó a bheidh ag na neasghaolta, agus féadfar socrú a dhéanamh le rialacha cúirte chun an nós imeachta agus an cleachtas a bhaineann le deonú litreacha riaracháin a chur in oiriúint do chás eastáit réadaigh.' Tagairt "An tAcht um Riaradh Eastát, 1959, [1.4.2016]"
    gesetzlicher Erbe
    Sainmhíniú "nach der gesetzlichen Erbfolge IATE:1253166 erbberechtigte Person" Tagairt Council-DE
    heir at law | legal heir | legitimate heir | lawful heir | heir by operation of law | heir general
    Sainmhíniú person entitled by law to receive property from the estate of a deceased person Tagairt Council-EN
    Nóta "NB: The terms ""heir"", ""heir at law"" and ""heir general"" no longer apply in the law of England and Wales. However, the term ""heir"" is now used more loosely to mean any person who inherits (see ""heir"" IATE:83114 ).In the law of England and Wales, the person who inherits the residuary estate of an intestate is now known as the ""residuary beneficiary"".Reference: Council-EN, based on Intestates' Estates Act 1952 , 16.09.2011 and Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law, Second Edition, John Burke, Sweet & Maxwell, 1977.In civil law, the law decides who is an ""heir"" whether or not the deceased leaves a will. In England and Wales, the law only designates the residuary beneficiary when there is no will.See also:- ""forced heir"" IATE:1131737 ´- ""residuary beneficiary"" IATE:1093845<><><><><><><><><>"
    héritier légal | héritier | héritier légitime | héritier légitimaire | personne venant au degré successible
    Sainmhíniú personne appelée par la loi à la succession d'une personne décédée Tagairt Conseil-FR
    Nóta "Dans les pays de droit civil, c'est la loi qui détermine qui sont les héritiers, à la différence des systèmes de common law.Voir aussi:- IATE:83114 ""héritier"" (au sens large, toute personne qui possède un droit dans une succession);- IATE:1131737 ""héritier réservataire"";- IATE:1131732 ""héritier ab intestat"";- IATE:1131733 ""héritier institué""."
  7. LAW|civil law
    oidhre, réadtiomnaí nó leagáidí Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Erbe oder Vermächtnisnehmer
    Nóta "Formulierung aus dem Übereinkommen über das auf die Rechtsnachfolge von Todes wegen anzuwendende Recht (1989), [20.4.12]Siehe auch:- ""Nachlassbegünstigter"" IATE:873075 - ""Vermächtnisnehmer"" >/all"" id=""ENTRY_TO_ENTRY_CONVERTER"" target=""_blank"">IATE:3538824>;;; - ""Vermächtnisnehmer von beweglichen Sachen"" >/all"" id=""ENTRY_TO_ENTRY_CONVERTER"" target=""_blank"">IATE:762913>;;;- ""Vermächtnisnehmer von unbeweglichen Sachen"" >/all"" id=""ENTRY_TO_ENTRY_CONVERTER"" target=""_blank"">IATE:3537987>;;;- ""Erbe"" >/all"" id=""ENTRY_TO_ENTRY_CONVERTER"" target=""_blank"">IATE:83114>;;;- ""gesetzlicher Erbe"" >/all"" id=""ENTRY_TO_ENTRY_CONVERTER"" target=""_blank"">IATE:3537946>;;;- ""pflichtteilsberechtigter Erbe"" IATE:1131737<><><><>"
    heir, devisee or legatee
    Sainmhíniú - heir: someone who inherits under the laws of intestacy- devisee: someone who inherits real property by will- legatee: someone who inherits personal property by will Tagairt Council-EN
    Nóta "This is the phrase as it appears in the 1989 Hague Convention. NB: The English ""devisees and legatees"" is rendered by the single word ""légataires"" in French.See individual IATE entries for:For other types of beneficiary see:- IATE:873075 for ""beneficiary"" (of all kinds)- IATE:3537987 for ""devisee"" (strictly speaking, someone who receives a gift of real property by will) - IATE:762913 for ""legatee"" (strictly speaking, someone who receives a gift of personal property by will)- IATE:3538824 for the French ""légataire"" (covers both of the English concepts ""devisee"" and ""legatee"")- IATE:83114 for ""heir"" (loosely)- IATE:3537946 for ""heir at law""- IATE:1131737 for ""forced heir"" (someone who cannot be disinherited)"
    héritier ou légataire
    Nóta "Expression figurant dans la Convention de La Haye de 1989 sur la loi applicable aux successions à cause de mort. (16.9.2011)NB: Le terme FR ""légataire"" englobe à la fois l'EN ""legatee"" (légataire qui reçoit un bien meuble) et ""devisee"" (légataire qui reçoit un bien immobilier).Voir aussi:- ""bénéficiaire de la succession"" IATE:873075 - ""légataire"" IATE:3538824 -""légataire de biens personnels"" IATE:762913 - ""légataire de biens immobiliers"" IATE:3537987 - ""héritier"" IATE:83114 - ""héritier légal"" IATE:3537946 - ""héritier réservataire"" IATE:1131737 ."
  8. LAW|civil law
    oidhre dochealaithe Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    pflichtteilsberechtigter Erbe | Pflichtteilsberechtigter
    Sainmhíniú naher Verwandter des Erblassers, der aufgrund gesetzlicher Bestimmungen einen bestimmten Erbteil einfordern kann, wenn er durch letztwillige Verfügung nicht oder nicht in ausreichendem Umfang bedacht wurde Tagairt Russwurm, Schöller, Österreichisches Rechtswörterbuch, Juridica Verlag 1997 vgl. auch Creifelds, Rechtswörterbuch, C.H. Beck Verlag
    Nóta "i.d.R. Kinder, Eltern, EhegatteSiehe auch: - Pflichtteil IATE:797413 - Erbe IATE:83114 - gesetzlicher Erbe IATE:3537946<><><><><><><><><><>"
    heir who cannot be totally disinherited | person entitled to a reserved share | forced heir
    Sainmhíniú A person whom the testator or donor cannot disinherit because the law reserves part of the estate for that person. Tagairt Black's Law Dictionary, 8th Edition, Bryan A. Garner, West Publishing, US, 2004
    Nóta "See also ""forced heirship"" IATE:3537945 .There is no matrimonial property regime or forced heirship regime under English law which is intended to prevent (or limit) the transfer of property out of the family. The Inheritance (Provisions for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 provides for limited succession rights but this is largely based on fairness (at least in the case of a surviving spouse) and financial need. [EU study on conflicts of laws, succession, UK 04.03.2011]"
    héritier réservataire | héritiers réservataires
    Sainmhíniú héritier auquel une quotité de biens est réservée par la loi dans la succession du défunt Tagairt Cornu G., Vocabulaire juridique, PUF, 2008
    Nóta "En général, les enfants légitimes ou naturels, parfois les ascendants, le conjoint survivant. Ce principe n'existe pas en common law.Voir aussi:- IATE:1129524 ""réserve héréditaire"";- IATE:83114 ""héritier"";- IATE:3537946 ""héritier légal""."