
Téarmaí cosúla:

Cóip statach de shonraí a easpórtáiltear ó IATE ó am go chéile atá sa chnuasach seo. Níor cheart glacadh leis gurb ionann i gcónaí an t-eolas a thugtar faoi iontráil anseo agus a bhfuil sa leagan reatha den iontráil ar IATE. Is féidir an leagan reatha sin a cheadú ach cliceáil ar an nasc atá ar thaobh na láimhe deise ag barr gach iontrála. Breis eolais »

10 dtoradh

  1. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|pharmaceutical industry · SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences · AGRI-FOODSTUFFS|foodstuff · INDUSTRY|chemistry
    agar Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comhthéacs ‘D'úsáid siad miasa petri d'agar cothaitheach steirilithe chun na horgánaigh a fhás.’ Tagairt Kennedy, D. et al., Eolaíocht na Linne seo, Elliot, M. et al. a d'aistrigh, An Gúm, Baile Átha Cliath, 1992 (i Nua-Chorpas na hÉireann a aimsíodh)
    Sainmhíniú ábhar cosúil le glóthach a tháirgtear ó fheamainn Tagairt 'agar'. Hussey, M. Fréamh an Eolais. Coiscéim, Baile Átha Cliath, 2011.
    Agar-Agar | Agar | Agartang
    Sainmhíniú aus ostasiatischen Rotalgen gewonnene leicht quellbare Substanz, die ähnlich wie Gelatine zur Herstellung von Nährboeden für Mikroorganismen verwendet wird Tagairt Office International de la Vigne et du Vin
    agar | agar-agar
    Sainmhíniú gelatinous substance obtained from certain red seaweeds and used in biological culture media and as a thickener in foods Tagairt """agar"" noun > The Oxford Dictionary of English (revised edition). Ed. Catherine Soanes & Angus Stevenson. Oxford University Press (OUP), 2005. Oxford Reference Online. OUP. DGT. (26.8.2009)"
    agar-agar | gélose
    Sainmhíniú produit gélifiant obtenu à partir d'algues rouges appartenant aux familles des Gelidiacées (Gelidium et Pterocladia) et des Gracilariacées (Gracilaria) Tagairt "Wikipédia [8.9.2010]"
    Nóta L'agar-agar purifié, débarrassé de tous ses éléments minéraux s'appelle l'agarose, utilisable selon son niveau de pureté dans diverses applications de biologie moléculaire
    (C12H18O9)n | (C12H18O9)n
  2. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|pharmaceutical industry · SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences
    agar cothaitheach Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Sainmhíniú festes Naehrmedium zur Zuechtung von Mikroorganismen Tagairt Reallex Med
    nutrient agar
    Sainmhíniú "any culture medium that uses agar [ IATE:1617478 ] as the gelling agent" Tagairt "The Free Dictionary [26.8.2010]"
    Nóta "It is a microbiological growth medium commonly used for the routine cultivation of non-fastidious bacteria. It is useful because it remains solid even at relatively high temperatures. Also, bacteria grown in nutrient agar grows on the surface, and is clearly visible as small colonies. Nutrient agar typically contains (w/v):[1]* 0.5 % peptone* 0.3 % beef extract* 1.5 % agarand the pH is adjusted to neutral at 25 °C.Ref: Wikipedia [26.8.2010]"
    gélose nutritive | agar nutritif
  3. AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|agricultural activity|animal health
    agar CSY Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    CSY agar
  4. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences
    agar MacConkey Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    MacConkey agar
    Sainmhíniú selective and differential solid culture medium for isolating and differentiating Gram-negative enteric bacteria based on lactose fermentation Tagairt "COM-Terminology Coordination and COM-EN, based on: Microbugz (Austin Community College resource for microbiology). 'MacConkey Agar' (17.5.2019) &"
    Nóta Developed in the 20th century by Alfred Theodore MacConkey.
    gélose MacConkey
  5. AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|agricultural activity|animal health · PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH|research and intellectual property|research · SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences
    agar trí shiúcra agus iarainn Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    meán agair TSI Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    TSI agar medium | triple sugar iron medium, triple sugar iron agar medium
    Sainmhíniú cell culture growth medium comprising agar, a pH-sensitive dye (phenol red), 1% lactose, 1% sucrose, 0.1% glucose, sodium thiosulfate and ferrous sulfate or ferrous ammonium sulfate Tagairt "Wikipedia, 'TSI slant', [13.6.2012]"
    Nóta All of these ingredients are mixed together and allowed to solidify in a test tube at a slanted angle. The slanted shape of this medium provides an array of surfaces that are either exposed to oxygen-containing air in varying degrees (an aerobic environment) or not exposed to air (an anaerobic environment).Bacteria that ferment any of the three sugars in the medium will produce byproducts. These byproducts are usually acids, which will change the color of the red pH-sensitive dye (phenol red) to a yellow color. Position of the color change distinguishes the acid production associated with glucose fermentation from the acidic byproducts of lactose or sucrose fermentation.
    gélose aux trois sucres et au fer | milieu TSI
    Sainmhíniú milieu permettant la différenciation des entérobactéries par la mise en évidence rapide de la fermentation de trois sucres (lactose, glucose et saccharose) et de la production de sulfure d'hydrogène (H2S) Tagairt "COM-FR, d'après Analyse bactériologique des aliments en milieu rural au Laos, Mélanie César, et Gélose TSI, Biokar Diagnostics,$file/FT_BK059_v6.pdf [15.6.2012]"
  6. AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|agricultural activity|animal health · SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences
    triail idirleata imdhíonach le glóthach agair Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    tástáil Coggins Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    agar gel immunodiffusion test | agar gel immuno-diffusion test | AGID test | Coggins test | agar gel immune diffusion test | agar-gel immunodiffusion test
    Sainmhíniú " variant of the classical serological antibody-antigen reaction consisting of the diffusion of a viral antigen and antibody towards each other through agar [IATE:16174787] gel, which, when they combine, precipitate in the gel producing a visible line with balanced concentrations of antigens and antibody" Tagairt "COM-EN, based on: Veterinary Laboratory Manual (12.4.2019). Veterinary Laboratory Manual. NSW Department of Primary Industries. 9th edition 2006"
    épreuve d'immunodiffusion sur gélose | test AGID | épreuve d'immunodiffusion sur gel d'agar | épreuve d'immunodiffusion sur plaque de gélose | test d'immunodiffusion sur gel d'agar
  7. AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|agricultural activity|animal health · PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH|research and intellectual property|research · SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences
    trí shiúcra agus iarann Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    TSI Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    triple sugar iron | triple sugar iron agar | TSI | TSI agar
    Sainmhíniú descriptor for a cell culture growth medium comprising agar, a pH-sensitive dye (phenol red), 1% lactose, 1% sucrose, 0.1% glucose, sodium thiosulfate and ferrous sulfate or ferrous ammonium sulfate Tagairt "COM-EN, based on Wikipedia, 'TSI slant', [13.6.2012]"
    Nóta All of these ingredients are mixed together and allowed to solidify in a test tube at a slanted angle. The slanted shape of this medium provides an array of surfaces that are either exposed to oxygen-containing air in varying degrees (an aerobic environment) or not exposed to air (an anaerobic environment).Bacteria that ferment any of the three sugars in the medium will produce byproducts. These byproducts are usually acids, which will change the color of the red pH-sensitive dye (phenol red) to a yellow color. Position of the color change distinguishes the acid production associated with glucose fermentation from the acidic byproducts of lactose or sucrose fermentation.