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72 results

  1. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness
    ailse Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Krebs | Krebskrankheit
    Definition allgemeine Bezeichnung fuer eine boesartige Geschwulst;im engeren Sinne das Malignom epithelialer Herkunft Reference Reallex Med
    Definition condition where cells in a specific part of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably Reference "NHS > Health A-Z > Cancer (12.2.2024)"
    Comment The cancerous cells can invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue, including organs.
    cancer | tumeur maligne
    Definition prolifération indéfinie d'une lignée cellulaire dont l'évolution spontanée est la mort de l'individu porteur, habituellement liée à l'extension de la tumeur à tout l'organisme Reference AFECAP,Gloss.d'anatomie pathologique,1998
  2. AGRI-FOODSTUFFS|processed agricultural produce|milk product
    lobhadh craicinn cáise Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Krebs | Käsekrebs
    Definition gefürchtet bei den Käsern ist der sogenannte Käsekrebs. Kleinlebewesen bilden dann an bestimmten Stellen regelrechte Wucherungen, die immer tiefer in den Käse wachsen. Gefährdet sind immer solche Stellen, an denen die Rinde beschädigt ist. Neben mechanischen Zerstörungen können Schimmeleinwuchs und Aufweichung durch Tropfwasser die Ursachen sein. Ähnliche Stellen entstehen, wenn Käse sich bei der Lagerung berühren Reference Münster,Käse selbstgemacht,pala-verlag,Fulda,1986,S.127
    cancer | cheese rind rot | rind rot
  3. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness
    ailse bhonncheallach Reference "Faofa ag an gCoiste Téarmaíochta, Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    carcanóma bonncheallach Reference "Faofa ag an gCoiste Téarmaíochta, Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Basalzellenkarzinom | Epithelioma basocellulare | Basalzellkarzinom | Basalzellenkrebs | Basaliom | Basalzellengeschwulst
    Definition maligne entartetes, in seinem weiteren Verlauf autonom wachsendes und metastasierungsbereites Basaliom Reference Reallex Med
    basal cell carcinoma | BCC | basal cell epithelioma | basal cell cancer | rodent ulcer
    Definition "form of non-melanoma skin cancer 1 that starts in the basal cells21 non-melanoma skin cancer [ IATE:210222 ]2 basal cell [ IATE:1112477 ]" Reference "COM-EN, based on:UK National Health Service > NHS choices > Health A-Z > Skin cancer (non-melanoma), [13.10.2014]"
    carcinome basocellulaire | CBC | épithélioma basocellulaire | épithélioma cutané basocellulaire | basaliome | cancer basocellulaire
    Definition "cancer bénin de la peau se développant lentement, sous la forme d'une prolifération anormale des cellules basales de l'épiderme" Reference "COM-FR, d'après :- Site de Roche > Patients > Fiches information patients > Comprendre le cancer > L'essentiel sur le carcinome basocellulaire (8.5.2023)- Site de Skin Cancer Foundation > International Content > Le Carcinome Basocellulaire (8.5.2023)- Site de Daylong > Conseils > Le cancer de la peau > Le cancer de la peau non-mélanome (8.5.2023)"
    epithelioma basocellulare
  4. EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|deepening of the European Union|EU activity|EU action|EU initiative · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness|cancer
    Tionscnamh um cháilíocht saoil níos fearr d’othair ailse Reference "'An Coimisiún Eorpach,' [30.9.2021] ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Initiative „Besseres Leben für Krebskranke“
    Better Life for Cancer Patients Initiative
    Definition EU initiative to improve quality of life for cancer patients and survivors, including by supporting rehabilitation, social integration and re-integration in the workplace Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:- Communication - Europe's Beating Cancer Plan, COM(2021) 44 final- European Commission: Europe's Beating Cancer Plan: A new EU approach to prevention, treatment and care (4.2.2021). Press Release, 3 February 2021."
    initiative «Une vie meilleure pour les patients atteints d’un cancer»
  5. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness|cancer · EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|deepening of the European Union|EU activity
    Bord an Mhisin Ailse Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Board for the Mission on Cancer | Cancer Mission Board | Horizon Europe Cancer Mission Board
    Definition "in the framework of Cancer Mission, Board of European experts covering cancer research, innovation, policy, healthcare provision and practice who must define an ambitious and measurable goal with a substantial impact on and relevance for society and citizens of Europe as well as a coherent set of actions to achieve this goal in a set timeframe" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: European Commission > Publications > 'Report: Conquering cancer, mission possible' (2.2.2021)"
  6. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness
    ailse chnáimhe Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Definition alle bösartigen Erkrankungen die im knöchernen Gewebe (Skelettsystem) ihren Ursprung haben Reference "Österreichische Krebshilfe, (12.10.2012)"
    bone cancer
    Definition "cancer of the bone that includes primary bone cancer [ IATE:3546017 ] and secondary (metastatic) bone cancer" Reference "COM-EN, based on:Cancer Research UK > CancerHelp > Your cancer type > Bone cancer > About bone cancer > Types of bone cancer > The difference between primary and secondary bone cancer, [04.12.2012]"
    Comment "Primary bone cancers or bone sarcomas [ IATE:3546017 ] are cancers that originate in the bone; bony metastases are secondary cancers that have spread into the bone from another primary tumour/cancer."
    cancer des os
    Definition "terme générique recouvrant les sarcomes osseux [ IATE:3546017 ] (primitifs) et les cancers dits ""secondaires"" des os" Reference "COM-FR, d'après: Le cancer des os, [22.10.2012]"
  7. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science
    ailse cíche Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Brustkrebs | Mammakarzinom
    Definition bösartiger Tumor der Brustdrüse des Menschen Reference "Wikipedia, (29.6.2009)"
    breast cancer
    Definition cancer that forms in tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands that make milk) Reference "National Cancer Institute. Breast Cancer [16.6.2009]"
    Comment It occurs in both men and women, although male breast cancer is rare.
    cancer du sein
    Definition Le sein est une glande superficielle plaquée contre le thorax, entre la peau dessus et le muscle grand pectoral dessous. Il est plus développé chez la femme que chez l'homme. On le désigne également sous le nom de glande mammaire. (…) Le cancer du sein est une tumeur maligne qui se développe au niveau des cellules de la glande. Une cellule normale devient cancéreuse à la suite d'importantes modifications, progressives et irréversibles. Habituellement, ces modifications sont réparées par l'organisme. Cependant, lorsque la cellule devient cancéreuse, elle perd ses capacités de réparation. Elle se met alors à se multiplier et finit par former une masse qu'on appelle tumeur maligne. L'évolution d'une tumeur n'est pas contrôlée par l'organisme, elle se développe dans la glande de façon anarchique. Selon le type de cellules touchées, les tumeurs porteront des noms différents. (...) Reference " (5.01.2010)"
  8. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness
    ailse bhroinceach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    bronchial cancer
    Definition cancer which begins in the cells that line the surface of the lung Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:US National Health Institute. Unusual Cancers of Childhood (PDQ®), [20.2.2015]"
    Comment "See also:- lung cancer [ IATE:261435 ]"
    carcinome bronchique
    Definition tumeur maligne prenant son origine dans la muqueuse bronchique Reference Cloquet,Albert,Docteur en médecine,Centre de terminologie de Bruxelles,Bruxelles,1998
  9. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness|cancer
    cúram iarailse Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Definition Bestandteil der onkologischen Versorgung, die sich an die Therapie beziehungsweise die Rehabilitation anschließt und neben den Nachsorgeuntersuchungen beim Fach- und Hausarzt auch soziale Aspekte wie beispielsweise Selbsthilfegruppen umfasst Reference "COM-DE gestützt auf: Deutsche Krebshilfe: INFORMIEREN > ÜBER KREBS > ONKOLOGISCHE-NACHSORGE (19.4.2021)"
    cancer after-care
    Definition period when care is provided to patients who are in remission and have completed the planned disease-specific oncological care Reference "Cancer Control Joint Action (CanCon). 'Community-level cancer care, part I' (2.2.2021)"
    Comment They are monitored for recurrence and late effects of treatment but can be generally classified as cured. The modalities of organization of this care differ largely across countries and may be through arrangements in hospitals and their outpatient departments, through community care providers or in a combination of the two.
  10. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness|cancer · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|health policy|organisation of health care
    cúram ailse Reference "'Plean Sáraithe Ailse na hEorpa: Gníomhaíochtaí nua chun rochtain a mhéadú ar chosc, luathbhrath, cóireáil agus cúram na hailse', an Coimisiún Eorpach,, [30.5.2022]"
    Versorgung von Krebskranken | Krebsversorgung
    Definition Oberbegriff für die Gesundheitsversorgung im Zusammenhang mit Krebserkrankungen einschließlich Vorsorge, Früherkennung, Diagnose, Behandlung, Nachsorge und unter Umständen Palliativpflege Reference EP-DE in Anlehnung an das kommissionsinterne Dokument der GD SANTE, SANTE-2021-80108
    cancer care
    Definition any type of health care, medical and pharmaceutical services and treatements, and/or social and supportive services provided to a patient diagnosed with cancer Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: - NIH. 'Managing Cancer Care' (1.2.2021). National Cancer Institute.- NIH. 'Finding Health Care Services' (1.2.2021). National Cancer Institute."
    Comment It refers to activities closer to the patient, from cancer early detection, diagnosis, therapy and follow up, and in the worst case including palliative and end-of-life care.
    soins oncologiques
    Definition soins et services proposés aux patients atteints d'un cancer, qui comprennent la prévention, le dépistage, le diagnostic, le traitement et les soins palliatifs Reference "PE-FR, d'après le site de l’administration canadienne des services de santé et des services sociaux, Programme d’orientation pour les soins oncologiques (26.7.2023)"
  11. EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|information technology and data processing|data processing|database · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness|cancer
    Clárlann Éagothromaíochtaí Ailse Reference "'An Coimisiún Eorpach,' [30.9.2021] ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Register der Ungleichheiten bei der Krebsbekämpfung
    Definition Informationssystem, mit dessen Hilfe Unterschiede und Ungleichheiten zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten und Regionen bei der Krebsbekämpfung erfasst und aufgedeckt werden sollen Reference "COM-DE gestützt auf die MITTEILUNG DER KOMMISSION AN DAS EUROPÄISCHE PARLAMENT UND DEN RAT Europas Plan gegen den Krebs"
    Cancer Inequalities Registry
    Definition EU information system to collect cancer data in order to identify trends, disparities and inequalities between Member States and regions Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:Communication - Europe's Beating Cancer Plan, COM(2021) 44 final"
    registre des inégalités face au cancer
  12. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness|cancer
    fuarú ailse Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    fuarú Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Krebsremission | Tumorremission | Remission
    Definition Rückgang des Tumors Reference "Krebsklinik Graad-Müritz: Home > Patienten / Betroffene > Medizinisches Fachlexikon (19.4.2021)"
    cancer remission | remission
    Definition decrease or absence of cancer signs for at least one month Reference "WebMD. Remission: What Does It Mean? (1.2.2021)"
  13. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness
    céim ailse Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    cancer stage
    Definition measure of how much a cancer has grown and spread Reference "National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service. 'Survival by stage' (27.5.2020)"
    Comment "Cancer staging can be divided into a clinical stage and a pathologic stage. In the TNM (Tumor, Node, Metastasis) system, clinical stage and pathologic stage are denoted by a small ""c"" or ""p"" before the stage (e.g., cT3N1M0 or pT2N0). This staging system is used for most forms of cancer, except brain tumors and hematological malignancies. Clinical stage is based on all of the available information obtained before a surgery to remove the tumor. This stage may include information about the tumor obtained by physical examination, blood tests, radiologic examination, biopsy, and endoscopy. Pathologic stage adds additional information gained by examination of the tumor microscopically by a pathologist after it has been surgically removed. Because they use different criteria, clinical stage and pathologic stage often differ. Pathologic staging is usually considered to be more accurate because it allows direct examination of the tumor in its entirety, contrasted with clinical staging which is limited by the fact that the information is obtained by making indirect observations of a tumor which is still in the body. However, clinical staging and pathologic staging often complement each other. Not every tumor is treated surgically, so pathologic staging is not always available. Also, sometimes surgery is preceded by other treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy which shrink the tumor, so the pathologic stage may underestimate the true stage."
    stade du cancer
    Definition état d'avancement du cancer Reference "COM-FR d'après: Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec – Université Laval » Soins et services » Usagers » Oncologie thoracique » Qu’est-ce que le cancer du poumon? (15.7.2020)"
    Comment Une description par stade reposant sur l'étendue et le volume de la tumeur est parfois utilisée. Elle distingue quatre stades :le stade 1 qui correspond à une tumeur unique et de petite taille,le stade 2 qui correspond à un volume local plus important,le stade 3 qui correspond à un envahissement des ganglions lymphatiques ou des tissus avoisinants,le stade 4 qui correspond à une extension plus large dans l'organisme sous forme de métastases.
  14. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness|cancer · EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONS|labour market|labour market
    lucht saothair ailse Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    medizinische Fachkräfte für Krebs
    cancer workforce
    Definition "workforce working in cancer care" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: NHS > Our work > Cancer and diagnostics > 'Cancer workforce plan' (2.2.2021)"
  15. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness
    ailse phróstataigh fhrithsheasmhach in aghaidh an choillte Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    CRPC Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    kastrationsresistentes Prostatakarzinom | kastrationsresistenter Prostatakrebs | CRPC
    castration-resistant prostate cancer | castration resistant prostate cancer | CRPC | castrate-resistant prostate cancer | castrate resistant prostate cancer
    Definition "prostate cancer1 that continues to grow despite the suppression of male hormones that fuel the growth of prostate cancer cells 1prostate cancer [ IATE:1539093 ]" Reference "Advanced Prostate Cancer - Fact Sheet [26.2.2014]"
  16. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness
    ailse ceirbheacs Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    ailse i mbéal na broinne Reference "RTÉ > Nuacht > Físeán Deireanach >> Raidió na Gaeltachta > Bhí slua mór i dTrá Lí in agóid faoi scagthástálacha ailse, , [2.8.2018]"
    Kollumkarzinom | Gebärmutterhalskrebs | Zervixkarzinom
    Definition Plattenepithel oder Adeno-Ca, das exophytisch oder endophytisch von der Plattenepithel-Zylinderepithel-Grenze der Cervix uteri nach außen oder in den Halskanal hineinwächst Reference Reallex Med
    Comment "s.a. Univ.klinik Bonn, Patienteninfo. Zervixkarzinom (21.12.10)"
    cervical cancer | cancer of the cervix uteri
    Definition cancer that forms in the cervix, the lower, narrow end of the uterus Reference "CDC, Cervical Cancer [16.6.2009]"
    Comment "For more information, see also: American Cancer Society. What Is Cervical Cancer? [16.6.2009]"
    cancer du col de l'utérus | cancer du col utérin
    Definition cancer qui prend naissance dans les cellules qui tapissent la partie inférieure et étroite de l'utérus - le col de l'utérus Reference "PasseportSabté.Net. Cancer du col de l'utérus [18.1.2011]"
    Comment "Un cancer de l'utérus [ IATE:1716055 ] peut surgir à deux endroits bien distincts: sur le col [ IATE:1532179 ] ou dans le corps [ IATE:1686453 ]."
    cancer colli uteri | carcinoma cervicis uteri
  17. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science
    ailse chalaireicteach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    ailse putóige Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    colorektaler Krebs | Kolorektalkrebs | kolorektales Karzinom | Kolorektalkarzinom | Darmkrebs
    Definition zusammenfassende Bezeichnung für Krebserkrankungen des Dickdarms (Kolon) und/ oder des Mastdarms (Rektum) Reference Council-DE
    colorectal cancer | colon and rectal cancer , cancer of the colon or rectum | bowel cancer | cancer of the bowel , large bowel cancer
    Definition cancer that forms in the tissues of the colon or rectum Reference "National Cancer Institute > Colon and Rectal Cancer, [16.6.2009]"
    cancer colorectal | CCR
    Definition tumeur maligne du gros intestin(côlon) Reference Encyclopédie GlobalMedic,1998
  18. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness|cancer · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science|medical research · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health
    ionad cuimsitheach ailse Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    onkologisches Spitzenzentrum
    comprehensive cancer centre | CCC
    Definition medical institution integrating care, prevention, research and education on cancer, giving special importance to patient perspective and representation in decision-making Reference "COM-EN, based on:Berns, Anton et al. 'Towards a cancer mission in Horizon Europe: recommendations' (6.4.2021). Molecular oncology vol. 14,8 (2020): 1589-1615. doi:10.1002/1878-0261.12763"
    centre intégré de cancérologie